RPGM - Completed - Girls Cairo Papyrus [Final] [Madsug]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Loli overdose.

    Remind family friendly sitcom.Slice of life with comedy and playfull loli.It set up mood very well.Beach episode and others similar - activites.Simple but very fun.
    Played once early steam version and infamous mini games was really ass-tearing-apart.In current version ( - it is not so hard or maybe because im already experinced with that or dev decreased difficulty on them.
    But it obviosly way easy passable.

    Game is short and gives you plenty enough to satisface while you finishing it.Here was great oportunity to overrun this again and again to romance and fuck 3 others girls - why devs dont used it - mystery.:rolleyes:
    Hathor:-No! Amun you stupid,dump,lolicon! You picked the lady because you like loli! *wheep*:cry:

    Some minor complains;
    -Cant have sex with Hathie and Nephie.Oh nyyooooooooooooo :eek:

    -Artist very good know with body anatomy still Cant draw pussy well.

    Loli behave not like loli at all.
    -It ain't no sex without creampie.:WaitWhat:

    -Text translated by Mr.Clown (Fbi jokes etc.)

    Not good balance difficulty on release and complainig chineese people :PogChamp: mad about pRice policy destroyed game's raiting in steam.Now it is like scarecrow put off gamers.Which is really sad,because game itself not bad right now.And i would reccomend it.If you like - romance slice of life vacation comedy on first place and only "loli things" on seconds.There is no grim dark lolirape style - just light humor.

    ~Still Reccomend.:coffee::whistle:
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Lady and the Papyrus is a rpgm with good art, fancy looking user interface, a shockingly slow intractability and dozens of forced minigames that will make you rage quit the game. The story is about a new butler trying to prove his worth in a mansion with three beautiful employees that have next to zero scenes and the young madam that is an annoying spoiled brat that you have to deal with and its the main focus for static scenes composed of a couple of jpegs. The game has a sandbox section in between "adventures' 'where you go with a very young lady. During these periods you play hide and seek with a spirit, get random bait for fishing and pointlessly roam the mansion. During the adventures the story progresses with the madam trying to do random dangerous stuff while teasing you, and you having to slave away for her in the form of different bad minigames. And that is the biggest problem. Since the bulk of the gameplay is the minigames about saving the rich spoiled brat, you will lose your mind once you get it that all of them end up immediately on game overs. You will see the game over screen a hundred times because those minigames are excruciatingly annoying, mostly composed to avoid this or that, and if you don't, you get a game over. Not only that, but the transitions are incredibly slow, the text is slow, the movement in the menu screen for some bizarre reason is slow as well. If your game will kill the player hundreds of times, at least make the loading fast. The entire game feels sluggish and the gameplay consists of minigames and boring collectibles does not help. The scenes are very nice but not fantastic considering how good the art is, the relationship development is also good even though it's only with one girl and nonexistent with the others, and thank god there is no censorship. But after many hours grinding my teeth searching around the mansion and losing the obnoxious minigames over and over, I don't think I could ever recommend Lady and the Papyrus, it has what I think one of the worst gameplay I have ever seen.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Unlikable characters that are cliche or abusive, bad translation that leaves some dialog and choices untranslated, gameplay is bland in the first half then decides to be insufferable imitation of a kaizo. If you have any sort of interest look up a gallery.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    your mother and me in bed

    Its a pretty great story, the replayability is there, however it involves grinding a fishing mini-game and finding some out of place objects. I certainly enjoyed it. It's also a full release so you won't have to wait for any updates. I am looking forward to seeing more content from the developers and artists.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Girls Cairo Papyrus is a fun little game about being a butler and serving your egyptian master. The gme is made in one of the RPGmaker engines and hase no turnbased combat.

    The gameplay:
    The gameplay mostly revolves around the player running around and triggering scenes, making choices and playing all kinds of minigames. The minigames are a nice change of pace but some of the late game ones can get a bit annoying.
    Some of the minigames include fishing, protecting your master from mobs on the field and managing the mood of the girls during a danceoff.

    The story:
    Your master is here on vacation and has no intent on making your life easy. As her butler you must indulge her every wish unless you want to lose your job and/or your life (a bit extreme if you ask me).
    The characters you meet are fun and look appealing. There are a few fun yet strange references (who references Tesco of all things?)

    The lewds:
    the lewds are great, I love the art, I love the artist (I have been following him for months now). the only downside is that most of the lewds are only of your master while the others barely get anything. The dialogue is fine too and doesnt drag on.

    The negatives:
    typo's, lots of typo's. The first 4 sentenses you see when you press new game have 3 typo's in them. Thankfully the rate of typo's drops to acceptable levels once you actually start and dont really get in the way of anything.

    There are also a few bugs that I have experienced like portraits not dissapearing after talking to characters but its rare, I encountered it only twice in 4 hours of playtime. there were also a few untranslated parts of text but those were only in a menu where you already know whats option does what. (this part could have been fixed in the newest patch of the game on discord)

    This is a wierd one. While the steam version did get a few patches it doesnt recieve them as often as the R18 patch on discord does. I know for a fact that (as of this writing) the latest R18 patch ending on .006 fixed a few bugs and fixed at least one untranslated piece of text but the patch has not been released on steam yet. the steam version is still on .005 or .003.

    I can wholeheartedly recommend this game to other people. It's a fun little game that will put a smile on your face and make your dick hard too.
    If you liked the game I strongly urge you to support the dev and buy te game on steam. It's normal price is 5 bucks and if its too much then please at least pick it up during a sale. I doubt the games english release did well considering the english side of the discord is a ghost town compared to the japanese en chinese side wich is really unfortunate.

    Ok enough shilling for one of my favorite artists.
    4/5 stars due to the aformentioned issues and not enough love for the side girls.