VN - Ren'Py - Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.65] [Moonbox]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Been following this one for a good while now.

    tl;dr play this game for the porn and you'll really enjoy it.

    The game started off with a fairly promising story but it's since been abandoned for the most part. Now the main story focus is progressively corrupting the 20-odd LIs, some more than others. It's a kinetic novel that runs through each LI's mostly self-contained story bits.

    There are no stakes, no restraints, and no overarching goal except banging every woman in every way you can and the array of fetish stuff is really nice. The renders are fantastic, the girls are all hot in their own way and the scenes are great.

    Don't expect a compelling story. Again, treat it as fap material, don't feel bad about skipping through parts you're not interested in and you'll have a good time. Solid 4/5 game.

    On an extra note, I think this game would actually be better as a sandbox-style game shockingly enough. Something like the game "Come Home" except it's just the stories and no stats or monotonous stuff
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Yeah this is bad.

    Even slice of life needs something, dude. Comedy. Slight issues. I don't know, some cooking scenes. A festival. Something that brings out some plot device up, some issue that needs to be resolved and creates an interaction between the characters so that the purpose of their interaction isn't solely to fuck.

    That does not exist here. Characters exist solely to fuck and to be fucked. So you think this game would be short, given that there is no actual plot of relevance happening, right? If there's nothing worth reading, then at least this is gonna be a damn good HCG grabber, right?!

    No. Oh no, we can't have that. Instead, how about you read through several hours of every character's mommy/daddy/parental affection starvation? The protagonist is the daddy/monkey/master/sir of half the cast 100% of the time, and they're his cute snuggle bug firecracker kitty cat cutie! For the other half, they're his auntie/mama/nana/mommy and he's their cute little mama's boy big small little man boy chubby grown up favorite person! Except when they're fucking, because every woman is submissive, so even his aunt calls him daddy when they're in bed. Awww! By the way, every single word I've written here is not ironic and is said in game, repeatedly.

    There is literally not a single worthy reading line in this VN. It is characters gushing over eachother like that and going 'bout the GOOD OL' DAYS OH HOW I MISS THE OLD DAYS REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE THIS TINY MY LITTLE BABY BOY?!. They see eachother naked and touch their asses and dicks regularly but that's definitely normal family behavior as well as sleeping cuddled naked or in underwear, so all the moral qualms about fucking don't even make sense but they gotta be there so we can drag this game for a couple more updates where all you do is kiss their neck. Who's a good little cutie patootie big boy man of the house?! You are!

    There's like a hundred fucking characters too, and since there is no story, you have absolutely no clue when you're going to see them again. Head pops out of the pillow one day and you're just like yeah fuck it I think I'm going to visit that one clothing shop today. Unprompted. No build up. Just "oh yeah this model needs some sex scenes this update lets do it". Then you find other characters there because hey why the fuck not? Lets make sure they don't interact and that anything that happens happens after your sex scene with one of them though, because again - they're really only here to fuck, they don't exist outside the MCs' dick radius.

    I'm giving this two stars mostly because its really easy to dodge characters you don't like (there's an option to pursue them whenever you meet one and since there's no story them lacking or not doesn't really make any fucking difference at all), AND because Fiona is the only good character in this entire fucking game - because she's the only one that doesn't have weird daddy issues and actually treats her relationship with you in a different way than everyone else in this VN.

    I can't even think of a case where I'd say "only read this if..." because even if you ARE into incest or into characters gushing over eachother for hours on end I'm sure there's something that's at least a couple dozen times less infuriating and also doesn't waste 10 hours reminding you that you two love each other oh so much. This is a bad, bad game, and if you download the unholiness that this is I can only pray for your soul because I cannot believe anyone has the mental fortitude to actually read through the absolute word vomit that this VN spews out as writing.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders are nice but this has been dragged on for so long I'm not reading anything and just clicking through to get to the good parts. There's been so much "harem creep" over the years that the VN is up to 33 women and you aren't going to see some of them for dozens of updates so there's no reason getting too invested in this. The writing may as well not be there because it's nothing but characters gushing over each other, you're better off just extracting the images and looking at those.

    Six months after this review it's up to 37 sex partners. Fucking ridiculous.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs on the site. Lots of content. Regularly updated. Some very sexy incest scenes (the family of redhead women are superb).

    While the story isn't amazing (it's not awful) the writing itself is quite good. Humourous and self-aware about what it is. Its not Midlife Crisis levels of funny but its in the same vein and does a good job.

    Its a pure fantasy. MC is a god among men and women worship him. Just enjoy the ride.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    One of my all time favorites, yes it doesnt have animations but the LI are just perfect and cover a lot of the bases for me. MoonBox just released a side project to test out animations, MB said he will not be adding animations to the main game to maintain 2 updates a month which I am fine with. This is just a fun VN with great characters and some good male Dom scenes, I do wish we would see the female cop more because I prefer Male Dom but I dont mind some Female Dom here and there especially if they let us turn the tables on them in the middle of it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has so much content, scenes, and decent renders, but that's it. You'll need to temporarily suspend your frontal lobe to enjoy this one.

    Renders: 4/5
    The characters design is pleasant to look at, although their ages are ridiculous sometimes, some women look barely 5 years older than their daughters, and sometimes a 21 looks like a 12.

    Animation: N/A
    Nothing is animated, wasted opportunity in my opinion, for such a fuckfest of a game, if it had some decent story going for it then it would've been fine.. but the whole game focus is on cramping as many women as possible with multiple sex scenes with each, then no animations?
    Edit: As another user mentioned it doesn't have the animated tag so it's not fair to place points in it

    Story: 1/5
    For some reason EVERY WOMAN on the planet wants to fuck this dude, he meets a random girl in an elevator and she says she's nervous about losing her virginity and so he offers to pops it for her and she agrees? raw? creampie? while still in the elevator?

    If this game had super powers this would make sense if the guy was some sort of incubus, it would also explain that 'banana allergy' bullshit better.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    Typical VN no open world, the UI looks clear enough and the choices are clear where they would lead, nothing extraordinary good or bad.
    The choices seem to basically boil down to 'interested' or 'not interested' in the current female, and during sex scenes where you finish.

    Sounds: 0/5
    This is so quiet you'll be hearing your inner voice being disappointed in you.

    This is average. This could have easily been split into multiple games with few LI in each, the sheer amount of women makes it impossible to feature them all no matter how often the dev does updates.

    Some girls are completely forgotten about even though they're 'supposedly' carrying your child inside them.

    All in all this game has A LOT of content, however it leaves a poor aftertaste because the mc just can't keep up with the amount of LI, no matter how much the mc flirts with a LI it feels shallow and aimed to get her to drop her pants, because he would say the exact same thing to the next girl he meets 5 minutes later.
  7. 3.00 star(s)



    i think 'middling' is the right word to sum this up for me.
    the plot is in another game, cos it left this one before it even started, and the writing is not even close to a novel, so i take umbrage at what this site clarifies as a VN. more VC than VN.

    this is just a wet dream made visual with no real direction. indeed the girl from the massage parlour has become a forgotten entity since way back and the pregnant ex pops in when the after thought occurs, but some of the women are mostly hot and cold for screen time. gotta feel for the dog.
    poor planning/no pre-planning lead to this. quite common now. how the MC holds a harem he barely feeds i will never know. days should be more packed instead of almost a singular focus and an occasional after thought update to update.

    visually it does the job and floods you with a plethora of sex scenes to hit most peeps buttons. a little overmuch for my taste but i cannot fault it just for that. many come here just for imagery, as a whole host of site feed reviews will show, so if you are looking for purely fap material look no further.

    it is a mildly entertaining throw together that's seemingly developed on the hoof.
    just don't expect structure. there is none
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game I keep coming back to. The developer churns out updates like nobodies business, and while they aren't incredibly long updates, the content always delivers.
    The game has an extremely mild story; basically nonexistent. It's just a wholesome af, slice-of-life, bang-your-way-through-the-day AVN, and I love it for that.
    You don't play this one to get blown away in story (very very little) or drama (extremely rare) or quality of renders (they're decent) or music (there is none), you play it to get entertained.
    This has got to be one of, if not THE funniest avn out there, and I love it. I'll always come back for more.
    I rate it *heavy breathing*/10.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Had to update my review, because the game still continues to just tread water, the "story" doesn't continue, it might even walk back a few beats, instead we get the same content every month, just with different women.
    It has become incredibly boring and in the last 2-3 months I couldn't even bring myself to download the new versions any more. I just checked, whether there had been sex with Nana by now, or not. In this vein, I need to lower my rating from 3 to 2 stars. The inability or missing drive to finally bring this to an end is by now an absolute detriment to the game.
    The dev has made it pretty clear that he will milk this game as long as it is still possible, make of that what you will.

    I can say a lot of good things about Grandma's House.
    Lots of characters, humour, an adequate amount of fetishes...
    The renders are fine, there is lots and lots and lots of sex....

    But for the last few months I noticed something, we sometimes tend to forget. There can be too much of a good thing.
    The MC in this one, is the super Alpha male, he is huge, strong, loves to cuddle, has a giant constantly erect dick, produces tons of cum, his dick makes women spray gallons of female ejaculate and makes them his followers. But all of that is done with a bit of irony. The game is self-aware enough to know what it is and have fun with it.

    The problem is that it's still possible to overdo it, and that is what is happening here. I am not saying Moonbox is milking his customers, but he keeps on adding more and more characters, instead of giving the players those they want. The aunt that so far hasn't done anything with the MC, the "mother" and the Granny, and of course the snugglebug.

    I personally can only spend so much time chasing after the next new woman. It becomes repetitive, and you learn pretty fast that the encounters all follow the same schemes, there are a few variations in how characters react, a few variations in how the MC acts, but in the end he fucks the girl and she becomes his acolyte.

    At this point, before this becomes an endless boring grind, Moonbox should just bring it to an end in a few updates and tackle a new game.
    It's understandable that you want to stay save with the game that is earning a steady income, but it's draining the creativity.

    Don't get me wrong, there are still updates I have lots of fun with, depending on which characters are in them, but overall it has stretched thin.
    And that sadly makes you concentrate stronger on the weaknesses, like the basically racist way in which Japanese women are depicted, like submissive isn't even the right word, it's master here and seemingly our lord and saviour there. Really hard to swallow at points. I like snuggle bug and her mom, but it's a bit much, too much at times.
    And then the squirting, it's getting progressively worse. It might be a joke on the dev's part, but honestly having EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER basically piss the bed or carpet when orgasming, it does nothing for me and I even find myself feeling a small disgust at times.

    The game should probably have ended about five updates ago, but if the dev decides to bring it to a fitting ending in the next few, this will still remain a fun and successful VN, with lots of credibility for any follow-up game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I used to really enjoy the game. But after coming back to it after few months i think it jumped the shark. Too many women all falling over MC horse cock. I lost count at how many LI there are. I loved the fact that i had GILF content and other stuff but I see no end in sight
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall this is Quality. It has very good story content.
    Very few bugs, missing images etc if any, developers have taken there time and experience to produce quality work.
    They haven't done like some of the other developers, and just made a few renders through in some bad story content, bad grammar, and upload it. (With understanding that some developers are one man crews and may use machine translation.). They proof read there work before it is uploaded or have some one else do it for them. Renders are good, animations fit and make sense. No sex just to put sex in, it fits the narrative, take sex out and this is still good story. With some VN's if you take out lewd content there is nothing but bad coding or programing,( for those of us that where born before computers, cell phones, GPS, Etc.)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, a significant chunk of the Game in the beginning was mediocre. The renders were well.. decent. The dev introduced us to a variety of girls to the point I found myself skipping ahead. Here and there were some glimpses of boobs, or mc fucking someone insignificant. It was basically a slowburn. But man.. when the slow burn ended this game completely changed. The game basically starts (for me) when the mc raises his glass and makes a speech during the dinner. By that time the renders were HQ and suddenly I felt that the dev knew exactly what he wanted this game to be. Thanks to all those boob-less times, now the dev created a unique situation that is just too hot. This game is not about the story but the relationships and the dev did an excellent job on that. Among all other incest games I've played on this site, this one takes the cake even though there's no "Mom".
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review of v0.36.

    Grandma’s House is one of those games which is extremely difficult to rate. At times, it is sexy joyride. At other times, it makes you cringe so hard you feel physically sick.

    The game is a slice-of-life, “wholesome” harem AVN with no conflict and no plot. It is very slow, and while there are a lot of sex scenes, they are interspersed with a lot of pointless, repetitive dialogue. The worst offenders are the countless boring and cringe-inducing scenes the mc spends with his Grandma and his “mother” (not blood-related). Their relationships have progressed at a glacial pace, but what really induces the cringe is how they have become blatantly sexual without anyone admitting that they want to have sex. The intention is clearly to be sweet and wholesome, but the effect is so bad it hurts. I almost never skip through dialogue in AVNs, but I ended up having to skim read these scenes to preserve my sanity. The same problem exists with one of the aunts, but at least she is pretty clear she doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship with the mc currently. This was a problem with the other aunt and the cousin, but thankfully they both got past it quickly enough. Even then, there is an inordinate amount of hugging, kissing and generally being "sweet" in a way that gives you diabetes rather than warm your heart.

    That's the heart of my experience, but here are some other miscellaneous points:
    • The game is already very long
    • The visuals are low quality by modern standards but fine enough to play
    • There are no animations
    • The sex scenes are well structured and very hot; you can see their quality improve from the start of the game
    • There is no music, not that that's a problem
    • There are GILFs, MILFs, and girls around the mc’s age (20), and while I avoided some of the GILFs, I felt obligated to follow the grandma and “mother” routes because they are central to the narrative
    • One plot thread
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      set up at the very beginning of the game has frustratingly still not been explored
    • The mc has a big dick even by AVN standards, but the odd choice to keep it pretty much permanently hard and to have him and the central LIs essentially be nudists (even around those he isn't currently dating) means the sexiness of getting naked is lost
    • Some characters who narratively ought to receive more screen time are pushed to the wayside because they are optional
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    • Having lobster for breakfast should be illegal
    • The main cast are all alcoholics, drinking very heavily many days in a week, but no one seems to realise this and it is not presented as a problem
    • There are some girls who are avoidable but look extremely inappropriate, which brings my rating down from 3 to 2
    Despite all this, I know I will eventually play future updates, because the sheer amount of time I've spent with characters has invested me enough to want to see how things proceed. Grandma's House has dug its dirty nails into me and won't let go.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, mind speed up things a litle with nana, like accidental penetration and creampie in one of the snuggle setions vey good work and renders and great idea with the kinks be optional, sometimes fells like devs want to force their like in to us, sorry
    about my english, i am not a native
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit, one of the best h-games on this site (and maybe anywhere else)! The story is actually not bad at all and the h-scenes are well spread out. Even if sometimes there aren't full-on penetration scenes, the teasing, and the innuendo make it so much better. Can't believe I went for a g-ma based game, but actually love it! Keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Grandma's House has it all. Big butts, little butts, tall butts, short butts, GILF butts, MILF butts, Auntie, niece and cousin butt's. It's all about family values... well... sorta. The graphics, writing, posing and story telling are all top notch. It's funny and smart and entertaining and... adult. Childish minds should stay away for sure.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    stories lack depth. becomes monotonous after some scenes—nothing to do other than just fap. The graphics were good. If the sole purpose was only fapping then it could have been better with animation and sound effects.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't write reviews often but I really enjoy this one.

    First and foremost, what I like is that you don't have to wait 6 months between updates and there are plenty of LI's to mess around with in the mean time and plenty of content.

    That said, I like the different ethnicity and various age difference of the characters, with lots of kinky stuff and humor. I just hope the dev is able to keep going with HIS original idea for the VN and doesn't get discouraged by some of the negative comments. It's impossible to please everyone so please keep doing what you're doing buddy and stick to your guns. There's a whole bunch of us that love your game and looking forward to some Nana action ROF. Just messin with you bro and I know it's coming but I just had to slip that one in knowing I couldn't get facepalmed :ROFLMAO:;)

    Keep up the great work. Cheers
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    The right mix of wholesome and kinky with enough kinks for everyone and all fully optional as well. This dev clearly understands the average player's top complaints and decided to make a game and fix all of it. Recommended if you're looking for something light-hearted and fun without a deep story. Plus, the MC is one of the best out there.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I've really enjoyed the story as well as the naughty scenes. This is the ONLY VN that has made me audibly go "Aww" with the cutie maid. I have had more than a few laughs at the jokes and the MC is sappy but relatable. There are so many girls there can be a long gap between seeing one again but am enjoying every one of them. One of the few VN I wish had a professional game sized staff to make more content faster.