VN - Ren'Py - Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.65] [Moonbox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Given the game's overview, I didn't expect much. Yet after trying it, it quickly became one of my favorite (VN) games. To quote the dev, it's perversely wholesome. A lot of different fetishes, a lot of different girls and personalities. Characters have depth to them. There's something for (almost) everyone.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Its been ages since I played this one and it still more of the same, . Theres no plot basically, so you just see MC non stop fucking character A, then B then C, etc,etc.
    That would make for a good/decent game if the sex scenes themselves were something great or extremely high quality in both looks and writing, but they aren't, they are awfully mediocre and dont even have any animations that would certainly help.
    There's also the fact of the recurring joke of "no sex with nana" that was funny for a while, but just like every single thing that gest done way too much, it gets old and very VERY annoying, to the point I was just hoping that grandma doesnt show up with her shit teasing for the 100th time. And that's really bad in a game called "grandma's house", the build up was good 10+ updates ago, now I dont care, I actually want her to go away, cause even if the sex happens it will be disappointing as fuck.
    In the end I couldn't even finish it, it just got boring and annoying. Writing and dialogs certainly dont help much either, but this trend of keeping hostage the most desired LI in a game, needs to die and needs to die ASAP.
    I'll give it a 2 because theres a lot of content, the LI are attractive and if you just want to jack off to pictures, this will do. But if you are looking for a story, interesting characters, progress, or high quality in general, then this isnt it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    review on Part4 v0.58 (which had been given 3 stars)

    re-review on Part 4 v0.59:

    Nothing changed - still getting more and more boring and worse -> removed 1 star from previous review

    Well - what should i say?

    What started to be a potential 5 star game, turns out to be worse and worse.
    I hesitated for a long time (several updates for now) to write my review, as i really WANTED this game to be as good as it could be.
    But with each update i am more and more disappointed. All scenes are getting boring and absolutely repetitive. Nothing really new happened.
    Still "No Sex with NANA yet", still no animations.
    And after you fucked all women in several positions over and over again, and after you slept for the (felt) 1000th time with the same 2 women in your arms, it's just getting more and more boring. Even the postures and gestures are over and over the same (it feels like the dev re-uses old material again and again). It also doesn't help that some woman still look as if an android is standing in front of MC.
    Instead of a great start, with improvement from update to update, it's more like it had a great start, but getting boring and worse over time.
    This new update for example could be told in 1 minute:
    Some flavor sidestory (carnival), 1Blowjob with Jamila (AGAIN-like in several updates before - same renders, same facials - like a 1:1 copy paste), 1 really short Spanking scene and a 5 seconds sex scene (Jamila AGAIN).
    This game should end now if there's no "fresh movement" coming up.
    I really don't want this game to make me feel like playing a milking machine.
    So - sorry for that - but judging on an objective view on it, it's only a 3 star game right now - with tendencies to drop even down to 2 stars within the next updates.

    Still i hope that it's not too late to turn the ship and get it back to more glorious days as it was once upon a time, instead of slowly joining all other of those games which started out great, but later went out of ideas and content and only for the purpose to get money there were more and more crap updates made.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has actually some part of "deepness", you can laugh playing it, you can cry playing it, and you actually "connect" to depicted characters. One of the best f95 game I ever played in terms of lore/history design
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great variation in women and kinks. Animation adds a lot of quality overall.

    Thew story Just becomes kind of repetative twoards the latest few updates in my opnion. Character building moves at a great pace until you get at a peak with a select few characters and then the progress leans to heavly into them only. With the amount of women seeing some more variation with notable story would bring this back around to how strongly I think it began for this kind of game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Rez E Dent

    Ill Keep it short

    Its a fun game to play, dont take it seriously its a satirical AVN after all many scenes will make you laugh.

    Good length so far and were getting a lot more apparently.

    Creator joins in here on the thread having fun.


    No animated scenes which is a shame.

    A little bit too heavy on the repeated soppy side eg repeated lines of "love you (family member) " "love you back( nephew/cousin)" *kissey face.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm labeling this "the best story I've found" in literally probably over 200 stories that I've read since I started on AVN's. It's a wonderfully happy story with a wholesome feel. Very easy to fall in love with all the characters especially the "dangerously cute" Shizuka. The story is longer than most and impressively well written, the "spicy bits" are around every corner, are wildly enjoyable and they don't end in just four frames or five lines of text. It has all the story tags I look for and none of the ones I don't. This Dev knows how to create a harem story and for this one in particular, I hope it continues for a long time. And then when this one ends, I very much look forward to their future works. I just hope they keep these same tags. Great story! Thank you for sharing it and for all your hard work.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I find the game pretty good. Its a sex game, that delivers on sex. What dialogue is there, is pretty light and definitely has some humor. I crack up at the shit that goes on in the background half the time.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a fairly obvious problem. Even though this is AVN and porn, the stories and scenarios are nonsensical; I do not expect Shakespeare, but I do expect the story to flow and make some sort of sense.

    Additionally, there are not really any options besides sleeping or not with a character. You fap to this game like you would eat greasy fast food, it tastes good at the time but you hate yourself afterwards and realize there are much better options.

    I gave it an extra star for the renders which are good when I say good I mean just good you will find much better renders elsewhere but it also grades above average considering the average F95 game the writing drops the overall rating to average though. Some of the women are not attractive but since all of them throw themselves at you none are really memorable to begin with. You quickly just forget them and move on to the next one. The animations are awful where they exist.

    Overall I can't recommend this game. It really isn't worth following. I'd recommend just playing the final release or checking when you get through your backlog of games.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Reliable to fap to. Knows exactly what it is, a porn fantasy where every female MC meets wants to bang him (including fam). Gradually works through the holdouts, will likely end when sex with Nana is consumated. Updated all the time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure the ratings matter much but they were discussed in the thread recently. This one simply delivers what it promises, the pace is easy with plenty of lewd content for those just looking for that and a generally positive story. A couple fetishes in it aren't for me but they don't take away from the game enough to lower the rating and I suspect most of them are optional (been a while since I went through those sections).
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I startet playing and i was like "yeah this is not bad". The story was interesting and could not wait to keep going.

    Then there comes a time where your brain just start to shut more and more down because of the story/writing. If the dev and the writing/story dosent take itself serious then why should i as a player do? So.... i DONT take it serious and start using the SKIP text.... ALL THE TIME.

    Never have i ever use so mutch Skip then i did in this AVN ,and if you end up having to do it more then playing the game, then it tells you all you need to know. When the Story/writing are BAD then all you are left with are the sex scene.

    And after a few bad buildup sex scene and then the next one and so on then its kinda pointless to even play for the sex scenes aswell, and so all you are left with are just a BIG pile of shit and a waste of time.

    If the sex scene are supose too be this AVN strenght, then that makes me sad. The scenes are not even made to be good with no Animation.
    Feels more like quantity over quality. To bad because the Models and graphic is not bad.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Text Here

    There is 100s of choices that literally do nothing. I've never seen a game throw so many side characters at you to avoid progressing the story with any of the main cast.
    Why does the game give you the choice if you are interested in a LI only to force that LI on to you? Why is there 2o choices to watch water sports only to force that content on you?
    I have no idea how this game has such a high rating. it should be a 2 IMO
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, hope the developer can quickly finish and create another similar story. All female characters have their own charm and very decent model used for each of them. Some details are a bit silly but can be chalked up to author's sense of humour.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few games that has consistent frequent updates and for that alone it deserves 3*, it maybe has no animation but imo IT SHITS ON 90% of the animated games on this site sex scenes I had more nuts bust on this game that half of the renpy games I played so it deserves a star for that, finally it has incest taboo with grandma(sadly no sex yet but soon),aunt,cousin, old lady's so that's another * for me, it's not perfect but it sure asf isn't a 3* game and this is a porn game site I don't need the story to be award wining as long as it's not shit and has some quality to it I'm fine too many snobs treat these games like it should have tear jerking stories MF it's a porn game go read a best seller if you want award winning writing quality.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I might've only just recently started leaving reviews but I've been lurking for a hot minute and in all the time I've been here, I would be hard pressed to recommend a game I like more than Grandma's House.

    It has its flaws: the writing can be a bit repetitive, especially during sex scenes. There's the odd hiccup with the renders: things clipping when they shouldn't and a supposedly female dog having a fat set o' balls in at least one scene, for instance.

    But for the most part the game does it's job in being a harem building, heckin' wholesome slice of life VN so well that I don't much care about any of that. I've been playing this on and off for a long time and I hope to still be playing it for a long time to come.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean... Do people ACTUALLY consider this in any way or form "good writing"? HTH can this have more than three stars? It's like it's written by a 13 year old virgin boy... When a game is WORSE than actual porn in the story and dialogue i can't see how anyone rates it higher than 2/5 maximum, and that's being generous...
    Style and general looks are OK i guess minus the ridiculous trunk the 40 year old college graduate is sporting. As said, 13-year old boy's wet dream....
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun kinky adventure. Grandma's House provides plenty of enjoyable hijinks. It doesnt resort to cruelty, abuse, degredation and other messed up crap to tell a story. The writing while not exceptional is perfectly adequate with few grammar or spelling errors.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    -The premise is decent
    -Renders aren't bad
    -Good amount of content

    -Characters are less than one dimensional
    -The 'humor' is flat at best and cringe at worst
    -No real plot to speak of, other than "everyone falls in love with MC for some reason"
    -The MC is the typical milquetoast nothing character. Absolutely zero personality, barely ever even has facial expressions other than a neutral smile, and has the typical cartoonishly large dick. He's basically a blow-up sex doll.
    -Dialogue, especially during sex scenes, is atrocious

    There's really nothing compelling me to keep playing this game beyond the premise to be honest. If it weren't for that, I'm sure this game would have an average rating of less than 4 stars. To be frank, the writing is just awful. It's barely a step up from the type of thing you'd get from Brazzers or somewhere.
    Nothing really ever happens and there's nothing that makes you care about the characters, especially the MC. It's almost just like watching the dev play with their dolls. The MC is as empty as you can get, and the other character's pretty much only exist as tools to set up sex scenes. They all just fall in love with him instantly and seem to get comically horny whenever he so much as looks at them.
    The thing that is the most cringey about it all, though, is how the love interests act during sex scenes. I swear, if I have to read "*heavy breathing* haaa" or "KYAAAAAAA" one more time, I'm going to lose my mind. It's just so cringe, and so obvious that the dev has no idea how to write a sex scene, and is just recycling the same dialogue over and over again. It's embarrassing, honestly.

    Truly, the premise is the one and only thing that keeps me playing this game. I honestly think I spend more time skipping through each released with my eyes glazed over than I actually engaging with it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    leo dicaprio

    Girls who distinguish only by appearance take turns jumping on the MC with almost no dialogue before that, so that the same scene with them would start, with the same poses and dialogues during sex. And there is also no animation, it's easier to just watch porn videos, there are animations and variety in the scenes themselves, the appearance will change here and the same scene will be shown.