Others - Goodbye Eternity [v0.10.3] [RNGeusEX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Super surprised by how low this game is rated. It's not perfect, but for the quality of art and animations alone, this game deserves WAY more credit than 99% of adult games out there.

    In the low reviewers defense, I will certainly agree that the game can be a bit annoying with the clicking all over the map and trying to get certain things to line up story wise (e.g. you worked enough days at the ramen shop, but your stamina is too low from your workouts, so you have to grind that once a day for another week or something).

    As far as people not liking Noriko or not enjoying the very Japanese themes of blackmailing, mafia influences, and potentially unhinged romantic relationships compared to western norms, that is all personal preference, but I don't think any of it was done poorly. I actually thought Noriko was one of the best parts of the game haha it depends what route you play though.

    Ultimately if you think the art looks interesting. I'd say it's definitely worth checking out. If you aren't enjoying the story, just move on. I've regreted many many games but I find it hard for people to truly regret checking this one out if you appreciate good art (backgrounds, animation, writing, etc.)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is really bad. Why is the storyline always borderline ntr (It not ntr but it always make you think you getting cuck). At least the animation and music is good. The character in my opinion there are only 2 of them that i like the rest are unlikeable especially the sister (this the part i stop playing because of stupid the plot is).
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good, though it seems hollow for me. The story is questionable but i personally hate it

    There's also some technical issues (crash and stuff) that can be improved

    *There's a lot of NTR bait
    *I don't like Noriko
    *The story is too intense (in a bad way) for this type of game(porn game and stuff)

    *Also, it's not a good choice to put an extreme linear story with an open world map, it just waste time for nothing
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok it is a incomplete game so i'm giving a 3 stars but it might end as a 4 star depending on how the dev finish this game since i can see the potential in it, i played the 0.8.1 version because the 0.9.1 didn't work on my pc and it seens like many people got a similar problem.

    So to the actual review with good and bad sides of the game:

    1. Art is good, although animations could have been better i have nothing to complain about the art it is truly refreshing to see.

    2. Story is intriguing, it is incomplete but it does makes me anxious to know what might happen next since it got a really serious thing going on.

    3. linear gameplay, i feel like we don't play much since the only gameplay are in a few choiches that can change the story (only a little bit) but i think that a few more interactons between the story would be great there were times that i could do nothing other than sleep in the day, maybe a affection system that many games got would be good here or just more interactions in general.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty good i liked it, but it gets ruined by the lack of choices, like mother you can corrupt or love route in other words game has forced LIs you cant reject her and those lack of choices only becomes worse as game goes on, if it wasent a sandbox i would say its close to being a kinetic novel but since t is i got to call it extremly linear.
    I did everything i could to avoid the mother/son sex but its impossible, you cant progress without doing her questline, its make it even more awfull that you have a girlfriend you love and the mother knows your with her yet she stlll pushes MC to have sex and yes it can get worse the GF now accepts MC fucking hes own mother, story just dosent make any kind of sense anymore, i cant belive this has such a high rating with such a shitty story and lack of controle.

    This game would have been so much better with meaningfull choices.
    but instend they either dont matter or they are even fake choices which is even worse, click untie a dude you hate or not untie him and game says you cant do that, so your now forced to untie someone you hate, then a girl you hate will be part of your harem, when you want nothing to do with her, devs dropped the ball to the extreem on this part and kills the story.

    Then your forced to fuck your sister and forced to forgive her ass on top of it, MC is submissive and has 0 backbone, how i wish they tried to make a real game since i loved the art.

    Then theres the crashes where game closes down out of nowhere, that sure as fuck dosent help the game.

    Fetishes like mother/son sex is forced.
    LIs forced.
    No controle over MC.
    No choices that matters.
    Pointless sandbox with 0 freedom shouldent even be there.
    99% Kinetic/Linear.

    Animations and are are great and they are the only reason i give this 2 stars instend of 1.

    Interface is garbage, scroll back fucks up scenes, no instant text and even at max speed its slow making it another pointless time waste waiting on text to show.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through the 0.9.1 build on android and devoured it in one sitting, story has some nice twists and turns and is generally above the usual porn game backstory i've seen, the art, character design and animations are fantastic.
    Only critique would be that the overworld map was rather hard to open and navigate on android as for some reason tapping the screen makes a cursor show up, which usually starts in the middle of the screen making you return home and in other times starts at roughly the last position i clicked.

    Overall 5/5 and highly recommend to play
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The intro of the game was good, but that was it. Everything is just false sense of options.
    The Good Parts:
    - High Quality illustrations

    The Bad Parts:
    -Seems like the writer doesn't know where the story should head
    -The "choices" don't have impact, the story always ended up the same no matter what the player choose:

    • the funniest part I have seen in this game is when MC and Akira were tied up in Sakuya's room, player was given two choices, "Untie Akira" or "Ignore Akira", but player only allowed to choose "Untie Akira", the game just keeps yelling at player if player choose the other option. Doesn't matter if you choose to friendzone Asami or not, she's gonna end up in MC 's little harem
    • The game keeps telling player what to do, do this , do that, not this , not that. Player doesn't have control in everything in this game.
    • Why bother making a world map to waste player's time if every single event is just gonna be forced onto player, it's just making the player click few more times for some events that's going to happen nonetheless. The trainings serve no purpose at all. Remove the world map and the training from the game, and the story is going to play just the same.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game with anime-like art and came across this as a recomendation. Super beautiful animation and renders. One of the best adult games out right now. Great flowing story with believable characters and unique art style.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent premise with good art. But the crashing is extremely irritating. I'm not sure how other people are not experiencing this issue (maybe it's only when you skip text?) but it makes it borderline unplayable. Hopefully the dev fixes it in the next update.
    Likes: Kudio
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not sure about all the negative reviews. I played through the v0.9.1 version and had no crashes. Going into the Gallery viewer was a little buggy, but reoping from the main menu fixed that.

    It is a relative linear story, sort of Isekai of reliving your life and 'improving' it. Yes, some choices do not particulary give much difference in the plot (e.g. Femdom), but there are some variations left and right. With v0.9.1 the plot does not yet end and there is still quite some mystery, I am very interested how this will continue.

    There are many intriguing and well rounded characters, ranging from Tsundere to Yandere and ofcourse the mandatary lovable mother ;-) hell we even got a Macho and an Ugly Bastard. The story is well paced and there is little to no grind (money has not really played a role). All the 2DCG is very well done and gives some spicy scenes, I particulary loved the Noriko scenes.
    Personally, I would not mind some more teasing , NTR or Netorase, just to spice things up.

    Definitely on my follow list and if updates come frequently, you have another Patreon. Thanks for this great game!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    You know the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." ?

    Well I think the dev does not. :/

    Changing engine for a buggier and heavier one on the OS is an interesting move that's for sure...

    Quick review: Good visuals and animations, OK story, poor gameplay.

    Ah and quick side tangent, this is a linear novel, not a visual novel. Choices don't really matter.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay 7/10: The game has some bugs, but nothing that affects the gameplay too much.

    Art 9/10: The images speak for themselves. Beautiful milf. Beautiful art.

    Animation 8/10: Animations that maintain quality from beginning to end.

    Characters 9/10: Each character is unique and has good development.

    Story 7/10: The game is still very incomplete, but if the developer knows how to continue the story well, it will be great.

    Is it worth playing? For sure.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is currently (v0.9) buggy as hell, with at least one misleading route (Noriko's "femdom" route).
    The presence of "NTR bait" should please neither people who want it, nor people who avoid it.
    Plot is pretentious but simplistic even for a porn game.
    Girls are unidimensional and boring: mum, bratty sis, childhood friend, yandere.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily among the best games of its kind I've ever played. I recently replayed the story following the recent engine switch, and it was yet again a great experience. The new update felt a lot smoother and, all around, more polished.

    The story was captivating, though I noticed a few minor plotholes and inconsistencies. The animations were simply perfect. They were consistently of high quality throughout the game. Although many of the characters weren't necessarily very realistic, they felt personal, and you definitely grew attached to some of them.

    Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait for future updates!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The graphics of game looks pretty good even thought it feels kinda souless sometime. The music (the only one) is ok, I guess. But the optimisation... this game will never stop crashing and lagging. It's sad because I see a lot of potential but it seems like I have to fight it to find pleasure in it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The introductory dialogue was a bit lacking, a bit too cringe but as the story progress the dialogues get better 'til it reads similarly to your average slice of life anime.

    The animation is amazing and is actually something to look forward too. The scenes are not frequent so that is a plus for me because I hate instant fucking just because I finished one quest.

    I like the character buildup but the Noriko Femdom route is a bit confusing because of its vanilla properties but I am sure the dev already knows that since its quite a hot topic right now.

    I like the side character elements and the fact that not everyone is fuckable, Kimochi and Macumba dialogues are well-written imo so I actually prefer them to stay and interrupt for most of the time.

    The Renpy to Godot change is good, but there are elements that need to be addressed such as the rollback feature that stops the bgm and animation and locks you of the choices when you accidentally chose one.

    The game maintains smooth gameplay 98% of the time. I am glad my RX 580 can still keep up with this game. The crashes only happened to me six times and that was when I was using the skip feature. Not bothering me anyway because I frequently save.

    Overall, this is one of the best Adult VN games I have ever played. I didn't get bored and I was pretty engaged for the whole thing. The characters are well-written despite minor inconsistency with the routes but I know the developer is passionate enough to address that. Looking forward for more. It's not perfect, but it stands as one of the best I have ever played.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Looking at the posts and reviews, there seems to be factions both hating and fanboying this game. I'm a new player who has never played this game before, idk this dev, idk anything about the past versions, idk anything about any past drama, this is my first time playing on new saves. So it cant be anymore 'unbias' as this lol.

    - I like the art, interesting western anime style. The animations are the best thing about this game, very smooth and fluid. Especially the time-lapse ones. Just add some sound effects to the H scenes that don't have them already and I think it might be perfect.
    - Its not one of those 2D games where its 99% grind, with extremely low sexual content. It has a good amount of lewdz, there is a moderate amount of buildup to reach them.
    - The game doesn't waste your time with grind or repetition (only exception is the training with Macumba, you had to do the same thing and watch the same scene everyday. Especially annoying if you were doing multiple playthroughs like me). If you get stuck, there is indicator in the top-left that tells you what to do. Its not a hint, it literally tells you what to do. I tried not to use this unless I'm really stumped. There is even a button that shows you all the clickable objects in the room, THANK YOU, I hate sandbox games where you have to hover you cursor around every pixel on the screen trying to find the one small ass object you have to click on.

    - Technical issues. I did encounter the bug where the game crashes to desktop when skipping without warning. Some of the dialogues are still in French and they have not been translated to English. I did also notice my PC fans were a bit more stressed running this game than with other VNs.
    - Its uses Godot. I'll admit its implemented relatively well, the UI looks clean and fancy. But here's the problem - the existence of Renpy. There is a reason why most of the top AVN devs like Renpy, its the best. Its designed by Renpytom for VNs. Its very well optimized, very friendly to mods, easy to patch for fans, easy to code for beginners, easy to port, it can run on an ancient laptop from the early 2000s, etc. So whenever an alternative is used, people are immediately going to make the comparisons and complain. In my honest opinion, I personally do believe this game would've been better with Renpy, especially in terms of optimization and preventing bugs/crashes.
    - I hate the rollback in this game. If you rollback during an animation, it wont play the animation anymore. If you try to rollback to see a prior animation, it wont play it. Rollback also (sometimes) will mute the BGM. If you pick a dialogue choice, but then rollback to pick another choice, it will be greyed out and you cant click it. Huh? Who thought this was a good idea? Literally making the game more tedious/cumbersome for no reason. And finally, sometimes it wont work at all. Times like these makes me wish the dev opted for a better engine where this QoL feature is already present and functional so he wouldn't have to spend all this time trying to tack-on and code a very basic QoL feature.
    - He seems to do this thing where he adds a fetish but then kinda forget about it as time moves on. There is a Noriko femdom/maledom option, they both have their respective scenes, but they arent really followed-up on. They both end with vanilla sex with Noriko. Dialogue is even the same at late game. Yasuka corruption route is just love route 2.0. Then there is the yandere route with Sakuya. Which I really liked! But that ends when MC is rescued and Sakuya decided she no longer is a yandere anymore and she is content with being another sidehoe lol. A yandere character is never gonna go like 'lmao guess im just part of your harem now and im gonna share you with all these girls that were my enemies 2 seconds ago. oh btw sry for the whole kidnapping thing'. I feel like everything is just getting merged and 'dumbified' into this single common harem route, this could be good or bad, depending on your tastes.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I had high hopes for this game, but the recent engine switch has turned it into an unplayable mess. The game crashes literally every three minutes, making any attempt to progress an exercise in frustration.

    Furthermore, the game doesn't even seem to understand its own tags. Promised content is misrepresented, leaving players confused and disappointed. It's as if the developers have no idea what kind of game they're trying to make. And no, giving consent does not equal femdom.

    To top it all off, the developer's attitude has been nothing short of unprofessional. Instead of addressing these issues or engaging constructively with feedback, they dismiss complaints and turn on the players. It's disheartening to see such potential squandered by poor decisions and an unprofessional attitude. Avoid this game until they get their act together—if they ever do.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    thank you RNG,for letting me know femdom=maledom asked by female
    thank you RNG,for letting me know my 3070ti is not good enough to run such a great game
    you change the name of the game,you change the engine of the game,
    you release the bugged version just to
    get rid of those who don't know how to admire your great work
    Luckily I am not one of them
    praise RNG
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    If you get crashes:
    1. Make sure to get 0.9.1
    2. Don't use in game skip - get auto clicker of your choice, bind preferred hotkey and use that to skip. Just remember to manually turn it off because it won't stop at transitions/after choices, because...
    3. ...rollback is completely fucked. Try to minimise the usage.

    If you want femdom:
    1. If you played previous versions - expect none. It wasn't added.
    2. If it's your first time - there's few really nice good boy/bratty banter teases, for gfd enjoyers it has great content (which sadly gets worse with story progression)