RPGM - Abandoned - Giantess of Abyss [v0.5] [MonGreen]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    this game has to be one of the worst designed games ive ever played. its idea of small dude and giantess's are great, however the execution is so poorly done, i cannot think of a singular reason in my experience into what makes this game enjoyable.

    basic quests are just ridiculously difficult for the sake of being so.. with navigation just being a chore, with NO guides offered online, and little to essentially no helpful advice or tips in game.. the gameplay is lacking and punishing to a point of it feeling like a chore, rather than a fun experience to escape hours into.. and instead youre just wondering round like a headless chicken rarely knowing what to do. and even then, the pay off isnt worth THE AMOUNT OF WORK IT TAKES TO DO A BASIC ASS QUEST/TASK.. this game was built with grinding your entire existence away.. with no actual consideration for the players time nor fun to be had on the game..

    its not even one of those games that are dark souls difficulty but rewarding when you pass, its just stupidily difficult due to the amount of tedious and dull leg work you have to do in order to get around what SHOULD BE a BASIC FKN QUEST. however, this has managed to make fetch quests even more boring and tedious, with no rewards worth the aggrivation and time it takes to finding how to accomplish even the most basics of tasks.

    the tags are misleading, no you dont get to fuck the giants, atleast i havent in my numourous attempts to play this damn game. but during my play through i felt as if i was forcing myself to get through it, in order to see a worth while pay off.. IT DOESNT HAVE ONE. tedious quests, horrible and i mean HORRIBLE grinding, to where it makes even your most notorious RPGM games look like a fun breeze in comparison. uninspiring story and plot point, lacklustre to barely any H scenes, besides vore, and entrapment.. just sucks. if i could give this minus stars i would.

    i have spent months on and off going back to this game to try figure out whether i can say anything good about it, and i mean if i try... i guess the idea of giantess and small dude is the only good thing, however the actual result of the work and idea makes me ponder that maybe they shouldve just not bothered to develop this. HORRIBLE game.

    if you want a game with lacklustre scenes, and unrewarding gameplay with a quest system that is designed to make you want to claw your eyes out, then play this.

    if you want a fun game, god even a challenging fun game, AVOID THIS. this is anything but fun, and it isnt even challenging, its just stupidly irritating to do even the most basic of task.

    dont even get me started on dungeons, NO BALANCE. win a fight, step half a metre in front, BOOM another battle.. step another one step, BOOM ANOTHER BATTLE. its horribly grindy. AVOID AVOID AVOID. -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 score. thats what it deserves
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not quite sure what exactly is up with these games that I've been being fed from friends that have odd scenes that are really well done, but here I am finding vore content that's actually appealing and done well when that's.. usually something I shy away from personally..

    As odd as it may sound, the scenes in the game are actually pretty good. The game doesn't really seem to feature true animation to it (In the sense that everything is moving or that there's cutscenes with full movement) but it does give you excellent visuals as to what's going on in the game. I can't really express exactly how well done some of the scenes are in the game without spoilers and I'd still likely not do them justice. Even if you're more neutral in disposition towards the content, this game may actually change your mind on it.

    However as much as I may feel that this game deserves a 5 star rating the scenes. The game has a LOT that is holding it back.

    Maybe it's my own stupidity, but I spent the first hour of playing the game unable to figure out how to talk to one of the giant girls for a quest.. You push space btw, Not e.. not z.. not even clicking works.. space bar. I went all over the place trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. But there in lies the first problem with the game, it explains nothing. At one point in the game you'll pick up a grappling hook.. just fucking out of nowhere.. Like it was just hastily tossed there, and obtaining it as unceremonious as picking up any other random item.. and it doesn't give you a tutorial or explanation..

    In fact most of the game in general seems to lack explanations on just about anything. Further there's a lot of stuff in the game that seems largely out of order.. And character discrepancies and story discrepancies.. Like your sister goes with you and fights alongside of you.. but then suddenly is also at home.. and apparently didn't go with you on your quest? Same thing happens with Roy later on..

    Just.. I'll put it like this though, for everything that the game does wrong, it has some interesting ideas, content and scenes to actually make up for it. The combat in the game is.. actually oddly not as bad as some other RPG games I've played, but I still feel like it could be better.

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    I'm gonna do something I probably shouldn't. I'm gonna drop a 5 star on the game even though as it currently stands with its many issues. I feel like it doesn't deserve a 2 star and many of the issues in the game are currently easily dealt with. I may amend my review later though. Idk. It's just that if you put aside that every so often you're just gonna bump into a problem that's not obvious in how to solve or get past unless you have a walkthrough holding your hand.. And even then still being lost

    Thing is, I would love to see this game grow.. I know a single review won't change a thing, but it's an interesting concept and many aspects to it are done surprisingly well.. It's just that then you sometimes have parts that make you feel stupid or break your mind with why it was done the way it was done...



    + Has a lot of room for growth and potential
    + Wide variety of scenes, including some extremely unique setups for sex
    + Feels like it has a bit of everything tossed in and it's not doing it in a half assed manner
    + Combat is oddly not boring? It's not really excitable either though. But there's room for growth on this too
    + Contains a fair number of scenes in the game on launch and it seems like the dev adds more each update
    + The translator for the english version of the game seems like an actually really nice guy
    + The world the game takes place in is actually rather well built... just empty
    + The game rewards you for patience, but there's some fast and easy scenes you can get into rather quickly too
    + I actually like the puzzles in the game

    - There's legit no explanation for a lot of things in the game.
    - Hitboxes on some things seem off and keys can change that are needed to interact with things sometimes - Just use spacebar
    - The world is well built, but in some places seems a little too big, likely for growth, but NPC's that say nothing makes places feel unfinished
    - Lots of places seem unfinished and oddly put together which is felt a lot more when you place these next to places in the game that are done well.
    - Obviously, game has content that not many people are likely to be interested in.

    All in all, I was pleasantly surprised with the game. I didn't expect it to be any good, but it shocked me. Then shocked me again when it did a genre I usually dislike and put spins on it that made it work (You'd have to play to understand what I mean)

    Note: Please take into consideration that the game as it currently stands gameplay wise is a mess. It's not that amazing to play through if you're looking to play through for a game or a story.. but it has good scenes and since that's the point of eroge, it does well on that... Just it fails a lot surrounding that

    Further, I acknowledge the game is probably about a 2-2.5 star game. My rating is biased in this review as I want to try and get this game some more attention. Avoiding a game shows a lack of attention to the genre of the game more so than to the game itself... Thus why there's so little good content of many of these obscure tags/elements
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards the latest version posted in this site, v0.5

    After playing this game for about two hours if not a little more, I have to say.. it's a game that has potential but it's not very well done at the moment

    Starting off by the story, as far as I've got in the game.. there wasn't really much story to be told.. the only little bits of story that I've found is that you're the decendant of the dragon bloodline and that there is a secret in your fireplace. That's the point where I stopped playing, because of the reasons I'm going to comment below

    The gameplay, while on the cities.. is not the worst, it's mostly standard RPG behaviour, but when you traverse through the areas with enemies, it's extremely annoying and bothersome.

    You can't make more than five steps in one area that an enemy is fighting you.. sometimes even less, the enemies respawn so damn quick that it makes it so annoying to explore and collect all the chests and materials for crafting that are scattered around. It wouldn't be that much of a problem if enemies were less frequent but as it is now, it is very very frustrating.

    And before I forget, getting the grappling hook was a pain in the ass as well. You just have to go through three different villages and explore the surroundings very well to find the hook hidden in a bush somewhere in the third village. What is the point of a side-quest that requires the item to finish it if you're going to give said item much later?

    Second bit, the sex. Although I do find interesting that the sex is technically a mini-game that you have to interact with in order to finish it, it needs some polishing. The scenes themselves are not all that bad, I don't really mind the micro-macro play but the scenes take WAY TOO LONG. There's five hearts in the bottom left corner of the screen, which is the character you're usually shoved in's pleasure bar. Technically, after the fifth bar (which is already quite a task in itself to do, since it takes a lot of time to actually make the character's cum) you should be over and would be able to continue with the story, right? But no, there's an invisible sixth pleasure bar that you need to deplete before you can actually end the scene.

    This makes it quite annoying to me and time consuming. If it was a more fun minigame and more varied, I wouldn't mind it as much perhaps.. but it's mostly the same moves over and over and over again

    The only passable mini-game scene is the blowjob scene that I managed to see because I decided to use the full-gallery save file given by the creator, which was rather hot. The rest are meh at best

    Another thing that I just wanted to talk about is the fact that the guide, which comes with the rar file you download, is.. mediocre at best

    It's not really helpful in any circumstance really, the only thing that is useful for is to tell where Wrath is, or to get the full-gallery unlocked if you happen to grow tired of the game and want to see what the sex scenes were. There is no real walkthrough per se in that file, it mostly says the codes for certain things and a couple walkthroughs for the puzzles but other than that, there's a lot of other stuff that it misses.

    And speaking of walkthroughs, the code that is given for the green chest that you find in the forest doesn't seem to work. I inputted it four times and I was writing it correctly but it never really unlocked the chest, so that's most likely a bug.

    I'm sure there is going to be people out there that could potentially take enjoyment from this game but I personally wouldn't recommend it. There's not many things that could make this game passable or even entertaining enough to continue playing it.