Ren'Py - Goddesses' Whim [v0.3.8 Public] [Ncrow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Shadow Step

    This game is for sure an eye candy for any game based on Koikatsu.

    Graphics: You can tell that the dev took care for the choices that the dev has put in mind when developing the scenes. All sex scenes are consistenly animated, withouth any weird angles and alike. Also, I haven't seen any kind of clipping on the character clothes as well.

    Character Development: I would say the presentation of the girls is not something other-wordly, but is consize and there is character development for both the MC and the girls. Also, the way the story is written, you will find the girls very charismatic. Also the pacing in which the characters are introduced is really good. You won't have a hundred characters to interact with from the start.

    Overall Story: It's your typical Isekaid story, not really that interesting, the characters are the sole focus on this game. The pacing of new characters are good.

    Sex Scenes: They're well animated, withouth any weird angles, and with more than one angle as well. You will find animations different from the standard Koikatsu as well.

    UI: The interface is clean, there isn't much icon's throught the screen, but I personally disliked that the Quest Icon is on the character icon instead of being an "main" icon, for accessing it more easily.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game sets the standard for all these cash grab Koikatsu-based games and here's why.

    Visuals: You can tell the creator has a passion for making these renders and scenes, being both sensual and fun-loving as well as just being skillfully made with actual knowledge of composition, posing, expression and perspective.
    This is what these games should be about - using the in-game engine to elevate the medium and make it be something more, using it as a tool to make the process of creating easier and rival that of handdrawn hentai. Truly one of the few times you can call this style of game and render work an artform.

    There's eyecandy in every scene to keep you interested or aroused - like carrot on a stick to which I'm completely fine with being conditioned.
    The great render work adds personalized charm to each and every character, be it through subtle body language and expressions to painting entire scenes in the background during events without any reliance on text - making the world feel less still and frozen.

    The world itself feeling immersive with the atmospheric backgrounds as well as letting you traverse the world yourself instead of clicking text boxes or seeing the same repeated city backgrounds of Koikatsu we've all grown sick of -- instead making things appear less soulless and more involved. This should be another standard.

    Scenes are nice and long as they should be, otherwise if your games sandbox takes longer than the scenes themselves then you got a problem.
    However, I do wish people gave this game a chance despite it's sandbox gameplay - it deserves that much, at least.
    Good UI/Interface is underrated and really nice. Doesn't get in the way, comfortable and good looking. I like having choices on the side where they don't pop in your face. I like that the UI or the interface doesn't take up half the screen with blinding colors. All menus are intuitive and not a headache to traverse.
    This all sounds like nitpicking, but lazy interfaces are so common I have to give praise when I see good ones.

    H-Content: The usual downfall of these sort of games is that you are treated to painfully long segments of exposition or clicking only to be met with a static animation or two that at most generous will last a minute or two, at worst it'll be an animation you've seen hundred times before.. painfully stiff or repetitive. This is in no way satisfying, but this game knows that and knows it well.

    Every scene is incredibly gratifying with satisfying build up that I find hotter than the main course action itself at times - something I rarely ever can say about any game. This is due to the aformentioned plentiful and lively renders, the carefully placed angles for maximum aesthetic as well as appeal working in tandem with CUSTOM made animations - making every scene feel all the more personalized and well made.

    If you're big into feet you might love this game tremendeously as they are like the cherry on top during most scenes, tastefully put in view yet subtle.
    And at times, not so subtle and trampling you down - but that's what we are here for!

    Most often during H-Scenes you wish they just got to the point already, but not here! Take your time building up the stalagmite that is my cock!
    Just one H-Event alone bombarded me with several of my kinks in rapid succession to the point I feared for my dick going in any further - and that was just a taste test foreplay scene. Very dynamic and unique scenes - it didn't miss even once, no matter if I was interested in the character or not.. which brings me to the next point!

    The girls: Games that are harem-based should aim to strike a good variety of both personality and body-type variety. So far, it's looking good. We've got some best size representation by which I mean smol and petite, although we could go so much higher smaller, but then Patreon would shit it's bed. Other than that, we've got most sizes covered - it probably won't feel lacking.
    Girls all have distinct, although trope-y, well executed personalities which also come into play during dirty talk which is always the spice of scenes - serving to enrich the flavor. You've got the attached pixie slave, two different flavors of tsundere, goofy and naive bro(Shika chads assemble),
    mischevious doctor, the distant but warming up catgirl - just to name a few. Plenty more and plenty to come. Although I selfishly wish for smalldom, greatly. I hope the dev sees my plea!

    The Story/MC: I honestly have little interest going into this topic, because let's be real - we are here for porn with extra steps, not entirely expecting a best-seller here. It's an isekai and the MC is an absolute Gary Stu that I have no interest in nor even wish to read the thoughts of. It's your typical self-insert case and he's inoffensive, so at least he won't take you out of the game too much. I just focus on the good, but I do have to deduce the points here.

    All in all, if you are a classy guy of pantyshots, teasing, foreplay, feet, dynamic h-content and extremely lively scenes - then you've got the entire sophisticated man's package covered in this game and you'll enjoy it tremendously. Even if none of these things stand out to you - you'd be missing out on something good by skipping this game.

    Solid 4/5 so far. Found little to complain about and any complaints were easily overpowered by the satisfaction of the games fruits.

    2023 edit: As if the scenes weren't good enough already, they now feature dynamic camera movement to add sense of motion during scenes on top of new physics. Some mini-games have been improved. The game just keeps getting better and doesn't stop showing promise.
    All the newly introduced characters are great, from personality to designs, with my main gripe being that the Sakura Town so far is dominated by large tiddy faction. I wish for some more variety - be it going even bigger or smaller, as so far a lot of the characters feel very same-y height wise.
    That being said, the game has my highest hopes so I'll elevate my rating.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The MC is a Gary Stu. The game takes the whole hero's journey, puts it aside and give you the reward for it instantly. I don't have a problem with the MC being the only male in the village or that there are 'anime' moments to let us see some skins etc., but everything just falls to the MC, every girl is instantly into him and all the accidents happen far too often. It ruins the pacing. It's lessens the gratification from achieving these things. The only struggle the MC faces is his quest to be the ultimate nice guy, while he at hearth is a bit of a pervert. That's just no fun. Then the MC thinks to much. We can think too. We don't need the MC to point everything out or comment on it.

    The girls are better, while you don't learn too much about them, they are fun to be around, eventrough a lot of them tend to be a tsundere type, to variang degree. (3 of 8 girls is just a bit too much)

    The visuals are quite good (some minor clipping issues with clothing sometimes, nothing bad) and the used character models are unique. The world really looks great, the animations are good too. The scenes have different text, when replayed as the first time, which shows that there was put a lot of care into creating them.
    There are a few spelling and grammar mistakes, it takes you out of the experience at times.
    There is a bit of grind, nothing to bad.
    While alot of what I wrote sounds negative, I had fun and would recommend to try the game out.

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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked what I saw even like it. Please keep up the good work. Maybe in the next updates it can bring more action and magic content.

    Akane best girl. I love how Akane is very Tsundere

    sorry for my google english hahahah
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.1.5 Public
    I really liked this game up to date. As mentioned before me the h scenes are all done pretty good and the character design is just simply beautiful.

    Story : The premise this story sets is really good and the development is slow yet satisfying.

    Characters : In my opinion the LI's are a plus to this game, since they aren't tethered to a generic style but are each unique and different. And as mentioned before are really beautifully made.

    Sandbox : As some raised some concerns before in discussion, i think the Interface is a little messy and repetitive, but in my opinion the story and the scenes more than makes up for this. In future updates i would like if the DEV would try to improve these small things so we can enjoy this game even better than now.

    Scenes : Till this update the number of scenes is less, but each are nicely animated and are really good.

    Overall i think this is a game worth playing and giving our support to. I will eagerly be waiting for future updates on this.

    All the very best on this project DEV and carry on with the wonderful work.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Charles de Guernica

    One of the best Koikatsu games I've seen so far.

    Characters: Cute and distinct. 5/5

    Setting: Only male in a fantasy world. 5/5

    Interface: Much easier to use than many others out there. Still could use some work. 4/5

    Gameplay: Raising the affection needs you to repeat some events. Every 5 points of affection will give you a new scene. Not too hard to do, but raising the affection is the bane of these type of games anyway. Over all, 5 points requirement could be 3 but it's not overly frustrating. Earning money and fishing might be tedious though, I don't know since I cheated for them. 4/5

    H-Scenes: This is where the game truly shines. Dev is CREATING HIS OWN ANIMATIONS in Koikatsu and they look amazing. Writing of the H-scenes are also pretty good. I love every scene, every line. 5/5

    Overall, after playing an update if I am both satisfied and also craving for more, I'll give that game a 5/5.

    This game needs more people to discover it.

    Truly amazing animations, dev, congratulations.