Ren'Py - Go!Go!PizzaBoy! [v0.0.7] [PozzGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential its insane. So many great planned tags and the content that's already in Is amazing. Prety nice looking locations too. It has a lot of character and charm and is very unique definetly give it a go.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This will be a hard pass on this one, story is awfull and the constant 4th wall breaking makes it unplayable, why on earth dev made a dev character that talks to MC all the time i will never understand, its so bad that theres just no story just some random shit and dev talks.....i thought it was just for the intro but even when you get to freeroam it happens all the time.....

    Girls looks pretty bad as well, im not one with a big tit fetish and proberly all but one has big tits so thats a huge turn off, why devs dont make better diversity in builds i have no idea, i always found it a bit stupid not to aim for as many supporters as possible meaning something for everyones taste, not that it would save this one.

    Also its a kinetic/linear game, you dont have any choices and MC will just have sexual relationship with whoever, so yet another turn-off, im just not into forced sex scenes with characters i hate, yeah im weird that way? ffs...

    Dialogs are cringy as well which dosent help any.

    Animations are bland, short and boring.

    Sandbox is just a pointless click feast to get around, why devs make sandbox in a linear game with 0 freedom or choice makes no sense.

    Giving this 2 stars is proberly way to much.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating as of 0.0.6

    • I do like the art style and the h-scenes
    • Animations seem normal and fluid
    • Some of the characters are pretty funny

    • I still don't know what the premise of this game is
    • Day & night cycle needs a whole rework, it's terrible
    • Map is clunky, gifts are pretty useless as of 0.0.6

    There's a lot of potential here and I see the developer slowly adding new things to the game, but as of 0.0.6, nothing is fleshed out. I suggest waiting a few more updates to play this game, hopefully a lot will be fixed and better done.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Going to be honest about my experience with this one.

    First thing, the dialogue is cringey as hell. From the Dev being a character that interacts with the MC and the Yandere girl, to the fact that everyone speaks either in attempts at comedic zingers or is just really out there, I couldn't stand it long enough to get to the free roaming section.

    The one animation I did see was short, and was ruined by the lame dialogue.

    Also, any game where I have to name or rename every single character gets docked points. If you want to tell a story, just tell it please.

    I gave an extra star for the models. They looked nice.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    review for v0.0.3

    games pretty funny, girls look pretty good in a gonna ruin ur whole life type way.
    lewd scenes are decent so far.
    mc a bit meh so far, not bad enough to ruin the game but hoping he improves a bit.
    good luck to the dev.