Unity - Completed - Goons Raid Her [v1.0.2] [The Architect]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    Best game from the architect by far, I've played through the corrupted path, the mind-broken path, and the romance path and enjoyed the different content/endings for each. Good graphics nice story and scenes.
    Good job developers. Keep up the good work. definitely would recommend others to play the game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    You can have a sweet yet lewd romance with Lara and be her "significant other". Someone that would watch over her, protect her and love her.

    10/10 - Simple as that. :giggle:

    I didn't try the most hardcore paths, nor tried to ruin her mentally. Not my cup of tea.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Seriously don't understand the hype behind this game. The game falls really flat for me. I can see the attempt at humor but it makes the game feel awkward. The story doesn't make sense at all and feels like a childs attempt to write a coherent story. I'm definitely not averse to heavier fetishes, but the way it is implemented here feels cheap and just purely for the shock factor.

    I probably won't continue to follow this game. I didn't really enjoy it at all.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked other games by the author, but this for some reason was not so enjoyable. The idea is interesting, humor and graphics are good as usual, but the whole corruption business was a bit too intrusive to the point of breaking the fun. I still believe it is a good game, but maybe a more humane and personal path would have been better for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    That was an awesome parody. Some facial expressions could use some work but overall, loved it.

    Multiple paths including good ol' romance w/ (C)Lara (C)Roft. A parody true to its genre. Pregnancy is always a plus in my book.

    Plus the multiple paths, non-linear gameplay is definitely always welcomed.

    That ending surprise was pretty good. Unexpected netori.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best games here. The story is fine, the gameplay is good and scenes are hot.
    A 5/5 game, as any game should be.
    Not too hard to beat, not too easy.
    I wish every game would be like this.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Straight up, amazing renders and above average writing (mostly).

    Other than general control and slooow walking pace complaints, I have almost no complaints about the first 90% of the game.

    My biggest issue is late game when the paths "split" and the girl's personality solidifies she becomes a caricature. Which is a shame because, prior to that, her personality was actually pretty believable.

    After, however, the scenes lose a lot of weight, imo, because of how over the top her potential personalities are. I think they could have done a lot with each path, while also keeping her more believable.

    Still, its a great game, its just the last 10% that is simply good.

    Another minor issue is lack of a proper skip text option. It claims [Space} skips, but it really just makes text appear slightly faster than normal.
    Edit: Actually never mind. The actual skip button (labeled AutoSkip) is "Z"> it does what you actually want it to.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played through the corrupted path, the mind broken path, and the romance path and enjoyed the different content/endings for each. I haven't tried playing the heroine as not at all corrupted or low mind...basically with her shooting and being successful on her adventures without being sexual or submissive. I commend the creator for all their hard work in crafting a good enough story to go along with nice to look at characters...these games are often one or the other and not both.
    Really my only negative is related to the controls...for example during the message and physical arousal sections. I tried several times and I struggled with controlling the cursor during those scenes. Coincidentally I've unfortunately always had difficulty controlling my curser in real life situations like that too...so maybe it is a performance issue on my part and not a problem with the game's interface.

    Oh, and a continuity oversight...the dildo package clearly states that it is made out of glass but in every subsequent scene it is obviously a somewhat flexible rubber or latex dildo.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't see how anyone could give this anything less than a four star rating. Some of the best graphics out there, animations are superb, very good story with some decent mini-games. I liked the length of the game, it was certainly no slow grind. My only complaint is that I could not save the game at any point that I wanted and be able to go back as many scenes as I wanted. I would have loved to do some what-ifs on various choices. Then I probably could and would have viewed more trophy awards (sex scenes). However, I really, really enjoyed this game. I sure hope that the author continues to create new games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an instant classic. I would love to see as many sequels as you care to create. Your Lara renders are amazingly ultra sexy and I love how slutty she gets as the game goes on! Keep up the good work!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games i ever played
    great visuals and even better gameplay with engrossing characters as well as great visual stimulation
    and the NTR is great as well as the storyline plus the ability to make choices as you wish influencing the game is quite great
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    best game of the architect by far, good graphics nice story and scenes,
    unfortunately there is no roll back and you have to play with walkthrough otherwise you will get scenes you don't like and endings as well , if you don't have problems with that you should play
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    not bad point&click
    okeish renders (mias has meh face)
    some qol (cheats, autowin options, text instant skip as it is not renpy)
    good external walkthrough

    id prefer more story instead of vny routes variations (which made everything shorter ofc. i tried to pick most lewd ones anyway. i guess that is fair for most ppl. that makes other routes a waste. no intention to unlock em. maybe with better save system i could have checked some)
    running is a bit clumsy. could have been avoided i think
    sex animations are weird. but still better than average daz one
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I've played on this site and one of the best adult games I have ever played.

    This developer needs more support because there isn't anyone out there delivering this level of quality. And because his next game(a Life is Strange Parody) is something that needs to be done.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the branching paths you can take. how the story plays out. the puzzle solving i wasn't really fond of but i still enjoyed the game very much. so far it's gotta be the best i've played on the Unity engine
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    A parody of Tomb Raider where you play a Lara Croft knockoff's assistant and try to corrupt her. Okay idea and art but I found the gameplay of wandering around trying to figure out what I needed to interact with next in order to proceed tiring.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5/5 from me.

    Almost no negatives I can think of.

    Clara Roft was an awesome character and super sexy.
    The way everything was put together was just well balanced.

    I played some of the devs previous games and although enjoyable, it was quite complicated to get to an ending you really liked. H&S1 and 2.
    I always had to refer to the forum and/or WT to get the ending I wanted.

    In this one he managed to get the balance between gameplay, points and choices spot on so that I could play without a WT and still get to an ending I liked. The save management was also very well done. PS I could also get to other endings, without much trouble by just following the choices of the game. Was very logical and clear for me what direction the MC is taking with the girl.

    So all in all
    Story: 8
    Gameplay: 9
    Sound: 8
    Animation: 9
    Erotic content: 10

    Nice one, can not wait to play another one from this dev.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The only reason I dont give this game a 5 stars it´s for the minigames. I´m not a fan of minigames, but I can live with them. But when some of them make me to savescum 5-6-8 times and you NEED to succed, thats enouth to downrate a, for all other things, excelent game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best NSFW game I've ever played. I recommend it for players who played Tomb Raider, because it's better to know all the background story, but it's not necessery.

    +Great story and side characters.
    +Quite good animations (not the best, but enjoyable and better than in most games from here).
    +Lara is sexy af.
    +Player's choices affect Lara's behavior and some parts of the story. The Architect predicted so many different scenarios, for example that Lara can be a virgin at the and of the game - other characters comment accordingly.
    +From every trouble we can get out in at least two ways.
    +When something is happening on the screen, we see why is it happening. For example why Lara has an orgasm? Because she has more than X corruption.
    +Game is replayable. There can be some differences in the story when we choose other ways of getting out of the trouble.
    +We create a story - it can be Female becomes more corrupted; Female become more violent and confident; Female become more submissive; Female becomes a girlfriend of main character or neutral path - none of it will happen or a bit of everything.
    +Sometimes our choices has effects after a few hours.
    +Different minigames that are quite good - failing in them has affect on the story (and that sometimes makes player fail on purpose).
    +Great amount of different sex scenes - sometimes Lara has to do something to get out of trouble, sometimes to get something, sometimes she just want to have sex and sometimes her mind is too weak to resist.
    +When we see Lara (and some other characters) speaking, she isn't just a picture. She moves and lives.
    +Many autosaves, so when you make a bad choice, there's no problem to come back. You can even save autosave (xD) for later so it won't be overwritten.
    +Some funny phrases - not too much, but exactly as it should be.
    +Some references to previous games of The Architect and many references to real Tomb Raider.

    -People who don't like forced/blackmailed sex scenes will have less sex situations. Throughout the story in most of the sex scenes Lara is submissive to men, so if you don't like that and choose to get out of trouble without sex, you loose much of the adult content.
    -There's no sex scenes in the first chapter, so player must be patient.
    -Lara's behavior changes only in the last chapter. Earlier we see only some small phrases that suggest her actual state of mind, but the path we chose affect only sixth chapter. Since the last chapter, it's the same story only with some differences, for example no matter how many times Lara had sex and was taken advantage of, she always is suprised.
    -Sound effects are repeatable. Lara's orgasm and her "WHAAT?" sounds always the same.
    -No possibility to go back to earlier text - when you accidently skipped something, you must guess what was written there or load save.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a great game. Mechanics are solid, replayability is there, animations are well done. The only thing to complain about is that it is too short - it feels like there could be a few more chapters but it is a finished game which actually succeeds in telling a story and rather than just a series of sex scenes.