VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Good Girl Gone Bad [v1.2 Jasmin DLC] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In my view, the best Patreon-funded VN going. Even in it's unfinished state.

    In my view, the narrative, story and characters work better and are more nuanced than on any other modern VN, the art is amazing and gameplay-wise it just works (when the final patch is pushed, the Beta and Preview are buggy as hell). It's also fairly regularly updated.

    I haven't patreon'd or kickstarter'd anything since Star Citizen and I'm going to go patreon this right now after 4 update cycles. That's how good I think it is.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is honestly the first game with female protagonist that I actually liked. Usually, in such games your character is forced to have sex with other people because of some kind of blackmail or because they are too stupid to say no when some pervert starts groping them but here we just have a young girl who has a sexual awakening (if you so chose) and simply has sex with other people just because she likes sex and no other reason.

    So, if you only like games where girls get blackmailed, raped or any such thing into becoming sluts, this isn't a game for you, but if you like a well-adjusted female character who not only likes sex, but also uses her sexualitty to get what she wants, (like me) then this is definitely the game for you.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 23650

    A game that allows a player to explore multiple paths and enjoy all of them with great dialog and art. The game has a potential to grow to something even bigger than what it is. It's a great time killer with great character build up.
  4. L
    1.00 star(s)


    I couldn't write more stereotypical characters if I tried to. They lack any meaningful depth and are beyond boring. The story is also a bit far fetched.

    On the plus side, the art is very good but it's wasted talent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice artwork with a very good story with a lot of different choices to make. It's nice to mold how your character turns out and reacts to things. Pretty solid game and I'm excited to see it finished. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys choice based games.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few games i actually give money to. You can go many different directions and meet quite a few different people. The writing of the main characters thoughts as she goes down the rabbit hole is quite engaging.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best written female protagonist I've played in any adult game. In many ways Ashley is superior even to the male protagonists that dominate the adult scene. The writing in this game makes its premise, from start to finish, absolutely believable. Its characters are very well written. Not every author does a good job at presenting a character driven story, this one does. Its definitely in my top 5 adult games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a visual novel game,easy to read and with good English.
    Highest game quality with many routes. Unique art unlike many cookie cutter in many other games. Freedom of choice, players are not force to choose a specific path. No music and sound.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    EvaKiss is without a doubt the best writter around in porn games! The art itself is alse very interesting and the amount of updates is pretty regular! Definitly this is one of those games who's definitly worth of the 5 stars rating! Really intesrested in seeing where this is all leading!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Before GGGB , I played the game 'Katie's Corruption' , when I saw GGGB first time ,I thought its just a 2D type Katie , its nothing. But when GGGB updated to 0.8 in very short time ,I notice it again, well, I tried it for a while . and, Wow, GGGB is more cool than Katie's Corruption. Why I'm vote 5 STAR? Because GGGB have great art , great story , fastest update , lots of original 2D pictures by author herself , lots of choice , lots of branch lines. Its a GREAT GAME. A review need 200 characters ? You guys want me wrote a novel or something ?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I waited so long to play this game, because the graphics weren't what I was used to, and because I prefered incest games as well as when the MC is a guy, so I thought this wasn't for me. How I was wrong. This is definitely the best adult game I've played ever. More than the graphics, what is absolutely amazing about this game is how human it is. It is so believable, no matter which path you choose, you can't help but empathize with her. I honestly felt heartbroken, sad, mad or extremely happy while playing it, because of what was happening in her life. And a female pov is actually amazing as well, since I like the seduction part more than the sex one, I tend to get bored of the same girl after a time, or not satisfied when it is too quick. But being in her head, even if the seduction was inexistant, it is so much well written it is still enjoyable, and I can't get bored of her because of how sexy her thoughts are.
    If I had to play only one game for the rest of my life, I would choose this one without any doubt.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Girl Gone Bad is easily the best erotic-game that has graced the internet within.. Well maybe forever. It's well-drawn, the story is good, and the sex is hot as hell. I can easily recommend this game to anyone looking for a game to fap to.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing to say about GGGB that has not already been said before. This is hands down the best visual novel made with Renpy, including non-adult ones.

    Both the art and writing is excellent, and the game features a cast of well rounded and believable personalities, which is a rarity in this genre.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.11 Alpha...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/19/2017

    Well this visual novel/game was better than i first thought it might be... I tried it as a recommendation from someone in another thread, and for the most part I enjoyed my play through...

    The visuals are 2D and the art style was actually pretty darn good... I loved the fact that it wasn't a bunch of school girl looking characters like in hentai crap... And the fact that most of the backdrops were also very unique and well crafted was also very nicely done... The creativity was spot on and refreshing...

    The script was deep with an epic amount of well written story... I found only a very few amount of grammar/spelling errors... The best way to describe this visual novel is that you are living the life of a female protagonist in her early adult life, and you basically have many choices presented that could lead down many different life paths, ultimately effecting how things turn out for the protagonists life, as it plays out... It felt like this VN was in essence a really huge temptation game... The protagonist is presented with many different choices, mostly based on various life temptations... She could live out a normal life, live out a life full of various indulgences, or mix it up in various ways as you saw fit being the player/reader... Most choices had real outcomes that either changed the character immensely or only slightly, and everyone and everything around her also could change through those choices... Best way to describe it, is that this VN felt a lot like a Life Simulation game... Sort of a 'what if?' story progression... I applaud the author/s for how much work it had to take with that many options and interweaving paths, it is so complex... And this puppy is still in development as well...

    Now, all that being said... There were a few things that folks should be aware of before jumping head long into this VN... Some of the temptations I chose vigorously to avoid, mostly because I have hang-ups with those sorts of things being in any game I play or VN having choices, regardless of adult or not... There are many occasions were drug usage choices come up, and me having a brother who's life is being destroyed by drugs, both illegal and not illegal, made me hesitant to even continue reading this VN... I decided, even though I hate that the choices existed, to give it a chance and hope that there was no forced drug usage (which there wasn't thank goodness) for the protagonist... For obvious reasons I elected not to have the protagonist go down those paths, even though that temptation choice came up several times during the play through... There was also a moment when I thought the protagonist was about to be sexually assaulted, but thank goodness that did not happen... Not sure if it was the choices I made that allowed it to be avoided, or if there is indeed moments when you as the player of the protagonist will be sexually assaulted in this VN during other paths or not... I would like to hope not, but I don't know since I didn't play every possible scenario in this VN... So, just be forewarned about those things, in case that type of content is not your thing... I avoided it all myself...

    I didn't feel like I was being punished for a majority of my 'avoid temptation' choices, in all the various forms that you are presented with those types of choices... But on occasion, some of those choices did make a real difference in how the story played out, which just goes to show the depth with which the author/s made this VN's script play out... Sometimes, no matter how bad or how good a path you go down, bad things still occurred now and then, much like real life, hence why I likened this VN as more like a Life Simulation game, with a ton of story content...

    Overall, I enjoyed my play through most of the time... And I'm sure I missed a lot of the more erotic content because of the choices I made, but the feel you get from this VN is more realistic than a lot of other VN's out there, so I tried to fit myself into her shoes and play it out in a smart way while giving in to temptation when I thought it appropriate... Obviously different folks will go into this VN looking to just have a grand ole time giving into every temptation to see as much adult content as they can, but that just isn't my style... I was REALLY enjoying the story and making choices I thought were appropriate for the situations as presented... I look forward to seeing this VN after it is completely done, and I applaud the author/s for the work so far... I don't agree with everything that was in it (i.e. the drugs etc), but at least I wasn't punished for avoiding it...
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    By far my favorite game/vn. The drawing is great, no turnoff fetishes (or you can opt out) and actual choices. Ashley ends up totally different depending on how you play, and so do the rest of the characters. Can't wait to see what happens next in the story, I'll play through a few more times.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with lots of content to explore! The art direction was fresh and on point. Lots of choices, and the "replayability" is definitely there. One of the great things about this game is that you don't really need or want a walk-through. Generally speaking for other games you kind of want a walk-through because the different routes aren't obvious enough to get there without re-doing xx choices, and to the point where it becomes a tedious task rather than a fun experience.

    Fortunately in GGGB the choices and routes you take make more sense, and therefore it becomes more fun to explore on your own.

    Really my only objection with this game is that after I was done I wanted more, because it was so good. That, and maybe some animated scenes here and there.. But hey that doesn't stop me from giving it a 5/5 (4.5/5 if I could give half stars).

    I hope this game continues to get new updates, and I will follow its journey until the end!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best overall h-game I played in years, best female pov h-game I played ever.
    The story is great, the art is unique and there is a shitload of different roads and choices. Most important of all the sex is hot and the evolution of the main character very much believable.
    You get attached to Ashley pretty fast and seeing her go from pure goody girl to bimbo gangsta slut is pure fun.
    Don't miss on it and become a patron because it's worth it and more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Kavick Vu

    The story is good for me when i have many way to chose to be a good or bad. I hope more route with Ash's Dad. And I don't like this shit "Please enter the review with more than 200 characters" i just want to rating game i like.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Best adult game I've tried. Its way better than any of the other games out there. Dark side is the best side, but both are enjoyable. Pretty decent replayability to get all the scenes. Would recommend. 10/10.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 309823

    I truly enjoyed this game. This is my dream game, keep up the great work, please never stop! The girls are so hot, love the different guys with different personalities and different ways to corrupt an innocent girl. Turns me on so much to play as a girl that gets corrupted, i have been waiting and searching for so long for a game where choices matter and have great art.