An interesting game and a hilariously piece of trolling to boot.
First a bit of Context: A number of years ago, the first version of 'Female Agent' was dropped online. The game was all about an intelligence agent going under-cover in a Bangkok titty bar but what made the game stand out was the insane scope of its design.
This was an HTML game where you started making decisions about your character years before the story began. You chose your race, your looks, your social class, your nationality, your school, your hobbies, your friendship group at college and so on and so forth. The mechanical depth was insane over-kill and it was implemented by a Dev who also prized verisimilitude in his setting details so if you chose to play a girl who went to a Swiss boarding school, the dude had pictures and details of a real-life swiss boarding school for those sections of the game.
Unfortunately, this desire for accuracy also extended to game systems and so the game underwent three or four radical system overhauls that that made the game progressively smaller with progressively less content.
To re-design a game once resulting in a substantial downgrade might be viewed as unfortunate. To re-design a game multiple times resulting in a series of substantial downgrades must be viewed as folly. So what started as a really promising project became an in-joke as these downgrades were all funded by patreon income that would easily rival most full-time jobs.
Finally, after literally years of pissing about with the game mechanics, the dev of Female Agent put out a couple of hours of new material, and then went silent for months.
Now... it seems pretty clear to me that while the dev in charge of female agent clearly enjoys researching places and fiddling about with game mechanics, they don't enjoy actually sitting down to write.
Enter Lobsterman9999 who, only a few months after the first full chapter of Female Agent dropped, grabs the code, fiddles with it a bit, and uses it to produce an entirely new game about an intelligence operative being forced to transition in order to go undercover.
The result? A fun and sexy spy game with fully-rounded characters, some genuinely sexy situations, and the beginnings of an interesting story. All produced to a very high standard from a complete standing start within a couple of months. The developer of Female Agent had literally YEARS to think about plot and they've yet to produce half of what Lobsterman9999 has made in a couple of months.
Moral of the story? The developer of Female Agent should put some of their Patreon fortune to good use and hire someone like Lobsterman to write their game. That way the dev of Female Agent gets to mess around with the code and we get the story. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.