VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Good Girl Gone Bad [v1.2 Jasmin DLC] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game and it really has multiple playthrough value with a plethora of endings.

    The story and choices allows your character to remain pure or be corrupted and the endings really reflect that.

    The renders are beautiful and complement the story perfectly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I won't take much of your reading time. This is one of the best visual novels around. The choice you have of whom you want to end up and what consequences it has is brilliantly written. I think the game should be considered an archetype of adult Visual Novels.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. Renders have a good style, characters and writing both are really good. But the most important thing is that game is unlinear. There're plenty of different paths which makes it replayable. In fact you should do this multiple times to open all sex scenes.

    My only complains are that the game doesn't have walkthrough and scene gallery, though the latter can be fixed by mod. And that the number of renders in sex scenes are relatively low.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Summary: you are a good Catholic school girl and lewd situations are constantly rubbed against your face. Now I know what it is to be a girl haha...

    This is not an amateurish game but actually a real good game. I really mean it, you can easily buy something that cost 40$ in steam and find it to be an utter garbage but not this.

    GGGB is a huge game, there must be around 7 different endings and each of your decision will influence life of others. Every major character will also have a special ending so I find this game very satisfying and well made. Myself I will have a half-year break now and return to this game later after I have forgotten is because it was so excellent.

    This game has also surprising amount of life wisdom in it. Will you follow your freedom and endless possibilities or focus on building more serious relationship? Note that the guy (or girl) has his ow life so he might just dump you because why not? You are free, he is free so dont cry about it because thats the game babe.

    GGGB is a good life simulator that is honest how easily you can screw up your life and others by being irresponsible and how to draw line between being a slut/popular girl. Too bad I could only give 5/5, because 10/5 is more deserving score.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It was fun playing this, although it needed more different endings instead of the NTR/cheating and marriage endings, which I only found. Either I might have missed it but an ending with, some of the girls would have been amazing especially Eva.
    My tip would be more diverse endings and maybe some notes on how many endings there are since I don't know if there are more endings without going to this thread to look for it, other than that this was an amazing game and I had a good experience.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a solid game. Well written. Lots of action in terms of choices.

    Will say though that I kinda wish for more tattoos, more babies with many of the potential fathers (Eric, Arthur, Wilson, Jack, Tyrone, Jasmin especially), and possibly semi open pairs (Ash-Jasmin-Jessica, Ash-Eva-Jasmin, etc.) Does also have some grammar issues with are a tad annoying.

    But overall, great game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game showed me that if i was a good looking girl i would probably showed my assets on instagram and i would be 100% thot....yeah

    But really this is the best VN i ever played. I wasn't sure if i would enjoy the game playing as Female MC but i totally did!
    Story in this game is great and enjoyable. What i liked about it was that the story feels like something that could easily happen to someone.
    Dialogues are very well written and you want to read every single word and that's something that rarely happens to me i usually feel like that dialogues are dull but this is not the case!
    Artwork is unique and fun to watch.

    To summarize it i want to say that This game is in my opinion really the best on this site . Great characters,story,dialogues,artwork and even the soundtrack is good (there is not much music playing,but when it does it's really good). I recommend this game to everyone.

    btw. is it me or does the MC look like Sophie Turner ?
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply the best storyline in porn game history: carefully thought out, totally perverted and even manipulative. I wonder if the author planned everything out from the beginning or was just able to add on plots.

    The drawings are almost always excellent, sometimes the rotoscopy is a bit too close to reality, but once again, the incredibly perverted storyline and excellent writing makes them a thousand times more exciting. In fact this is the only game in which I actually take time to read the damn dialogues...

    Cuck genre fiends will be especially pleased to discover the dozen ways Ash can humiliate/destroy her boyfriend, probably the biggest cuck in the history of porn games, ironically called Eric (same as the BB nemesis).

    A game you'll play again, and again, and again, and again, looking for those new alternatives. As far as I'm concerned, I'm simply incapable, despite all my efforts, to avoid Ash fucking with Arthur, it simply is the best cuckolding story I've seen so far.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Its feel this is the best game i have played for a long times. It's better than Kattie 1.18 for me, and i really like it. GGGB got a gameplay with mutiple choice, which leads to a lot of thing different , so the game got a value to replay several times.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Jesus, this was an amazing game. One of the few VNs where I've actually played it through twice to see the different paths. The transformative path of the MC was great, the character interactions were fun, scenes quite enjoyable, and the writing was superb.

    I can't underline enough how the writing really makes this game. The artwork is hot, but the words make it so much better. Easy 10/10 for me.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of [1.1 Nat DLC]

    Just finished my first play-through without any guides, having kept Ashley as a 'good girl' from going bad. (0 bad / 1 fame). What impressed upon me was the well thought through, mature writing. I quite liked how some of the more radical life choices were locked out, that would seem out of place based on past choices. Keeping her 'good' was also gratifying, having avoided the many temptations to go bad along the way. That's all I'll say on that, to keep it spoiler free.

    While the art style doesn't do anything for me, I can appreciate the effort gone into making that decision. I think it helps this game stand out from the crowd. Looks like you also took the effort to have the narration proofread, and it really shows. Music & sound effects were pleasant enough, not overbearing and a nice touch from what otherwise might have been a silent game.

    A few oversights like spelling errors, decision branch inconsistencies, etc, did slip through the cracks that I found on one play-through, but nothing terribly alarming.

    Overall, a solid game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So I'm really not into games with a female MC, but this is still an easy 5/5.

    The art is fantastic, it really conveys what's going on, is consistent throughout and works well with how your (and other) character's appearance might change. There's also a ton of ways to go with small decisions early snowballing onwards (like one girl it's pretty tough to not let fall into being a cokeslut) ... I really dug some of the group sex and mildly messed up things that can happen.

    My only real gripe, like I said, is being a female MC, which is entirely subjective ... but for example, one of the best things you can do in the game is have a girl unknowingly fuck her father while blindfold, then later drug her so she'll do it willingly and become his toy from then on ... buuuut, you can only do that if you're fucking the old man, which isn't something I was naturally inclined to do (but I would have loved to be the old dude and get that all going)... so yeah with a male MC and taking the depravity a bit further it could be the best game ever ... so I guess if it was 'Guy Makes Girls Go Really Really Bad', haha.

    But like I said, it's a great game, I played through it a ton of times seeing what changes I could make happen, the art alone is worth it for one round even if it's not your sort of game.
    Likes: indu
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you've ever wondered why the non-slutty options existed in female protagonist games, Good Girl Gone Bad is the answer. This game is one of the few games out there that really draws you into the persona of the protagonist, as a real person. Through the quality and believable writing, the fantastic original artwork, and the interesting (and sometimes frustrating) cast of characters, you quickly begin to see Ashley as a real person with real motivations. The game presents a dizzying number of choices with real impact; in fact, so many that it's kind of astounding the authors were able to track all of the choices and all of the relationships you can have and make them impactful to so many parts of the story.

    Personally, I found playing through as a slutty character the less satisfying experience because your life (pretty realistically, based on the choices) starts spinning out of control. Playing the loving, loyal (well mostly anyway ;)) girlfriend ends up being a quite fulfilling way to play the game, because of the solid writing and the relationships and impact you have with the other characters (and the opportunity to be a bit of voyeur from time-to-time to keep things interesting).

    While the game does have some minor flaws, the most egregious are fixed by mods (lack of a gallery/scene list, for example). But common problems with games like these (boring writing, uninspired art, and grind) are non-existent in this very worthy game.

    Unless you absolutely hate female protagonist games, I'd suggest you give this one a try. I can't recommend it enough.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me say first, that from all (over 100, I think) games from F95Zone and TFGames, that I have played, no other game has made me to identify so much with the main character, and to care so much for folks close to her. Not only I have skipped many otherwise very interesting fap choices (like camgirl or erotic star with Danny) thinking about Ashley's future, but I have also done so because I have cared about her friends.
    Thinking about 3 similar games, that I've played, in Life Choices this had a limited impact on my gameplay, and Hard Times in Hornstown and Girl's Life I've played 50/50 like a fap and VN/adventure game. In contrast my play through GGGB very early on turned to be driven almost exclusively by caring for the protagonists.
    It was the emotional highlight of the game for me, when self-assured Ashley, at the very top of the sexy path, was confidently speaking on TV Show about her previous insecurities, being a free woman, stopping short of doing things which would make her uncomfortable (like fully nude shots), being bisexual (actually predominantly lesbian), and encouraging others to become whoever they truly want to be.
    I'm really glad, that after the initial "wild self-exploration" period, the choices that I've made for her have led her there, and I was not regretting them at the end, even though she has somewhat run of luck and opportunities by then, having her live a pretty normal, a bit boring and single life, with all those, that she really cared for doing at least as well, as she did.
    So in my opinion it is a very good visual novel on it's own rights, that even on Steam I would heartily recommend, which is something which I could not say even about Hard Times in Hornstown and Girl's Life, playing of which I have enjoyed very much. More here.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. Ashley is a good character and others are not far behind. Art work is great even though at first it does made me wonder if I want to try it, but I glad I did. One of the best and at the same time most annoying parts of this vn was varalety of choice. Good because alot of choices bring you different scenes and endings and I say, it is a testament to this varalety that I still have to finish all my saves and I know that I won't find all the endings after. What's bad about all this choice? If you played during development you ran into so many bugs you would think you are testing. However, it was very enjoyable no matter what. And maybe some bugs are still in there, but I am sure I will play this game again many times.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This one it is a must play.

    The game is almost perfect. The plot is really good and enjoyable, every one of the characters are interesting. I really suggest playing without the walkthrough. Just enjoy choosing whatever you like and see the consequences. It's one of those games that makes you really fell like there're no wrong/right choices. Ashley is by far one of the most interesting MC that i ever played. The sex naughty scenes feels like they are really real what makes this game unique. Roleplay is perfect, and most of the things i wanted are available in the game, you just need to make the right choices.
    However, it's more like a visual novel (which aren't my favorite) that you're living and have some choices to make. For sure, those choices interfere in the future and most of the dialogs will change because of them. You will see a lot of extra dialog because of your different choices, the way you dress, the way you look. You will notice the changes just by playing the intro of the game. The dev must be really proud. No way i could give only 4 stars, this one it's a must be 5. As i said before, a this game is a piece of art.

    + Amazing sexy CGs
    + Amazing Plot
    + Amazing dialogs
    + Amazing Roleplay
    + Most of the endings are a piece of creativity. Arthur is my favorite, this lucky bastard hahaha.

    - The money is a bit confusing. I couldn't figure it out when somebody is paying for you, or if you are paying the stuff. But nothing to worry too much about.
    - You can't watch previous scenes. You need to play again :/
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've spent hours and hours on this game. With this finished version, I still discover some new paths. Their sheer number is astonishing. Of course, sometimes, there are some minor glitches, like Ashley referring to a scene she did not witness. Anyways, overall, every story unfolds in a rather cohesive way.

    This is without a doubt the best game here.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great work, completed, seriously great. So i'll keep it short and sweet
    Graph: 4/5 some faces...
    Gameplay: 5/5 just enough choices, plenty of replay value
    Kink: 5/5: all of the real stuff but nothing too extreme
    Interface: 4/5: no gallery, no journal, no wardrobe
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VN's on this site. It combines excellent storytelling with a nuanced character whose choices actually do matter. The number of shades to Ashley and the diversity of results is simply something very few VN authors bother to strive for. It's like watching a person grow up, with some sex along the way.

    The only real knock is that the tracing technique used by the author tends to make some of the scenes feel a bit contrived and repetitive, as she is limited by what porn images she can find to trace over. Perhaps a better selection of images could have helped? No matter. This VN is good enough that I won't let that affect a 5-star rating. Besides, that technique allowed Eva to produce a VN this long and actually FINISH, which cannot be said of so many VN's brimming with potential.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs I've ever played. Good writing, interesting characters and many different paths. Also many of the paths can intertwine for even greater variety. I want there to be more games like this one, and even one with a male protag would be great. I understand the dev is making a new game and even if the protag is another female, I'll be looking forward to it.