Identify Ginger girl from a game


New Member
Sep 23, 2019
Trying to find this game where all I can remember is this ginger girl (unfortunately I'm not 100% sure that she was ginger) that seems kinda nerdy, but her looks don't really express it. She might have been wearing glasses sometimes(?), not always, I'm not sure.

The game had pretty amazing 3d renders, like top-notch, and MIGHT've been in kinda early development.

THE THING I'M 100% SURE ABOUT IS this scene:

She for some reasons calls the MC to her house. Her house is surrounded by nature, and seems like a pretty luxurious (MAYBE triangle-shaped) house, with really big windows at the entrance. Can't remember the reason for going there, but I think the MC didn't know her for long, and while she seemed pretty shy at first, she was probably pretty flirty while the MC was there. Nothing happened, just some flirty jokes and stuff, and the scene ends with the MC leaving while she is in the doorway that is made almost entirely out of glass. Think it was a sliding-glass door in a glass wall.

Been searching for this game for almost a week now, seen a girl that reminded me of her and now I can't get it out of my head until I find it.

I know this is all very vague, but I'll take whatever help I can get. Thanks in advance guys!!!!!!!

(And I'm really not sure about this other thing, but she probably resembled to some degree the curly ginger girl from A Shot in the Dark)
(And she was probably more like a secondary girl)

Also resembling Daisy from MILFS of Sunville!!!!! (Could Daisy's model be in some other game?)
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