Unity - Completed - Goons Raid Her [v1.0.2] [The Architect]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven´t played many Unity games, but this one looks amazing, the animations are good and the textures as well. Maybe it will help that the animations were more fluent (and longer). ANother good thing i that in the gallery you can see all the scenes that you missed because you don´t choose a certain path or didn´t have the stats to unlock them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The screenshots don't do this game justice. This is a well paced great game with decent visuals that never feels tedious. Where this game shines is the paths multiple problems have different well made solutions. You have 2 different paths that are really well made, but within those paths you have wiggle room for different solutions to problems. If you are looking into making good adult games you should take notes from this one.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    great story, the scenes are nice. can take a while to go to the thick of the game but no matter to me. just needs more development and time, some of the stories haven't been 100% completed, but will still provide hours of fun. It's a good one. Nice change from always renpy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I went in with low expectations and I had to pause after a few hours to share how amazing gem this title is.

    First of this is a proper game with interesting mechanics that additionally happen to hit a lot of my kinks (blackmail, corruption, domination). It's interesting to balance out the female protagonits parts in ways which lower her self confidence and yet trying to not have her used by anyone but you. The pacing is great, the sex scenes are surprisingly interactive and there is a lot of interesting choice in dialogues and multiple path problem solving. Don't get mislead by the preview images, the graphics are nice and the setups for the sex scenes are absolutely great. It also throws in some humour here and there which is refreshing :)

    The game runs smooth with no crashing bugs and the auto-saves are very well placed.

    It was very rewarding to build up her trust, make her doubt her own resolve and finally abuse that trust and observe as she slowly relises what happens when you push her head down during a hug she gave you after coming back from one of the expeditions.

    I was cherry picking the route to avoid third party encounters (which is totally doable) while still maintaining control over her - obviously the game offers much more but I haven't explored that.

    Well worth your time. Give it a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just exactly what you sign up for. It is a solid experience and sells you a story you can buy-into for ~2 hours. I will definitely be back when it is completed. The scenes are solid with multiple ways to solve puzzles. Very rewarding. The only con is that movement can feel a little clunky. Look forward to seeing the finished product!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, nice graphics, cool story. The main character is just as cute as a young Lara Croft. I was affraid it would be a vanilla game, but actually there are hardcore scenes. I think you will have to play it at last 2 times to discover the different ways to reach the end.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish there was a 3.5 option because this isn't a bad game but it does feel a bit overrated. Worth a try.

    Starting with the good, to the bad to the ugly.


    Primarily a corruption game with really good progression, which is very important in the genre and not many non-trainer games actually manage to nail the corruption pacing, but this game does it very well and doesn't feel forced. If you're a corruption fan, go for it.


    The game is rich in "content" although I would have preferred for the loops to be a bit shorter but that's as far as you can go nitpicking as the renders are really high quality and the scenes themselves are implemented very well within the context of the story.

    If you're in it for the porn, then this is 100% worth it. Even if you don't like the gameplay, I would still reccomend playing this, even if through saved games, just for the scenes alone and the work that has gone towards it.


    Story is fine overall although I would have preferred Lara to be more of a human being rather than a mindless puppet who is absolutely helpless. If you haven't played the TR games, you shouldn't be bothered by that. But it does ruin the whole setting for me, it could have been any random girl at that point instead of Lara and the game would remain the same. In fact, it even somewhat ruins the corruption element as well, which is why it is so disappointing. The game fails to take any advantage of the Tomb Raider Universe, you will be let down if you're looking to play a TR parody.

    -1 Alone for this as it is unfixable.


    The gameplay is just filled with bad design choices.* I have played a lot of 2D side scrolling games, some by major and some by indie developers although I don't remember any good porn game in the genre but this definitely isn't one.
    There is barely anything to explore as the game is linear, which leaves the question as to why there is exploration at all and why this isn't just a VN or even just point and click without the side scrolling element as it just makes it unnecessarily slow without accomplishing anything.

    *recent chapters are a bit better.

    Despite all of that, it is one of the most unique games on the site and the developer has obviously put a lot of effort and time on it, which is why I will round out my 3.5 rating to 4 despite the obvious problems with the game. Because in fapping business, story and gameplay have way less value than the "content", which is plenty here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to congratulate the developers of this fantastic game. They exceeded all my expectations. I just loved the freedom of choice and the scoring system, it's amazing! There is also balanced humor, with classic references from other games in the franchise. The characters are also caricatures and it doesn't take millions of lines to understand their intentions. Everything is very intuitive, I loved it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    fun little game, has some adventure game elements that make it different, characters are ok and its fun to see the kind of trouble you can cause. story is as expected but overall good enough that i want to see more of this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game... This game almost deceived me at the start. Just looking through the page and viewing the screenshots will not do this game justice. The moment you open the game and see the very pixelated title screen, it might turn you away, but please, just bear with it and try out the game. I know for me the original reason why i kept playing was because the main character was Lara Croft, and i was not disappointed.
    There is so much content and different dialogue routes that changes based on your choices, and different scenes that are unlocked based on these choices. There are certain stats that can be affected and changed, and you as the player can shape them as you feel like.
    The game is surprisingly polished after you click play, but i wish there is something to be done about the title screen since it is not the best.
    Likes: ryxp
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    So far from what i played i'm enjoying it, it is Lara Croft and she is one of the greatest fictional characters ever, my issue is the engine it is in since i like Ren'py but that is just me.
    The story so far is really good and the Croft Manor is very nice. You have to hand it to the dev with how the manor looks and Lara looks.
    Hope the game gets finished, may edit review once i play more or the game gets completed.

    Sex. 7/10 Still playing it
    Art/Renders. 9.5/10 Manor and Lara look amazing
    Story. 9/10
    Characters. 9.5/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Quickly about the cons: at times this game is overly slow. Especially when you control the male character's movement it's mostly boring and it's not 100% clear what to do next. The mansion is huge and it takes forever to run around.

    Also I love the aspect of being able to talk to Lara live but it's just hilarious that the bad guys never take off her earpiece!

    That said: this game is truly amazing and one of a kind. This is among the most diverse choice given in any game and yes, it matters a lot as you can choose if and how you want to corrupt Lara. Two things stand out to me from a plot originality standpoint: as I mentioned the horny male character has constant audio access to what Lara is doing and is her only line of support and Lara plays kind of a spy or thief constantly trying to infiltrate areas with mean horny men. Just think about the endless content..this game certainly doesn't get boring from a scenario standpoint!

    The image quality is good and services its purpose, which is facilitating these ridiculous (but amazing) scenarios. This is absolutely original and a must try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and hot one, original gameplay, hope it won't be abandonned.
    The different routes (in corruption) are cool, you can make her your personal thing or just a total sex freak
    Maybe saving system could be better
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game stands out to me as one of the best executed projects on this site. You get the feeling that your choices matter, you get the feeling that exploring is worth doing without being tedious and the point and click gameplay is interactive enough to feel like a game but still very much a porn game with the emphasis on the adult content. it isnt complete, but so far it is an excellent job. thanks for your hard work.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest i had no hope for this game, i mean it had few screenshoots, and they looked so dull and boring. I tried this because i had nothing to play but OMG this is one of the best game i have ever played. This is a must play game. I love how there are many games that have like lets say like 30 to 40 min gameplay and they are like 1 gb or 2 gb. While this game has like 4 to 5 hour gameplay, plus different routes, and is just 400 mb or less. Renders are great, i loved the 3d render style, i also loved the gameplay plus sexual content mix .So i highly recommend this to everyone. I can't wait for more.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn !!
    This game....If you are not fellow the walk-through, At the beginning, lost a lot scene to see ..

    Ad gallery... It's just gallery ..........not replay ......
    Such a shame too less game creator think about it !!!
    If just picture, Many comic on Affect3D or other can do something better then most game !! (that's my opinion)

    Words combine picture , that's story , that's kind the power can lead human's imagination !!!

    But story and scene setup still good enough !!!

    Guys !!! try Support it on patreon ~~
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Lazarus Long

    One of the best games in this site. The art is great, Lara looks fab and the animations are quite smooth. It is a game, not a visual novel: your decisions matter and the virtuous path is actually rewarding, but much more difficult in gameplay (Real Time Events and that kind of shit).
    The corruption is really hot; probably some of the fetishes are not for everyone, but in this case the fetishes are dictated by the storyline.
    If his game is being made by just one dev, he puts almost every other dev in this site to shame. It feels like a game, not like a PowerPoint slideshow in Renpy and yet it's being developed at quite the speed. It's sad he's not getting much more funding.
    One flaw I have to highlight is the save system. It's absolutely terrible, counter-intuitive and it doesn't encourage playing every path.
    In any case I highly recommend playing this game. Just one warning: at some points you'll need to play it with both hands , one on the keyboard and the other one on the mouse.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Not enjoyable at all.
    The game have a really nice animation and its very smooth to play, but sadly I does not do what it say on the tin. In the game you hardly play as a male, 90% of the time you play as a female that "get advices" from a male player. but in reality you just watch the main character get fucked and blow random bad guys.

    Game is not tagged correctly nor it explains in any way what it is exactly.

    If you expected a game were you play a male character and fuck (C)lara then you are in the wrong place, cause this is as game where you play a female character and getting fucked and give blowjobs I do not recommend.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    the anmation are really good, the sistem of choices are cool, only problem that i have was the main caracter are slow, this game really surprised me, when i downloaded it i was expecting a short as borring gam (no offenses) but in the true it excellent
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh, this guy uses Blender? I'll download and take a quick peek at what the animations look like.

    Few hours later... game completed to the current version.

    Good shit. Well done mechanics, interesting story and funny as fuck.