Seeking Grandma/Grandson content


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
I am sure that this has come up a few times but where can one find incest games or videos of Grandmas and Grandsons? I was playing the game "Grandma's House" that implies that you can seduce and have sex with your "Grandma" but it feels how things are going that you will get 1 and only 1 scene with her at the very last scene of the game. I really am looking for any content that has a strict Grandma and grandson incest porn, nothing that has focus on other incest relationships with a scene or 2 with grandma. I know that I am asking for a lot and may come off demanding/condescending so sorry about that. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time.


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
The only game I know of where it's strictly GM/GS is a Japanese VN Sobo to Boku

Every other game usually has the GM as one of multiple options though there is some good stuff in those games too where it doesn't feel like an afterthought. I'd recommend checking out this thread and searching for the GM/GS tag.
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