RPGM - Completed - Goblin Conqueror [Final] [BanameiR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best preggo system I've ever seen in an H game, even more than VH's despite the fact you can only get pregnant twice in one playthrough. Not because you can pump out babies like there's no tomorrow, but because getting preggo leads into an entire bonus chapter, and even after giving birth it heavily influences dialogue to keep reminding her she's a mom now. Compared to pretty much every other H game where they'll just ignore the fact you gave birth and treat you the same as always. Essentially its more about enjoying her becoming a mother, so quality over quantity.

    10/10 Fun and unique main heroine and surprisingly the main antagonist too.
    People complain about the rock paper scissor gameplay but I prefer that than the same RPGM standard combat loop these h games have.
    (Just be sure to cheat for the items that turn off random encounters and the one that insta kills trash mobs to make it feel like less of a slog)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Quick summary:

    Average game with some good ideas (story/concepts), but limited in it's H-content and has terrible RPG mechanics. It's not very long, but it felt like a waste of time.

    Some venting:
    This game's combat system reminded me of a "recent" traumatic event in my life. Said event, was buying and playing Monster hunter stories 2. Looking at that game's combat system, and the steam reviews/"ratings", makes me think that more people need to look out, and care for for my wallet. Just me isn't enough sadly.

    How is this relevant? Because goblin conqueror has a "similar" rock paper scissors system, with some guessing being involved, so my opinion of this, went to that place you are thinking, in no time (I finished it, and gave it a fair shot, it's important you know that).

    Venting aside, this an average game, 5/10 at most, and here's why:


    - The story is a bit better than what you may be accustomed to in adult games. Loneliness, not belonging, difference, creating purpose, those sort of themes. "Why I'm not like the others"?, in a nutshell. The best part about it, is that any loose ends, or puzzle pieces are dealt with, in the dungeon before the last. This demonstrates that some thought was applied to conceiving this story. A major plus even in adult games, as far as I'm concerned.

    - H-scenes unlock automatically has you progress through the story - You don't have to lose to unlock anything, even all the endings become available after you have seen 1 (finished the main story). You can still lose to increase a "corruption" like score (submission), and get a funny ending first, but it's up to you. also all scenes feature "goblin(esque)" types of creatures but you saw that coming.


    - Either the main premise is idiotic, or I'm high maintenance - What you have here is a Lvl. 99 female protagonist, decked in enchanted armor, trinkets, that can kill a fully powered adult dragon on her own, but then loses to a goblin cause they are fast and dodge... It's on neutral rating, because the idea is so stupid, that it's actually amusing, and videogames can only take so much of a realistic approach, before "nothing makes sense anymore".

    - H- events during battle - This is just something that I like to see in these types of games, the execution here still leaves something to be desired (one one1 with all its issues, has the right idea in this department). Also I'm not "on board" with this art style, but that's subjective, you could appreciate it.

    - Pregnant/Pregnancy content and ideas - Not much of a fan, don't hate it either, there's a section of the game dedicated to this. What I found most interesting was the idea of a human mother, loving and defending a monster child. Nothing fancy, just some unusual notions, would be nice to go somewhere with that, and I'm not referring to incest, I mean incorporating the monster child in the story.

    (Very) Bad:

    - Barebones RPG mechanics - Barely any skills, no gear, no leveling up, almost no loot, no tactics of any kind, or combat modifiers in general, and the aforementioned rock paper scissors system. It's terrible, and it doesn't feel like it has to be this bad.

    - Enemy diversity, visual diversity, dungeon layouts, amount of unique h-scenes is very limited (they just changed some dialogue and call it scene 2), and more petty grievances that ruined my time with this game.

    Don't really understand why this has a good rating, won't argue either, this is average, plain and simple, and a handful of good ideas do not change the vast amounts of terrible and dreary present here. Can't recommend it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Lmao yolo
    Well, i end up with the jokes
    The game is so fucking gooood but i still want a dlc or something that tells what happen afte the ending of submision (the true one if you know what i mean)
    See preg sex with Trinity o the other hunter.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Guest star:Shrek!

    Wow! Low budget game has very strong plot and very charismatic girl with HUGE expressions (in any sense) make it almost hit!:oops:
    Im dazzled by fact how good it was despite by simplification gameplay and CG art.

    Another proof that if game has interesting plot and high quality written text in lines - it's 90% of success.
    With that - games mechanis just minor rudiments to call game an actual "RPG" and not a novell.
    Its feel well its played well its very enjoyable.In an good old anime style it remind "Slayers" - interractions between rival girls and her outfit look straight out from there.

    But main surprise awaits when heroine get pregnant.It get me really shocked how many efforts putted into it..
    And all that experience what you go through this after with a lot of details.Game gives you unic feels about it and even thoughts how much shit ordinary girls must endure.This is definatelly what you didnt expected get from another-evening-Hentai-game..:rolleyes:
    Very stunning.....

    Want to say more - little unic details in sex text make up the whole atmosphere right.Where girl change her mind in by: "-No friggin way PERV!!" to "-Okay..I'll be.. a Slut..This time.." This slow sweet changing forced by circumstances REALLY get hooking up.This gives away author who wrote this as a truly master.:love:
    BUT very sadly those moments not much in there.And "submission" parameter affects only for one special ending and minor cloud of thoughts with text on stat. screen.There is no hidden corruption by this parameter no additional lust expressions that change gameplay experince where she becoming addicting to "green".It is only two states - before/after.And sweet nothing in the middle..DISAPPOINTED!

    ~Still this is unexpected good and easy fly rocket to the five stars!;)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game for about 5 hours and needless to say, I really enjoyed it.

    First the story. Although it is not very interesting at the beginning, it gets a little interesting towards the end of the game. So I think it's a good enough story for a porn game. The second is combat. It has a very different combat compared to other RPGM games. It's simple, fun and not tiring. Normally, Kanami cannot fight very well against goblins because she is a dragon slayer. But at the end of the game, when she fights with a dragon, she defeats it very easily. The game has three different endings. Bad ending, good ending and neutral ending. As usual.

    Scenes. It's really hot and there's just enough of it. There are different scenes for each enemy, both during and after combat. Apart from that, there are two different versions of these scenes. But only the dialogue changes (except for boss battles and some situations). There is even an optional area where you can view pregnant scenes. Gallery works great, you can even fight enemies again.

    To summarize, it's a great game that doesn't involve much grinding that anyone can play.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    A star for the amazing story
    A star for the fun rock- scissors-paper combat style.
    A star for the nice art, although i enjoy corruption and ahegao expression more than the rest.
    A star for the H-elements (appear in the events, in combat, first defeat and second defeat of different character)
    This one missing star is because it's too short, too shallow. The potential is there to exploit but it end so quick. (about 4 hours)

    p/s: Heil, Adolf Einstein!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story and characters, first time i ever felt bad for a goblin
    combat is simple and interesting, not really much required, learn the Qs and the pattern for spider boss and you you sorta got it
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly... It's a pretty good game not amazing but better than a 5/10, the combat is repetitive and easy, there's only like 10 enemies and the maps/areas are bland, I know this is an adult game but its boring the art though is pretty good so props to that.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good but not enough, I thought there would be scenes with people. But the heroine is great and you can get through without rape with these freaks.
    Overall a great game but small. Thanks for sharing.;)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a solid 4 stars. Not a 3.5, not a 6, a flat 4.

    -The characters are likable. FMC is proud and arrogant, but not so much that she belittles those in the guild. Her rival is the same, but while she DOES belittle the FMC, it isnt to a ridiculous extent.
    -The game consists of a crapton of resistant sex. Game majorly consists of defeat CGs, but you automatically unlock them by defeating the enemy. It's genuinely excellent.
    -Battle strip combat. Hell yeah.
    -The story...is honestly pretty engaging. The main villain actually THINKS and has a genuine PLAN. It's flat out a plot that makes you go "oh damn. He has a point. His plan is valid. His plan is actually smart."
    -The CGs art hot and have different wording, depending on how many times you've lost to that specific mob
    -A full on pregnancy cycle if you get pregnant. I'm not really into preggo stuff, but hey: power to you.

    -0 "free time". You go to one zone, beat the boss, then go back to base. Go to next zone, beat the boss, return back to base.
    -Combat is glorified "rock paper scissors". At times, its frustrating,
    -Combat animations are a bit too long.
    -No clothing customization
    -The ending, as hot as it is... is ABYSMAL. It's like the writer created the current ending first, then accidentally made a good story, and then said "i want my original ending anyways" and shafted it in. I cant say what it is, but just know its a massive momentum killer.

    All in all, a pretty solid rpg that youll bust a few nuts to, chuckle a few times, raise a few eyebrows at, and then move on. Give it a shot.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Certainly one of the most enjoyable games here, it could get tedious at times, but I playedd the whole thing myself instead of getting a save. and I have never finished a RPGM game myself since I usually am not patient enough for their nonsense, this game on the other hand gave you the full gallery of an act after finishing it. and unlocked every ending for me after I finished the normal ending. the final battle was actually really well done and tide everything up nicely.

    The motives of the master mind behind it all was rather interesting so that's a plus. there are some missable humiliations dialogues if that is your thing. The correct move you must make is easy is derived from the her dialogue before their attack. there are some very important missable ability upgrades early on tho... so remember to open every box and search around.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    -Complete, solid, story
    -Sexy art and variety in scenes with various types of goblins
    -The MC and her rival are both great and have good chemistry
    -Your armor gets ripped in battle and you get fucked if you lose

  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Well i think this is a solid 4/5.

    Story its good, obviously if youre into goblin and monster shit.

    Art is ok, you can know what there is just by the preview at main page, since there's no animations.

    Gameplay is shit tho, so repetitive.
    Aaand check the pregnancy event
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    To me, this game is 4.6 stars of 5, being pretty good at the genre og "goblins"

    The art to me is pretty good, the tits are pretty big, even a little more than my tastes, but still right on the limit of acceptable, asses are on point tho, and the sex scenes are really good.

    the story its a really strong point for me tho, I like that the villain actually have accomplised his final objective, he hated his race and wanted to end it, and he did it (by the good ending), it was particulary great to me tbh, few game has good storys, or at least original, In the end the initial motive of the game comes to light and shows how the protagonist was so prepared to fight dragons that the end fight was easy, it would be kinda boring for some people, but it was established from the beginning that SHE SLAYED dragons.

    The gamplay is the lowest part of the game, its literally a paper/scissors/rock and it still fails when the character doesnt tell you what will the goblin do (but still it could be her arrogance that later make her [us] fail) , still kinda weird.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Not necessarily a fan of monster stuff, but the ass shape is great. Art style is good, and translation is ok. Game mechanics aren't grindy, but not a fan of random encounters when trying to speed through the game. All in all, would recommend.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I think you should consider playing it, tl;dr: it's in the upper echelon of 3/5 star games ("average") as most aspects of the game are average (that's not a bad thing). The dialogue excels, but the porn in the pregnancy department is severely lacking while the porn in the goblin department has the issue of not being entirely thematic. The gameplay is also a bit rough around the edges. I'm fine with rock-paper-scissors combat, but the way it goes about it is drawn-out and repetitive. Additionally, at times it's rather unforgiving. Anyways, onto the main review:

    Execution of Kinks
    There are two kinks put front and center: goblin rape and pregnancy. These are not really my jam but I'll try to avoid bias with my comments. Overall, I think the goblin kink is executed decently when it comes to sex, but falters due to having non-goblins masquerade as goblins. The pregnancy kink is executed very well when it comes to dialogue, but lacks in the h-scene department. I'll go into a little more detail below but I'll essentially be saying the same thing.
    1. Goblin Kink: If I draw a banana and call it a peach, it's still a banana. If I draw a dog and call it a goblin, it's still a dog. What I'm getting at is yes, there's goblin sex but there's also outright bestiality that's stated to be goblin sex. The same is said for the one humanoid goblin, that's just Tyler1 bro. When there's actual goblins involved, the scenes vary from alright to pretty good. The Arthur defeat scenes are the best sex scenes in the game and have the second best written dialogue (behind her day-to-day hospital scenes). They stand out and don't feel like a scene shoved in there just to have a h-scene.
    2. Pregnancy Kink: It's decent if you're into reading the FemC's experience of being pregnant from day-to-day, but it's not if you're here to see pregnancy sex as there are not a lot of pregnant h-scenes. However, from what minimal pregnancy h-scenes there are I'd rate them as a firm "alright." Back to the text part of this kink, the best dialogue in this game is from the hospital arc which is the pregnancy aspect of this game. Solid rating on the dialogue for this bit.
    Miscellaneous (+/-)
    + Being able to control the second main female is a nice addition and making sure to give her a unique, viewable status card is lovely.
    + The status cards have a nice design. They don't feel like useless add-ons like in most cases (even though they kind of are).
    + The art is all well made (no abnormalities and is drawn cleanly), so if you dig the art style and kinks you'll dig the porn.
    + Destructible clothing replaces the traditional HP bar and comes with its own mini-scenes.
    + All three endings are enjoyable.
    + The story isn't unique but the way the characters and plot are written is in a way that makes the story enjoyable. It really nails the character development (especially in the hospital arc).
    + FemC doesn't go into a whore-spiral of corruption and degeneracy when she gets raped, she simply gets used to the sex and that is honestly refreshing.
    + The villain's lore exposition is broken up by gameplay via a different character's POV. It turns what would be a drag into something decent.
    - It's a tad absurd that a world renowned Dragon Hunter is scoffed at by a goblin hunter and is rejected from monster hunting. It's like if a go-kart racer scoffed at a F1 driver.
    - Every battle starts with the enemy goblin getting an erection, then it's front and center the entire battle. If you don't actively avoid battles then you'll be staring at a goblin or dog cock for the majority of the game... I'd rather not do that.
    - Due to some essential battles being "lose one round and you lose the battle", it not only defeats the purpose of her destructible clothing (which is essentially her HP bar), but also makes some parts of the game unbearable and repetitive. It's made worse by the fact that she sometimes is unable to give you a hint on which option to pick.
    - The pregnancy sex scenes (hospital arc) are not instantly viewable in the CG room, but the option to play through the hospital arc is available. There's no reason for them to not be included in the CG room.
    - The shop is a useless tack-on.
    - The final fight isn't good, it feels quite separate from the rest of the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with progression and fantasy feeling <3 Art is quite simple but effective. Combat is balanced, not easy but not too hard. If you like Goblin's vs arrogant adventurers you're gonna like this. I would like to see more games from this artist in the future.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is great! Artwork is gorgeous (and uncensored), the heroines are cute, sex scenes are hot as fuck, even the story, writing and characters are good
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    That said I'm docking a star both for the combat getting kind of annoying and for what seems to be the translators giving up in about the last 15% of the game and using a lazy and noticably bad MTL. I think the first like 80% of it was either a real translation or a very, very well-edited MTL but towards the end mistakes in the text and grammar start popping up a lot (most egregiously, sometimes Trinity's name would come up as 'Third')

    I'm definitely looking forward to the further games from this developer!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    game has different fighting mechanics than normal rpg we need to read enemy movements and based on text we need to figure out 3 possible attacks in arsenal
    story was ok but i would make it longer and more refined, maybe add more goblins and more girls to it
    we cant birth child with every type of goblin which dissapointed me a little
    there are minor errors in text that dont stop u from playing and gallery dont have all the scenes that are available to see, aside from that the beginning is way more refined than the end which makes me thing that game was rushely pushed to the end so it would get finished at all which is a shame
    i think its missing bestiality tag (cus there are dogs with goblin face) but thats just me
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Pure wank material.
    I'd rate it 3.5 stars but.. can't, so let's roll with 3 then.

    - Decent effort, goblin-focused, a little tragic.

    *Art - Take a look at the previews and decide for yourself. To me, it's low-to-medium tier.

    *Combat - Rock, paper, scissors. Literally. Can easily run from any random combat encounter except ones that are already on the map. Lots of spoon-feeding from the devs especially when you lose on purpose for a bit of fun, which made things even more trivial. Final fight was basically a joke. Sigh~

    *Sex - Mostly loss-only, no bad ends except when the game tells you there is one, which is at the very end of it.
    So, feel free to jump on any goblin cock you like, including bosses.
    Lose about 2-3 times to each mob to see all their scenes.

    *Kinks - Focus on monster rape (goblins and various gob-mutations), male dom, pregnancy.

    *TL quality - Based on my custom rating scale which can be found in my profile, it's around 6/10.

    *Sound - Nothing worth mentioning, except maybe dem fairly decent sex sound effects.

    'Porn' or 'game,' which one is your thing?
    It's both in my case, preferably in equal measure.
    Thus, this game was not able to completely satisfy me because it is mostly 'porn' with very little 'game' in it.

    But there are plenty of dudes who want exactly that and only that so... have fun~ :giggle::coffee: