RPGM - Goblin Layer [v0.56.75] [Parodos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest game to have ever existed. This game alone make existence worthy of existing . Need more goblinettes. 200 characters is a really long message for a porn game. a bit more moaning during the sex scenes would be appreciated
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Dident really like the story at all, its to childish and just boring and to me it wasent funny either it felt bland, the hole thing about MC only being able to cum from fucking goblins is a bit meh.
    There is no romance what so ever its just a mindless fuckfest game and on top of that fetishes are also forced on you, the hole milking tit shit is just not for me and some wont like foot fetish either, alot of forced lesbian stuff as well without MC being part of it which also might be something alot wont like.

    As for the goblins which ofc are the main girls in game and i just hated them, they got cute enough faces but it gets ruined by having the same bimbo look which means you simply got to have big tit fetish to play this game and i just dont, to me Anvil and the pristess where the most hot characters and maybe bath girl as well but they all feel more like sidegirls and theres no real sex scenes with them either besides some BJs and shit.

    I dont really see why dev made the choice of having the same bimbo build for all goblins i mean whats wrong with a cute small b-cup goblin? but yeah theres none of them, most of the game is proberly 90% bimbos.

    Girls 2/5
    Most are bimbos which is just not my thing, the few cute none goblins dosent really have much content and arent really main girls either since MC couldent care less about them.

    Animations 4/5
    They are very nicely done, i have seen better ones but they are still well above average and is really what keeps it up to 3 stars.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty standard stuff nothing really special and none with lyrics.

    Sandbox 2/5
    I found it extremly annoying and it needs alot of work, questlog/guide is proberly the worst ive seen since going there will fuck up your game, so be sure to save before using it, when you click it and just want to read what comes next it dosent put you back into the game but to the door select, left door will just be a black screen, chapter select resets the quests your currently on and you might not even know what chapter your currently playing so its a huge mess.
    The fighting is ok i dident use the cheat for it and its not bad but it is alot of the same over and over, MC being the most useless fighter of all of them....
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is very much overrated.

    Story is truly stupid, gameplay is boring, progression is wierd, characters are prepared to drop their pants.

    And besides all that, dev has this deadass humor to show off, which really makes you feel stupid.

    Two stars, just for the art.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.53


    - Good art.
    - Good level design.


    - The old CG's needs a renewal.
    - Need more sex animations other than mostly missionary.


    A buggy funny game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is a sexual fantasy parody inspired by the Goblin Slayer anime / manga. I played it on JoiPlay, it was hard to play, so I only played it on Read Mode, i got stuck somewhere after the goblin girl and stopped playing. It’s really a game that requires a lot of effort for me. My advice about to play it or not would be read the description, know that it’s a game that requires effort as it's a RPGM, you need to spare a solid time to get adult scenes, if you’re okay with these try it out. If you’re going to play it on PC, game might be a lot easier for you but still effort part is valid.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    4 stars for good animations, drawing and for the fact that the game has never hung up all the time. However, the plot and variability are present purely nominally. In the game, it is not clear at all what to do, there is an old woman who should tell you what to do, but at the same time she says the same thing.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Took a bit to land on this rating but I think it fits
    "It takes real brains to make a game this stupid" is a great tagline for this project lol
    I found it to be fun, funny, silly, and definitely stupid
    This wont be for everyone lol

    slightly concerned that this game somehow is stealing players brainpower to be made, but it might be worth it imo
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's almost hard to know where to begin with this one - in a place where there are so many dime-a-dozen games with similar themes Goblin Layer stands out for being well designed, in-depth, and, above all, genuinely funny at points. It's strangely faithful to the source material in some ways, but when it does dip into the realm of absurdity it never stops being entertaining.

    The character designs are very good - the goblins are cute, the villagers/party members are attractive, and the MC's "minimalist" aesthetic is as iconic as it is hilarious.

    While RPGM games are always a bit flaky, this one uses the engine effectively.

    Great game, can't recommend enough.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Natsy asf

    Cool story, nice world build. Got enough H scene to keep me playing for a while., and very entertaining. The problem is this game too funny. It's not easy to keep myself hard while laughing. Definitely a 5/5 for segs game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont usually gives review for a game cause its too much of a hassle but this game, i love it soo much its worth giving the review. i love the concept of the game with the humor of it its quite engaging with the whole old skool feel with a mordern twist and with a touch of real world humor. the dev has done a great job with story writing and stuck with the whole concept that mc doesnt like anyone but goblins. oh and ofcourse being an h-game the scenes are always fun to watch.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot girls goblins + absolute GigaChad. Dev knows what people want too by allowing you to skip combat, he's pretty funny, and doesn't overstay his welcome. Also quality of life changes with instant text and sonic speed. Overcomes all the annoying parts of rpgm to make it enjoyable. Great game
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    What a fun game. Enough to look past rpgm.

    The amount of jokes and cultural references is incredible. I think this may be one of the funniest devs out there.

    Also what a ridiculous concept. Give me more. More of the green thicc good stuff.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A work of art, if you have watched goblin slayer anime. I like the humor and the girls. This is also one of the more unique rpgm games you can play and it's well done, imo. 9.5/10 would recommend.

    Don't want to make a review that is too lazy and basically consists of what others have said but I enjoyed the game, it can be entertaining. Better than most of the half-assed stuff that are around.

    Works well for when you are not too horny and just want a new experience, this doesn't mean the art is bad tho, just that what makes this game stand out is more than just it's art.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.44.3b
    Do I recommend? Only if you've watched the goblin slayer anime and are alright with the typical early build bugs.
    Like the art and the animation is really impressive!
    Anything with monster girls is always welcome
    The humor is simple and memeish, but is still effective
    The combat wasn't an invigorating experience, but they give you the option to skip through an instant kill move so if you don't like it, it can be skipped and the rest of the game is still worthwhile
    It's still very much in development, so there are still plenty of bugs, graphical glitches, phasing through items, occasionally frame drops, etc. But I go in with that expectation when I play so it didn't bother me as much as it might others

    Overall I think the game is off to a solid start already having several hours of content with some really good erotic scenes and nice cheeky humor in between. I'd like to see less items you find being garbage, it feels bad to go off the beaten path and having moves that do some of what the items like the spears do as you level would be nice so you didn't have to rely on those as much. Aside with my gripes with the combat though and with some expected bug run-ins, it was an enjoyable way to kill a few hours.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    i think the biggest problem in this game is the interface and overall bug, let's start with the bugs, I always find myself walking over furniture, NPC, and even wall & cliff, objects overlap the mc which kind of bothers me, and sex/story scene feel a bit clumpy and rough like sometimes I see the scene is overlapped to another, other times the scene suddenly shifts to total darkness, etc which give a buggy, wonky vibe, don't get me wrong the animation itself is amazing! As for the interface such as the quest/goblin menu, although i like the idea of ''walking on the book'', sometimes less is more, I would say it has good intentions but bad execution, every time I open it up, it pauses for 2 sec, and when I try to find quest info of another girl, becoz all the girls are so close together, I always end up bump into another girl which pops up other info that I wasn't intended to see, and after open the quest book menu for a while it becomes annoying and tiresome that u have to walk around the book to get the info u wanted, I would rather have a regular quest menu than this ''book '' thingy, you might think I am being picky, but all this little thing add up could effect on the player's gaming experience. as for the story it's alright, the comedy is ok but could be a bit repetitive, and I don't like the fact that mc is merely sexually interested in Goblin only, i know u trying to create a mc with a big personality, , but it also kinda give me blueball for him not sexually interested in other non-goblin hotties.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is genuinely one of the funniest I've played on the site. I'm pretty sure I've laughed out loud at least once every single update.

    The wordplay and tongue in cheek humor are well crafted. Some may find the laughs cheap, but I think the humor is simple and effective. The name of the game itself is a parody of a popular anime, and the game follows through on that theme.

    The gameplay is an excellent example of turn based rpg combat. Characters level up and specialize in their respective areas. Gold can be spent on equipment. Fights feel pretty well balanced with room for increased or decreased difficulty depending on the goals of the player. The quests and storyline are easy to follow with plenty of in-game resources to keep the player on track.

    All in all I think the game is a unique example of a light-hearted, well-made RPG that does what it was intended to do; make you laugh and have a good time banging goblins.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the most humorous game I've played on this site.
    Probably has the most lovely female goblin models on this site too.
    And probably one of the best RPGM erotic games.
    In short, the protagonist is utterly goblin-sexual and shows pretty much zero sexual interest in any creature other than female goblins. He destroys goblin nests by fucking the goblin queen and cucking the entire clan of goblins to death. Yeah you heard me right, death by cuckolding. There are however a number of hot scenes involving human girls who try to seduce the MC from time to time but, presented in some hilarious ways, mostly to no avail.
    As an RPGM game with combat, it tries very hard not to be tedious and you can always skip combat by using the cheat attack. Good artwork, good animations and pretty smooth gameplay experience overall.
    Play this if you want a lighthearted, stupid story that makes you laugh.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Its like goblin slyer abridged but more FUCKING GOBLINS rather than killing goblins. its got some top tier comedy at some points where I could only lol. ITs absolute genius and I need more updates. IF only the layer was more psychotic about his goblin fetish. Can such a thing be possible? Anyway, it offers me enough amusement at times to forget I am playing a XXX game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the idea, love me some goblin girls, the renders look good but I just find this game painfully unfunny. This is not to crap on the dev, clearly there is an audience for his sense of humor, it's just not me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutely fantastic game, funny as hell (as a parody should be), awesome renders of all female characters, animated scenes give a HUGE plus in my book and they are very well made! Initial version may have some bugs but dev fixes them up shortly after being reported. Combat is well the basic one and it's not grindy at all another huge plus from my side. All-in-all a game that I would recomment if it caught your eye since I always looking froward for the next adventure of GOBLIN LAYER!