RPGM - Completed - Glory of Teana [v1.01] [Voynich Pudding]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its alright, i try to play games with the least amount of adult content as iI can and this game is meh without it, easy combat I just let auto combat do it, short game and alright scenes. a solid 4.5/10
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I had low expectations, but the game surprised me in a positive way. Let's start with the gallery, one of the best I've ever seen: well-arranged scenes, with hints that help you understand where and how to get the missing scenes, a preview image that lets you know at a glance which scene is being talked about, and there's also the option of watching it from the beginning to understand the context instead of jumping straight to the sex. On the gameplay side, I really appreciated the fact that hentai is not obtained by losing fights, which I hate and which is abused by 99% of games. The story is nothing groundbreaking, but it does the job for the context of the game. The game's assets are, in my opinion, very nice and the sound is also enjoyable. Teana is very sexy and the situations are varied, all in all it's a nice game whose only limitation is a not very inspired combat mechanic.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the first game dev made so i will not review too harshly , it was good at first , the art , writing and most of all detail in the UI and every quest has some sort of conversation that lead up to from the guild girl , very well build , But there 2 problem that reduce 2 star:
    1. all guild quest is just go there kill that , damn boring
    2. voice acting is really bad , FC sound like someone got punch in the stomach
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    While I don't think the game is anything special, I do think the devs have potential in the future to make something that is stronger and much better.

    The game is about 1 hour and 30 minutes if you only focus on the main quests (with a gallery unlock only being possible by following the devs' ci-en, making it more desirable to just beat the game for the true end and then doing all of the lewd things after to see different endings and such, if you're into that.), leveling isn't much of a hassle and goes by very quickly, the boss fights aren't very challenging but they're fun enough.

    Even though it feels like it should be, the levels aren't too grindy and you're more prepared than you expect yourself to be. The guild quest design is nice, but could have more to it. The same can be said for the battle design; after a certain point you just start spamming magic attacks in hopes it'll end soon.
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    The plot is fairly simple, as it is the studio's debut, but the art is very eye-catching and leaves a nice impression. There are multiple endings as well, which you're free to unlock after the end. I think the studio has a lot of potential if they choose to take things the right way in the future. As it is now, though, this is a short and sorta fun experience, but not anything that hasn't been seen before. The SFX and VFX for the scenes are nice, though, always appreciated when that's included. And outside of the main story events and wandering events, no two scenes are ever the same, too. If you're bored and just want to play through something, then I suggest doing this.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Duration: Short.
    Gameplay: Poor-Boring/Nonexistent
    Corruption: Exist
    Battlefuck|rape: Nay
    Art and sceened: Between good and okay.
    Story: Typical
    Voice acting: Arguable
    Worth playing?: Once

    Overall: This game is fine. Art is bit sloppy but still better then AI generated crap.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Everything in Bat89's review I agree with, so aside from that it should also be noted that the combat isn't interesting at all. After the first quest where you kill 3 mice, you get new equipment. From there I auto-battled every single battle except the final boss (Teana refused to heal herself).

    The auto-battle's actually pretty good. You'd expect it to be just auto-attacking, but you do spells and heal and use appropriate skills. So don't worry about the difficulty. Even on "Game" difficulty it's a piece of cake.

    Another nice thing is that you can get all 4 endings in one file, and you don't need to care about abstaining from fun. Just fuck everybody, see all the events. Because as Bat89 said, there's no story outside of sex-events. None, zero, nada.

    Some of the events are okay, I feel like most are pretty bad. Worst of all is listening to Teana's vomitous grunts of arousal. There's one scene where you've fallen in love with a guy, and there's romantic piano music and mood lighting, and the entire time Teana just sounds like she's got a stomach virus.

    The game even says it!

    And there is good writing here and there. But don't go into the Hypnosis scene expecting good writing. He literally just shouts 'hypnosis!' at you. It was so disappointing. I'm still upset about it.

    Fortunately, the game is easily forgettable because
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    An extremely average, low effort RPGM hentai game.

    The art is nice, what little of it there is. The scenes are decently written, what few there are. But beyond that, everything is extremely basic.

    The game is fairly short and mostly linear. The entirety of the game revolves around accepting quests at the Guild. Most of them are just you killing three of x enemy or collecting three of y item, then you report to the guild and get your reward. Even the main story requests aren't much different.

    There are very few maps, all of which are small, and don't have much in the way of exploration. The battle system is the standard RPG Maker fare with nothing really added to it. If you want to get through it fast, there's a cheat chest in the tavern that'll give you a ring that amps up your stats, and then in battle you can just select the 'auto' option.

    The hentai side of the game is your basic scene collector stuff. A few of the guild requests will lead to a sex scene (these requests are marked with a heart icon). Outside of those guild requests, there's a handful of scenes peppered around the town that unlock as you do main story quests. None of the sex events are forced on the player, as far as I could tell. You can easily do a virgin run, though I don't see why you would as there doesn't appear to be any reward or reason for doing so.

    None of the events are repeatable and only three males have event chains, each with only three events and then an ending. The rest are random "click on heart icon on map, Teana has sex" sort of thing. Still, as I said earlier, the art is nice and the writing for the scenes is also good, though nothing exceptional.

    There are a few gropers around the town but they don't lead to anything. Their content doesn't evolve with Teana's lewdness and nothing new ever happens with them.

    Teana, the protagonist, has various sexual stats but they don't really amount to anything. I think you need a certain amount of lewdness to unlock a few events but Teana's lewd stat goes up so fast that it's basically meaningless. The only interesting thing here is that Teana's sexual stats also include her inner thoughts on the most recent event.

    Not counting the endings, there's about 20 sex events overall. Combine that with only about 15 - 20 guild requests and you're looking at a pretty short game. You can probably zip through all the content in less than two hours.

    The translation is fine. Teana's name often reverts back to Japanese or into symbols during sex scenes, and there were one or two quests with bits of Japanese in their description, but beyond that the translation was good. It's perfectly playable and understandable, you'll never get lost and the dialogue never degraded into incoherent MTL ramblings.

    Overall, Glory of Teana is a painfully average hentai RPG Maker entry. Nothing really stands out about it but it also wasn't ever a chore to play. If you're really in need for a game and like the genre then it can be an okay-ish way to waste two hours.