Unity - Goblin Erotic Trap Dungeon [v1.2.10] [Green Empire]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing: 4/10
    Imagery: 6/10
    Gameplay: 3/10
    Kinks: 4/10
    Overall: 4/10

    This might have been a fun game, if it wasn't hard as balls.

    Seriously, dealing with the intruders in this dungeon defense game is ridiculously difficult. You have to cheat to have any chance at working with what you are given, and even then the controls are so ass backwards that you might just tear your hair out trying to progress stages.

    But the rewards must be worth the trouble, right? Nah. There's some sprite "chibi" sex in the dungeon, and outside you can breed the captured heroines to generate better goblins and the like. Both are, however, very lacking in quality.

    Big pass on this one. As someone who sunk 5 hours into this, trying to find something redeemable, that maybe one of the heroines will do it for me, I didn't even make it to the end before I moved this one to the bin.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ehh I saw cute sexy little elf girl on preview and wanted to play, but was curious why reviews are so bad, game idea good, graphics are nice... at least girls...

    One guy said about grinding... well I can grind game for hours I dont mind...
    Other guy said about constant popups... Well I can live with it...

    But well... my issue with this game is that I can't even play it...
    I start it click "New Game" I see some crystal in middle of the map and 4 "Spells" to pick, so i pick first spell to "block adventures path for 3 turns" I tried everything clicking mouse, keyboard... and nothing... game is stuck...

    So I was thinking... Ok maybe this spell is just bugged...

    I close game and restart, start new game and pick second spell... well game is stuck again and not responding...

    So I decided to try all 4 spells and well... I can't start this game because "Spells" don't even work... game gets stuck after picking one of first 4 starting spells... Tried to run via Locale Emulator and as Admin... nothing works...

    Cool game 1/5 - not working :(
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This was fairly disappointing. I expected a lot more from it with the whole Dungeon Keeper concept.

    But it just doesn't deliver.

    It is pretty grindy. The artstyle of the trap animations is not arousing at all, and it is what you'll be staring at the most when it comes to this games ero-content.

    The breeding events are okay, but there isn't any variety to them. Once you've seen the event of a girl, you might as well forget about her, because you won't see anything new later.

    I was looking forward a lot to this game when it popped up, but it didn't live up to what I imagined. The execution does not measure up.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    game is pretty bad, idea is fine, but the way it's done ....

    you will be interrupted every 5sec, the game telling you, hey something enter the dungeon, or play the same animation you've seen a million time, making each level way longer than it need .

    trap will drain most of your mana by rearming the traps after each level, meaning even slower grind.

    art is ok, but the gamepaly around clearly isn't.

    there was a way better implementation of this concept in another game .
    can't remember the name, but you get summoned by the evil goddess in her game against the light goddess, and capture heroine in a dungeon like that.