Girls, what genre and type of MC do you prefer?


New Member
Jun 18, 2024
Edit: The one response I got got removed . I guess you also get harassed when you leave a message on threads like that. I feel for you. Maybe PM me ("start a conversation" when you click on my name, I think haven't tried it and am new), hope that works. Not going to reply to you, really just meant to be you dumping some info on me

Today I learned that quite a few 14-18 girls get hit on by 30-40 year guys, felt a little disgusted by it, but also made me really realize that girls, especially regarding NSFW games, must have a much different taste than boys.

So incest games are still flooding anything porn related but do you enjoy these types of games? Most games are from the perspective of a young male MC, what type of MC would you like to play? Young female that whores herself out? Male, violent, dom MC that just takes what he wants? Granny that goes on hardcore swinger parties?
And another one, what body types do you prefer? Street interviews are like "I don't need a superman, average is perfect", but is that true for games or do you want to see hulk impaling you/others with a horse cock?
What about nicknames, I think a ton of us love to hear you call us daddy but what about you? Mommy? Princess? Cum bucket?

If you have to play a male MC, what would be something that makes the game more interesting for you?

This is the perfect place for brain dumping, so please shower me with your thoughts
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balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
Alright, I guess I'll take the bait.

In a vacuum I don't really care what gender the PC is - not because I'm stuck in a vacuum and have more important things to worry about, either. As long as the game is good and knows how to work its appeal the PC's gender doesn't prevent me from enjoying it; I've liked BL games, yuri games, otome games, obviously-written-for-boys waifu collectors &c. In practice the PC's gender usually determines how the entire game unfolds, though, and I've probably played more male MC games just because non-otome female MC games don't tend to be written from or for her perspective. There's a level of voyeuristic detachment that isn't usually present in a male MC game, one that expects you to either be steering her into situations where she gets raped/debased/whatever or waiting for such things to happen. In rapey material that actually caters to the character's perspective (otome games or otherwise) it focuses more on her feelings of helplessness, fear, disgust at herself and so on mixed with arousal. While I'm not outright opposed to either one, that's more of a side dish than a main course in my mind. There are all too many female PC games where that's the only thing it has going on.

Incest games are probably the toughest for girls to enjoy. They lean SO hard on boy sexuality, like desires to be coddlefucked by their moms or corrupt their unrealistically innocent and devoted sister, that I just feel like I'm peeking at something I'm not supposed to see. The ones I've liked either had other things going on (there are a couple of harem VNs where I found the little sister really cute) or put in effort beyond the 'this porn lady is your """landlord""", okay?' bare minimum somewhere.

Other than saying that I appreciate any game that gives you options and clearly thought out all the erotic implications for them, it's hard to say what type I like best. Way too often I'll be playing games and find myself wishing for routes that are so not what the game developer intended: wishing I could steer toward f/f or m/m pairings in strictly m/f games, liking some side character girl better than any of the boys in a BL game, wishing some monster in a rapey corruption game could be a love interest, really wanting to bully an annoying character that you're -supposed- to find adorable in one of those overly cutesy queer games - you know, real gremlin contrarian stuff. If I could turn that into advice, I appreciate games written by people who consider things from different angles or are able to make me consider something that I never found hot before. There's nothing I love more than hoping for a development like that and discovering that you -can- do it.

The most recent example I can think of was in this game:

When I found out that you could be with Chiro even though a cute romance seems entirely at odds with what it's going for - and it's a whole route - I got so excited. It fit better than you might think, too, having a port in the storm actually makes the struggle against the corruption more meaningful. A willingness to take a chance and color outside the lines has gotten me through some very otherwise-bad games and made good games into my favorites.

Body type is an odd conversation to have with straight guys just because most of them seem to go out of their way to be ignorant of what makes a guy hot. You don't have to read too far into it to see that they don't usually have a better answer than "muscles and a square jaw". Pretty boys/bishounen characters (or people, even, remember that weird period when every straight guy, old or young, -hated- Justin Bieber for no reason?) just seem to make them deeply uncomfortable and they act like you're speaking in tongues if you try to explain how chubby or frumpy guys can be hot if they're cute or intense or whatever.

I played this ( the other day and that's a great showcase of variety. The sloppy stoner guy is dangerously hot.

Churning that into advice, I'd just say to keep in mind that you don't need to make every guy in your game look like a football player with a 10 inch dick. Lots of men are way more appealing than they realize. And if you want to have ugly bastards in there, just go the full distance and make them actual monsters. More women are into that than you probably realize.

And that's my rambling quota for today. Hope it helps with whatever you're working on.


Jun 26, 2020
Funny question. I can pass some knowlege from my woman-like players on that.
It`s all start from gormonic differences. Women not only far more exposed to physical contact, but they cycle has major effect on thier reception of a partner. Some days they want a caring guardian, some days want a ephitome of male beast. Not a true agressive alpha, cause it`s more man-to-man thing and affect sexualty through safety from others, but not directly. Safe enough woman can ignore much of this behavior, she need sex, not all this socal bullshit. And the rest of days she follow her own kinks.
So answer for many of this questions - it`s depends. From time. From situation. ets.
Exept body. There is more clearly. Everybody ( among respondents, not worldwide ) looks at face and the ass. This must nice and better. Everyting else avarage. Not too big, not too small, not too young, not too old, not too muscular, not too fat. and so on.


Jul 7, 2017
I'll take the bait too, so in short, I can tolerate only step-cest. Otome games are my favorite, though I wish there are more femme fatale PCs, or MCs in general. I like boss/assistant roleplay, gentle femdom, also male domination(except sadistic/hard type). My crushes are Henry Cavill and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but I do think K-pop guys are cute.
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Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Sep 22, 2021
Edit: The one response I got got removed . I guess you also get harassed when you leave a message on threads like that. I feel for you. Maybe PM me ("start a conversation" when you click on my name, I think haven't tried it and am new), hope that works. Not going to reply to you, really just meant to be you dumping some info on me

Today I learned that quite a few 14-18 girls get hit on by 30-40 year guys, felt a little disgusted by it, but also made me really realize that girls, especially regarding NSFW games, must have a much different taste than boys.

So incest games are still flooding anything porn related but do you enjoy these types of games? Most games are from the perspective of a young male MC, what type of MC would you like to play? Young female that whores herself out? Male, violent, dom MC that just takes what he wants? Granny that goes on hardcore swinger parties?
And another one, what body types do you prefer? Street interviews are like "I don't need a superman, average is perfect", but is that true for games or do you want to see hulk impaling you/others with a horse cock?
What about nicknames, I think a ton of us love to hear you call us daddy but what about you? Mommy? Princess? Cum bucket?

If you have to play a male MC, what would be something that makes the game more interesting for you?

This is the perfect place for brain dumping, so please shower me with your thoughts
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