Others - Abandoned - Glamour [v0.57] [Dark Silver]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the 4th time i decided i would give this a go and this time, out of the past 3 attempts i found it is finally going in a good direction.
    100% i still prefer big brother, but this is starting to finally make shape.

    The Dev has a huge backing which comes to show of his history and not to mind the amount of big brother clones that are around.

    I have yet to try Kates Route properly, but maxs route is what i expected. Still seems like a bit needs to be added (but have enjoyed this game at least 3 times since starting it ;) )

    The last 3 times i tried i played it was a buggy mess with muddled up content.. now thre is a bit of proper pacing to fix it.

    +Lovely character models we remeber from big brother
    +Grind gets better once you setup all the cameras
    +much welcomed added characters/content
    +Helpful quest direction walthrough
    +skipping diagloue in options

    -More grinding
    -Much more diaglouge (a pro for some people im sure)
    -Still a few bugs, have to try alternative naviagtions to avoid
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Simon the Panda

    As someone who's been backing this game on Patreon for a while, I've seen it transform into something truly impressive. Initially, it didn't quite live up to the hype compared to its predecessor, but it's grown into its own over time.

    For fans of the developer's previous work, this game is a treat. It outshines its predecessor in terms of content, particularly in the realm of adult scenes and relationship dynamics. And while the plot continues to unfold, there's always something new to discover.

    One aspect that stands out is the inclusion of multiple protagonists. While characters like Kate bring depth and excitement to the story, there's one particular character – the annoying simp guy – who, frankly, grated on my nerves and nearly ruined the experience. However, I was relieved to discover that his presence is optional, allowing players to enjoy the game without his interference. I can see that it is abandoned but that is probably for the best!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game boasts impressive graphics and an engaging experience, but the excessive grinding and overwhelming text may deters me from fully immersing myself in its world. Overall, it's a promising game with room for improvement.

    Hope someone ports this to renpy and reduce the grind and text.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    In short this game made me disappointed.
    It had a very good premise, corruption of the female characters (big fan), nice renders and more in general art style, loved some of the interaction at the start it was a bit forced in slowing down a lot of relationships but I could close an eye for that.
    then it became tedious, more than once to progress i found myself grinding an event (alice show) that didn't always happen and i found myself skipping weeks to progress.
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    TLDR: the game is fine visually but that's all storywise it gets from average to terrible. there is a lot of content but very grindy in progressing, i've played it for 10+ hours and i just barely touched on the college life the bio talks about. a shame of wasted renders, i would have been fine with the grind if the story was rewarding but anyway, i blame alice for everything.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Another big brother game. Visiting Max's life and fooling around with Ann is always exciting. I hope for some quick updates and a much kinkier storyline although I love the game. I am really not interested in Kate's storyline
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the models and good content. Not realistic in the slightest but hey we dont play these games for that. Really love the Lisa model. Wish we could rename the main character though. Kinda want to knock them all up at some point in the story.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It would be a nice game with pretty women. But the absence of animation spoils the impression and desire to play the game longer than 5 minutes. The creators of the game should start working on a new version or a new game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game author is milking the content production with the overly shy nun RP. It really does feel way too stretched out. However, I like the renders, and I like the writing, which is pretty much all you need for a simple game.

    At the moment, a lot of features are pretty barebones, such as dates with classmate, or in-school classes or interactions with the faculty. I hope that there will be some work on that in the near future, but otherwise, it is a pretty good game.

    Also my review reflects the female MC part of the game, so perchance the male path is more developed, please disregard my comments.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    good game, but a bit grindy, the length is decent, but it abuses the mechanic of breaking a single event in 6/8/12 parts. So you have to repeat to see a bit more. At first rotation of characters is decent, but with time gets a bit boring. The school comes at a good time, but here the current game content ends. Overall it is worth playing, but grind fest could be less and certain missing the gallery/replay feature.
    Without 1000 mini scenes, but with a dozen of big scenes.

  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll try to be as objective as possible.
    Pros: regular updates, quality of renders and models of girls.

    Now the cons.
    The game is essentially a visual novel with pseudo-choices, so all the grind in the game exists for the sake of grinding and "stretching" the gameplay. Why pseudo? Very simply any, absolutely any "choice" comes down to "do you want to see this scene"? The player does not affect anything absolutely, there is a linear narrative, all the "parameters" of the character have absolutely no effect on anything. Yes, that's right, all this knowledge, attempts to answer in the lessons, the meaning of dances and other things at the moment do not matter, with equal success there can be either 0 or 10000.

    A lot of abandoned directions.

    The quality(plot wise) of the text has sunk to the bottom, if you read everything without skipping from the very beginning, then this is very noticeable.

    An attempt at a plot for a female character is a failure, so the author decided to make a standard whore.

    The male character is a miracle boy with a miracle cock, seeing which all the female characters in the game lose their will and want to fuck him.

    So yeah, who needs a plot at all, when you can give the protagonist a "magic wand" and presto, don't bother with the plot and logic at all.

    Conclusion, you can play if you don't care about the animation, the plot, you are not annoyed by inconsistencies and useless stats. IMHO: the game is now suitable purely for "Jerking off", you can skip all the dialogues and fap on renders.
    P.S. 7-8 years ago, one could have given a higher rating, but against the background of other games with high-quality graphics, the addition of animations, some even have a good and interesting the plot. In 2023 i give 2 stars, and only for models and regular updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game, it is one of the OG sandbox games that i loved to play. Didn't like his next project female protagonist but glad he went back to his old project, aka, big brother. Also, i wish there would be a bit more story since the sex scenes tend to wear off.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Some of the most beautiful models in 3DCG AVN history, coupled with some of the worst gameplay I can actually imagine.

    Why the free-roam system is even necessary when there's usually only one event track to complete before moving on to the next one is an absolute mystery. Each step of every quest is typically an extremely short scene only marginally different than the last one, and you can't skip through it because of the possibility of missing that something has changed - oh, and of course there's no rollback in case you do. Then you have to repeat the same song and dance to get back to the location at the right time for another 5 seconds of content.

    The only effective walkthrough for this game was deleted at some point in the merciful few months where I forgot about this game. The walkthrough on patreon only seems to cover one character's events, and the in-game quest hint system is obtuse to the extreme, conveniently overlooking an event's prerequisites and giving the same generic message, causing you to needlessly repeat content over and over waiting for the prereqs to be met so you can advance the plot.

    I saw another review mention animations. This game does not have a single one. There are not even multiple renders showing penetration - just one. The MC must be a Mormon given his predilection for soaking.

    I cannot believe this "game" has over 1000 patrons. It is one of this industry's great mysteries. They must be left over from the BB days, which was somehow a better gameplay experience than this hot pile.

    I'd love to have given this 2-3 stars if the scenes were better, but since it literally only has one thing going for it, 1 star it is.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    This game can be called like this :
    I have a pen, I have a apple
    Uh! Apple-Pen!
    Combine Big Brother into another game and make just a terrible game. CARL, why?
    If the plot develops slowly and interestingly in BB, there is simply no desire to even read the dialogues. In BB, I remember playing with interest, developing relationships with characters, it's so boring to do everything here. I do not know why games do this. Leave Big Brother and poor LISA alone! Yes, there is a game about Lisa, too, and she is also terrible. We demand to leave and send BB to Hawaii . No Plagiarism!)
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind. Grind grind grind. Grind Grind.... a little story... Grind Grind Grind Grind Grind Grind Grind Grind. Even less story and back to the grind. The Kate story had potential and never went anywhere. The Max story is about a NEET shut in, who is trying to bang all of his relatives. DS had an idea, but wasn't good enough to develop it, so he just moved to an annoying kid. Don't worry, you will have pleanty of chances to grind for very little pay off. He also gave the male protagonist a dick so big, he would have to use a cock ring and penis pump to get it semi hard enough to thumb in a softy, if the girl was completely broken in and well lubricated. So, there's that I guess. Why not make a male protagonist that matches the average of the player base? Completely worthless. Skip it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much grind and almost no renders in updates (update that dev says "contains so many renders, twice bigger than previous" in fact contains around 20 pictures). So its about 5 minutes of skipping time in game to get 20 images (but update takes more than month).
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game "lost it's time"
    I mean, Big Brother was very amazing. Fun, silly, criative.
    Glamour is about a very boring girl... that suddenly becames a slut, and all events resolving her aren't as much appealing as Max ones...
    Big Brother was going quite well, and could be completed with some amazing features... but instead, it became "this", and Big Brother is being remade inside, which is nice, but it's not supposed to be the focus of the game...
    Since Glamour is about that girl, who was supposed to be a mobel, but instead is just a slut in college with uninteresting colleagues...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome animations and addictive srory, character design and chaices are also pretty good, and well designed.
    Dating-sim look-alike style, has pretty hich potential to becomeone of the best games, i hope they doesn't abandon this one!
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The only reason this game exists is because the DEV ran out of ideas in his old game (Big Brother) and decided to start this catastrophe. When it became apparent that it is a piece of shit he decided to put his old game into this new game only to make it even shittier. Updates are now a joke.. no real new content but a bunch of repetitive and never ending cycles of bullshit. This DEV is one of those single idea in a life characters that can never be creative or get a task done.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    At first I enjoyed the game as it was being developed since it was a remake of the QSP version of Glamour, but as development continued it became more and more just Big Brother, with more and more focus on that aspect instead of Glamour. In Big Brother you play as a sex offender who through blackmail and manipulation film and try to get into the pants of his relatives. Max is really disgusting as a character, but the development has been more and more focused on him instead of the original main character that was Kate, an innocent and naive virgin who is corrupted into being more sexually adventurous. Max is just a creepy sex offender. It has been many months (maybe even a year) since we have had any new Kate content. Even if the focus had stayed on Kate, the writing is poor and she is a real idiot and became less and less interesting as new content was released.
    Would not recommend
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Good start but terrible and horrible way to develope a game the dev doesnt want to end it but just to make more money possibile out of it adding a 0.01 after more than a month,he is even not developing anymore the very good Kate story to concentrate on the part regarding the male character, do not support him he should learn to do close projects....