Tool Daz Glutes Jiggle Script for G3F/G8F/G9


May 1, 2018
F95 Exclusive:

Warning: The examples are very explicit. I'm old and didn't think to give her a bikini or something ...
Also, I just realised this works for G3F as well, you just need the morphs (links updated in the post) so, there's that.

Edit (06/06/2023) : Updated for G9, read the last line in this post.

This is a script that lets you customize the glutes' movement of the Genesis 8 Female figure using morphs, so two morph packs are required. It's nothing fancy, but the results can be pretty nice, like below:
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For this animation, I just posed the figure on frame 0, and used the script, so only the glutes' morphs move, but the script lets you customize them, and just like the breasts jiggle script, it gives you a bunch of settings to play around with. And again, it will loop the animation for you no matter how long the animation is.

There are two required morph packs, Stereo Love by Meipe (included in the following bundle for both G8F and G3F):
( )
and Glute Control by Zev0 for G8F (included in the following bundle):
( )
and here for G3F:
( )

So with those two packs installed, you are ready to use this script, but first here is what it looks like:


For those of you who used the breasts jiggle script, it is very similar, just with more options, as it controls more elements, 8 morphs to be exact, compared to two bones for the breasts one. Also you'll notice that there is no Clean it button, because morphs are annoying like that, so just Exit and use the Undo button.
Anyway here is the breakdown of the options (most are self explanatory):

--Scene Length: This is where you enter the number of frames you want a full loop to be.
--Offset: It starts the jiggle at the specified frame, but it doesn't finish the loop, unless you play with other settings, so I set it at 0 by default.

--Amplitude: How far the glutes move, 1 is the default value, but you can set it to 0 to stop the movement in that direction, or at 2 to double it, or any decimal number, 0.5, 1.75, etc.
--Speed: How many jiggle cycles in the loop, 2 means they will move side to side twice, so it's basicaly another loop setting if you want fast movement, but less frames to render, or slower movement but more frames/subtle movements. Decimal numbers work, but they break the loop, so use integers, and increase the Scene Lenght if you are going for a slower movement.
--Move closer/Up-Down: A fine-tunning option, you can set this to offset the default positions of the glutes for the entire animation.
--Opposite: In what direction will the glutes jiggle. By default I set the side to side to opposite, and left the up-downs unticked.
--Reverse: It reverses the up-downs/spreading motion, basicaly switching the rotation if the glutes are set to move side to side (opposite ticked) and up-down (opposite unticked). For the spreading, it's a more subtle effect, but if done right can add that extra detail.

--Done: Applies the values to the morphs.
--Defaults: Applies the default settings back, only usefull if you re-enable saving the last values used. Find out how below if you want to.
--Exit: Closes the script.

So once again it's a simple script, but it can save some time, or have fun for short looping animations.

Now the script can remember the last values you entered instead of showing the default ones each time, but I disabled it because it saves the info in the registry on Windows, so I leave that choice to you. I suggest you reactivate it if you are like me and try to find that particular combination of settings by tweaking it, but don't want to enter everything everytime, but it's up to you. To do so, edit the script and remove the "//" from the lines 212 to 238 and line 264, or use the version with save on.

Some details on what controls what morph, the side to side controls the Glute Control Side2Side morph, the up-down 1 controls the Stereo Love Up_Down, the up-down 2 controls the Glute Control UpDown2 morph, and finaly the spread 1 and 2 control the Stereo Love Spread 1 and 2 morphs respectively.
Note that it is possible to change what morphs you want to use by editing the script, just look for where it says "enter the names of the morphs to use here" and use different ones.

Here are some other examples:
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That's about it, I hope someone will find this helpfull/fun to use, and let me know if you find an error.

Edit (09/07/2020): Fixed a small parsing error. File updated.
Edit (08/24/2021): Added text file to the archive.
Edit (06/06/2023): Added temporary morphs for G9 to make the script work untill the authors of the original ones update them. You just need the morphs in the attachments, the script remains unchanged.
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May 1, 2018
Fixed a small parsing error, my bad, I forgot to add a couple of "/" when I was making the comments (not used to making user-friendly stuff with comments). Also included a version of the script with the save option on, if you don't want to do the editing. File updated.
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Jun 18, 2019
how do i open your script because im not finding it in my daz library and ive been downloading content manually for a while


May 1, 2018
Oh, you can place it anywhere in your daz content library, for exemple in your Scripts folder, or any folder realy, as long as it is added as a library in daz (not in data or Runtime subfolders thou). And you can open it from the Content Library tab.
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Jun 18, 2019
okay thats what i did i placed it in the scripts folder so i could find it easier once i browse for about 20 mins i found it and said nope imma make this easier and then put it inot my scripts. do you by chance know how i can upload custom aniblocks to this website i made one using your suggestion of glute control and meipes and would like to share with the community.


May 1, 2018
Well, you can pack it in a Rar file and attach it to your post (there is an "Attach files" option when making a post), or if you plan on making more, you could start your own thread and attach them there as you make them, that way they will all be grouped and easier to find. Also, there could be another section dedicated for that; but I don't know for sure.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2020
IMO you should add a readme file to your .rar
You could just copy/paste the OP of this thread, or even just copy/paste the part where it shows required assets.
When someone has 100s of downloads for daz assets but they're not all simultaneously installed at all times, it can be hard to keep straight what is dependent on what. That's why official content usually has a readme.

Obviously this is a free tool from an amateur and I'm grateful, but since you've already written a great readme (in this thread) there's no good reason not to include what you've already written as a text file in the .rar
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May 1, 2018
You have a very good point, I will try to add a readme/tutorial to the file, thank you for pointing that out, I just didin't think about it :)

PS: It's done. Thank you again.
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Nov 12, 2019
i really wish there some easy way to add (like a script say) to add glute bones to a model and then spring dynamics would take care of the jiggling, the physics and the timing...would this be possible to do Madmanator99 ??

this is regardless a great first sincere thanks for this script...and thank you so much for your help!!


May 1, 2018
It would be insanely difficult, to automate everything and still give enought choices, in a script.

Maybe a plugin, but even then, it's limited.

PS: I never tried spring dynamics, I have no idea what it is, sorry.



Nov 12, 2019
It would be insanely difficult, to automate everything and still give enought choices, in a script.

Maybe a plugin, but even then, it's limited.

PS: I never tried spring dynamics, I have no idea what it is, sorry.

You should try it. But it only works on meshes that have bones attached to them. It's really good. Check it out


May 1, 2018
I tried it for about an hour now, and it is amazing, it works well with bones indeed, and has a great damping effect, that I toyed with, but did not include in the scripts, because I was focused on looping animations.

As for adding bones, well that's a bit different. The reason I used morphs is exaclty that, no glute bones. The breasts jiggle script uses bones, much Much easier. This script was more involved from my part, it's almost twice the size of the breasts one for that reason.

Maybe someone knows how to add glute bones and still make the figure G8F compatible. But I don't unfortunatly.


May 1, 2018
Added morphs to make the script work with G9 (total of 8, attached in the first post), untill the original authors update them. You just need the G9 morphs, the script remains unchanged.

You'll have to place them in your content folder.
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