VN - Ren'Py - Gomamon Trainer [v0.71] [Towan-Games-Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I finshed the game both slave/lover's path, and despite the fact that the game is technically unfinished I dont think there's going to be further expansion in terms of gameplay (aside from the possible minigame at the end) so Im going to rate this piece as it is.

    So here's a short summary of the story, or what can be construed as one anyway. You play as random jackass, who got mysteriously teleported into your PC after looking up some porn and you now find yourself alone in a vast expass of blue nothingness. You spot gomamon, who has also mysteriously teleported into this land. Together the pair of you vowed to get the fuck out of this place even if you have to literally fill the area with cum, which of course you more or less proceed to do.

    Needless to say, the story is just a placeholder for gomamon to be fucked. Like seriously. There's no way to avoid this; you either fuck gomamon or you close the game, delete all the files, and keep your nostalgia unsullied...until the next time your childhood memories gets jacked.


    Its entirely VN style but this game does have choices that matter, in that your choices dictate gomamon's emotional status and the scenes/writing will vary accordingly. Forcefully turn gomamon into your personal cumsock, or make him fall in love with you...and then you turn him into your personal cumsock, but in a nice and gentle way.

    The writing is good. A few laughs to be had. Throughout my time, Ive never gotten the need to skip through the dialogue, which is testament that the game is at very least paced well and not filled with useless anecdotes. A few neat surprises as well, such as gomamon will quite literally react to you doing nothing, a neat feature thats not well explored in VNs.

    As for the H gameplay, well there's no very much else to say aside from push button to fuck. At least there's a semblance of attempted animation, though its simply two frames interchanging which is better than nothing I suppose. Add in two extra frames would do wonders, especially if the emotional state of the character is more visible.

    Art Design

    Well, its gomamon. Not much differ from what he looks like in canon aside from the obviously visible extremities. Cute and cuddly, as you would expect. At very least the artist is sensible enough to avoid adding unnecessary nips.

    There seem to be at least two different artists involved in this game, or at least I have noticed two different styles. One very expressive whereas the other seems significantly conservative. But for what its worth, the art is decent, and the expressive artwork are well done in a cartoony way which is appealing to me.


    I would usually not bother to comment on this part because its clear that if youre in this website then chances are good youre not one to care about canon, but I feel I should at least mention a few pet peeves I have, seeing that this game tickles a small part of my own nostalgia.

    For one thing, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for the dev to use the same gomamon from the series. In fact, if you remove all references to Joe Kido from the game, there's little to no reason to believe that this is THE gomamon rather than just A gomamon. So why do it? At least by avoiding this pitfall you dont piss off portions of playerbase who quite literally avoid any sign of NTR like the plague.

    Added to the problem is despite the obvious homosexual intercourse happening in-game, gomamon is repeatedly referred to and treated like a girl by the protagonist, and if you carefully avoid all references to his dick you can quite convincingly pretend that gomamon is a girl, since he conveniently has a shealth that resembles pussy. Not that the game makes any effort to hide the obvious effeminization anyway. So again, is there any reason why the gomamon in this game isnt just female aside from following canon which doesnt really play any part in the game anyway.


    Despite some misgivings, Im inclined to like the game. It does so much more than the average VN, even with its limited scope. In fact, I believe that the dev truly pours his passion into the game so much so that I cant hate it, even if there is some, lets say, questionable decisions made in the game. It can only get better as the dev adds more scenes to it.

    I would recommend you support the dev, support the game. Why not? At least the game is functional and more or less complete save for some missing scenes which will no doubt be added in time.


    - Add more scenes. Would be even better if the scenes differ according to arousal level
    - Tone down the sadism. Rough sex is fine. But really, who the hell spits at their partners?
    - Perhaps adding an option to just flat out change gomamon to female. Yes, you can quite literally remove the dick off the scenes, change tiny portions of the writing and the game can be entirely a different experience.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    A clone of Very Own Lith through and through, you spam the same commands over and over again with the same paragraph scenes until it unlocks a new command and progress through the story. The first two "gates" you can get around Gomamon being raped which is fine, but at the third gate you're forced to watch Gomamon get gangbanged with no way to bypass it. Dev claims the cuckolding is necessary because games need conflict. Stopped playing there because I got bored of the repeated and it was obvious the only new content would be stuff for cuckolds.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not know what I expected when i downloaded this, but I was pleasantly surprised, The writing is good but I am guessing its going to be a bit hit or miss depending on someone's preferences, the cg was also of good quality, As a fan of "my very own lith" I like this particular kind of interaction type games. At the moment the cg is not complete but I shall be looking forward for its completion.
    Likes: atur
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game with good writing, but seems aimed at more of a bi-sexual/bi-curious crowd than strictly gay. The current 3 paths in the game are complete story wise, but are missing art about 1/2 of the way through for the player sex scenes. In all of the paths you are a straight (bi-curious) male who is attracted to Gomamon's feminine build and slit. The MC refers to him as a girl like 50/50 even on the lover route while constantly comparing his slit to a pussy and calling him cute.

    Animations are really rough, it's just two pictures alternating a set number of times and the way they did it in renpy requires you to either wait or click for every picture change to get to new dialogue. Tab to fast forward through seen events is definitely your friend here since clicking through the animations is slow but thankfully the fast forward is still near instant.

    The game has a simple formula of having a bunch of commands that slowly unlock and you have to constantly revisit old commands to see new scenes based on your alignment bars. So if you like that kind of game and don't mind the constant feminizing of your partner you'll really enjoy this game. Would be 5 stars if the animations are changed to just loop so as not to interrupt the text and there was an option to toggle the feminizing.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    Played a part of it and can only give it 4 stars since they might be still updating it.
    I am playing the good guy run, The lust and love is so amazing/rich.
    I recommend if you know a bit about digimon and like games like this.
    Anyways only playing the good run for now.
    Hope people have fun and goodbye for now