Girlfriend Unfettered is a VN (currently kinetic) revolving around a couple and their dive into consensual sharing.
The story consists of the girlfriend walking around the couple's shared office looking sexy, the other employees noticing, and the MC noticing them lusting and getting into it. Once the girlfriend notices the MC enjoying the other employees checking her out, she starts to push the envelope, frequently checking with the MC to see if it's still okay. It's nothing incredible, but it's not offensively stupid either.
It's not bad so far, but there's not a whole lot of content yet. As of .02, the game might take you thirty minutes to get through at most. The female lead notably has a huge ass and the game tends to focus on it in photo framing and outfit selection.
Overall, while you might want to wait a patch or two, you'll enjoy the game if you enjoy the kinks. If you're into sharing, exhibitionism, big asses, and workplace tomfoolery, the game is worth a look.