Ren'Py - Golden Mean [v0.4] [DrMolly]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 for the image renders with extra detailling quality, the skin texture, aging details for some characters are top notch
    10/10 for the stunning character model they have with the unique variety body build is awesome.
    8/10 for the animation (idk something is missing maybe the devs doing better for the next update).

    Idk maybe some people didnt like the slow progress of this game because some people came here for the fap not for the story. But hey, personally I loved how the story was going and the direction from this game, it has so much potential in it.
    The story writing, the characters development are good too (especially for the women from the family characters who didnt willing to fuck easily like some cheap whore).
    Always excited for new updates because this game has so much potential in it!!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Golden Mean [v0.4] [DrMolly]

    • A nice story emphasizing incest & polyamorous. Incest approach with mom was very good, especially mom’s reluctance to give-up the morality was very well expressed.
    • Very unique way of reasoning the incest though it’s not so convincing but different approach.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations; especially mom & aunt riding the MC
    • Grammer & vocabulary is good.


    Playability: bit slow often especially during the animations.
    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious for sexuality
    • Few spellings errors
    Guess father daughter is available in NTR route only. And the NTR leads to selling mother and sister doing prostitute work which is way too ugly.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really very good, especially the father and son acting together is a unique experience, this is something that does not happen in almost any other game. I hope there will be more scenes with the father in future updates because this is the detail that makes this game unique. The characters are really well designed, everything is as it should be.
    In short, this game is a GOAT.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Is one lf the best games i played
    _great characters
    _very good story
    _great animations
    _the fetishes are good and you can turn of if you dont like that

    I am waiting for the next update , thanks to the creator
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    They should call this Handjobs: The Video Game

    PRO: This game might have the most handjobs in any AVN

    CON: It's 99.99% handjobs

    Slowburn, with some weird translated dialogue so the grammar is quite poor.

    Also, a grind fest because it's a sandbox, so you have to do boring repetitive crap like work and cooking with your landlady to earn affection points. The UI isn't the worst, but it isn't the best either when it comes to these sandbox games.

    It looks nice enough and the animations look nice, but that's it. The story is forgettable.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Tricked into a SLOOOOOOOOOOOOWBURN game, why tricked?

    You have to play for a ridiculously long time to even get to the part with the Demon to unlock the gallery! When you get into the gallery what do you find for 95% of it TEASES! TEASES and more TEASES. No sex at all unless you count the very very very few oral scenes. This game has been in out since 2022! There is no sex scenes and even the TEASE scenes are incredibly short.

    The controls are horrendous and there should be a QUEST LOG of some type! You Need the Walkthrough PDF to get through the early on guess work of what to do next.

    Why 2 Stars, because the female models renders are attractive and it has a good CONCEPT.

    I usually don't rate games like this because a super slow burn is NOT for me, BUT making me play this crap for over an hour to discover its a SLOOOOOOOOOWBURN is irritating as fuck. Come back in 2026 or 2027 and the MC may have lost his VIRGINITY by then!! That's right 2 years out and the MC is still a damn Virgin! Fuck This Game.

    This is only a MASTERPIECE to Virgins who still Drool while walking pass women doing Yoga!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a great story and the renders are amazing. The characters are very interesting and their development is good too; the images are very high quality. I really urge everybody to support this work. And i have to talk again about the renders, it's incredible. Very high quality game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks really good and the story is interesting.
    It can easily be a 4 or 5 star. The reason I give it only 3 is because of 2 reason.
    1) The difference in the paths and MC 's personality is jarring. MC goes from a caring person to a manipulative amoral sexual predator in the blink of an eye. Because the difference is so stark, the same goes for the content. If you try to maintain the caring sibling path, you will get practically no adult content while the other is filled with adult content. My first play through was as the nice guy and MC got no action!. There needs to be more balance.
    2) the main reason its only 3 stars.
    It is grindy. You have to repeat the same scenes again and again just to get a variation or added content to the scene. The worst part is it does not tell you you have to keep grinding out the scene.
    I repeated the scene a few times and thought that's it for content as nothing new happened. Only by coming to this forum did I find out you have to repeat the scenes constantly to get more content.
    Some of the content are also randomly triggered (houseboat scene). So you grind and grind hoping it triggers. I have grinded 10!game days and it's still not triggered.

    If it was just a VN, I would give this game an easy 4-5star but as it is, it's mediocre.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect. Models are awesome, story is really good, the universe is interesting and damn the animations !
    An overall 5/5. A must play if you like sharing (netorase).
    One of the best games I ever played, looking forward to see future updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game i have ever played.
    So many different kinks/tags included in one game, you can choose your favorites.

    Animations and renders are 5*.
    So many different body types, and the story is interesting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars for sure, if a game makes me save and load many times just so i see every possible scene and route, it cannot get anything else. Good renders and extremely hot mom and sisters. Somehow i missed it when it was released, but i played this last update. Was fun to play, looking forward for the future releases.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    It's a MASTERPIECE !...

    Easily 5/5 game no doubts in it.

    I wont usually write review, I only write if the game is Masterpiece.

    Tips : Use walkthrough for the paths and stats mainly cause obedient, pervasive stats can't be increased via cheats so there is a chance we may miss some content so using walkthrough will be helpful.

    Request : I hope Dr.Molly will consider this above mentioned issue and will bring cheat for the other points as well .

    Let me start with pros and cons


    Best family sharing game i ever played.

    This is what i call a Perfect Netorare content where MC is the one who decide how things should play around the story.

    Animations and render quality are top notch.

    This is the only game where i didn't skipped the dialogues because the English is very good and superb script writing.

    Sharing family women with dad, Dang !! it's a cherry in the cake.

    All family women are absolutely gorgeous and very beautiful.
    My fav women will be uh... I mean it is so hard to choose but i would say Amelia. She so beautiful thicc white yummy delicious meat.

    Till 0.4 there is no sex penetration between family members but still it would make us cum a lot LOL !

    EVERY DEVELOPERS should learn from this guy how to make a best slow burn game where it keeps us intrigued through at the end without frustration but still using CHEATS is mandatory for this game.

    Even tho using cheats it doesn't straightly skip to sex scenes or something like that, it will play all along the whole story so you won't miss any content or scenes.

    Cons :


    Over all, This game is an erotic art game crafted by Dr.Molly
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    so far it's perfect, I had to get used to the pointnclick gameplay once again but thankfully it's not as spaced out in terms of content as others in the genre.
    The models are gorgeous, the poses and animations are passable, I can't complain too much.
    I do wish the devs of these games would just focus on the main cast and not waste time on random nurses, cops, neighbours and Jane Does.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    There are several things a like about this game. It stands in a line of dark fantasy games about succubae and incubi, that try to combine a solid fantasy story with erotica.
    The premise is kind of the college game genre of fantasy adult novels. Add to this some sandboxes that you have to learn to navigate and it can get quite annoying. That's why I required three starts until I finally managed to play this VN to the end of 0.4.

    What I like about Golden Mean is that the family is actually quite likable, and that includes the father who has actually some nice husband moves going on. So, to see his relationship with the mother unfold was quite fun to watch, especially since our MC acted quite reserved and didn't start out as a manipulative creep. His dynamic with his sisters seems genuine to me and I enjoyed the content. Lewd content takes quite some time to develop, which is perfectly fine in my book.

    Now that I arrive at the end of the prologue (so to say) I realize however, that there is a huge risk that we fall into the popular genre traps. This could easily become a trainer-like, an abuse-focused game, a game with a superior MC who suddenly has everything and everyone under his thumb, maybe with some ntr-pathing to give the illusion of choice.

    That's a genuine fear I have, because there are some occult characters that have been introduced that I genuinely liked. My absolute favorite is the doc, because her dry humor and sarcasm are rare among AVN characters. I'd like to see more of her, to see her have more influence, and to see options for the MC besides merely creeping out on his family one way or another.
    I mean, this is a story about sex demons, so I don't expect a fairy tale, but offer some agency here, yeah?

    Both in terms of visuals, atmosphere and character designs I am very happy with the result so far. This could become a great fantasy plot or degrade to a trainer-like corruption novel. But I'll adjust my rating when that actually happens.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have an interesting story with some supernatural details, the only downside is the translation is bad, and that makes the story far less enjoyable than it could be with a good translation.
    + MC looks kind of unique, and I can see DEV is trying to make all characters kind of unique, but can't say all of them look good, because trying to make everyone unique is not always a good idea and can make them look a bit unattractive. Still can see the effort, which is a good thing.
    + Art style looks good and most girls/women are quite hot, would say Amelia is fine AF, and especially her tits are perfect.
    + Sex scenes (most of them) look hot and have decent-looking animations, animations were looking less good at first versions, and become better with the latest one, but still there is still room for improvement, they can be better.
    + Harem Path scenes were well-made, kind of funny, and hot.

    Bad Points
    - The translation is bad, wouldn't say it's terrible, it's not that bad, but still better translation/proofreading is needed for sure, because currently it does break the immersion of the flow of the story, and makes understanding dialogues hard, and annoying.
    - Visual quality needs improvements, art style (Aside from some bad design choices like forehead lines, etc) looks good, but both picture and animation quality need improvements, and honestly, I can see they have improved since the first versions, but they still can be better.
    - Some design choices need changes, and the most obvious one is weird lines on MC's mother's/landlady's forehead, all they do is show her old and weird, she is our main MILF, trying to make her old and less attractive makes no sense, those lines should go, there are some different issues with other women/girls as well tho, but since they are not in main cast they are somehow tolerable.
    - It's grindy, you have to grind relationship points, and aside from that opening certain things needs certain times of repeat as well like you needing to get a message from your sister in order to remove her bra, etc. It's pretty annoying for sure, and if it's not enough we even have RNG with the ''Hot Day'' thing... Seriously? There is literally no point in making this game grindy or involving RNG, seems a pretty bad move and needs to change.
    - The Demon we called with the ritual being male and not female, is a big wasted opportunity, and makes most of the scenes, especially the first scene with the demon quite weird.
    - The game is developing for more than a year, yet we have no real sex scene (Vaginal or Anal) with the main girls/women, and that's an obvious bad point.
    - The balance between sharing and non-sharing content is bad, the non-sharing path has far more action and sexy scenes, especially Elisa's morning coffee scenes are a good example of this, in her non-sharing version we can't see her naked, not touch her, and she only gives MC dull and boring handjob, meanwhile in sharing version she gets half naked, you can touch her tits, pull her nipples, and she gives you handjob while she is half naked, it's pretty obvious this balance issue needs fix ASAP.

    For The End
    With all bad points fixed this game can be a 5-star rated amazing game, but even with translation, less grind, and adding real sex scenes ASAP with the main cast can change it to a 4-5 stars rate for sure, otherwise the game might go downhill at this rate, let's hope that won't happen and DEV will deliver what is needed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    excelent game i love with incest patch and ntr amaizing game please quickly update cant wait for the next update the graphics are outstanding please make story of swinger club include everyone that would be mind blowing
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.4

    Came for the fap, stayed for the story (well.. and the fap).
    The story writing, the characters (and, for the very first time- the father figure / landlord is actually a NICE guy!!) are so well written, it's almost unreal.
    The MC is no dckhead, quite the opposite in the beginning. And when he changes, he STILL isn't some shallow and walking dck, but a very unique character indeed.

    The animation quality varies from "good" to "mediocre" - I see much more potential here!

    I rarely give 5 stars to an unfinished game, but since I haven't encountered a single flaw that annoyed me so far... well deserved, Dr. Molly!

    P.S.: This game needs a GALLERY O:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuck! That was nice... That NTR route was right up my alley. The renders/animations are beautiful and the women are fantastic. I don't care about sandbox mechanism as long as there are build in cheat functions. I cannot wait what will the dev bring up next time. That NTR onsen meeting was especially hot! :love:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games out there. The blonde sister is awesome. There is a good amount of diversity with the various love interests.

    I knew I liked this one when I actually read the dialogue to follow the story. Usually it's just like, "naw."

    Easy to avoid the things u don't like. I vote to leave all fetishes on but the choices needed to avoid the father are really obvious.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Golden Mean is a captivating experience that left me torn between awe and moments of questionable character decisions. The game boasts an engaging story, solid writing, and breathtaking art, yet it occasionally stumbles in maintaining the integrity of its character arcs.

    One of the standout features of Golden Mean is undoubtedly its narrative depth. The storyline is gripping, filled with unexpected twists and turns. The writing is skillfully executed, seamlessly blending elements of suspense, drama, and emotion. The characters are well-developed, each with their own distinct personalities and motivations, adding layers to the overall narrative.

    The art in game is nothing short of spectacular. From the meticulously designed environments to the stunning character models, every visual aspect contributes to the game's immersive atmosphere. The attention to detail is commendable.

    However, at times, choices made by the protagonist and characters feel rushed and impulsive, as if the developer is prioritizing player satisfaction over the integrity of the character arc. While it's natural for players to want sex in the story, the frequency and speed of these decisions sometimes compromise the authenticity of the character's journey.

    It's essential for a game like this to strike a balance between sex scenes and preserving the narrative integrity of the characters. In the case of Golden, some moments left me questioning the realism of certain choices, as they seemed driven more by the desire to please the player than by the natural progression of the story.

    On a positive note, the frequency of updates is impressive.