Amy won't be last. She'll be before Nana and Jamila.
Nana and Jamila have been getting more comfortable with nudity and kissing etc, but it's all be relatively safe and tame. They're still within the bound of normal to a good degree. There are nudist families with no hint of incest.
Once our relstionships with Aunt Liz and Cat are revealed and public, that'll cause Nana and Jamila to freeze. They'll slow down.
Aunt Amy on the other hand, who has always been resisting, will probably start to speed up in terms of warming to the new dynamics going on once she's constantly seeing how far things have actually gotten.
The trick is, Amy, Nana, and Jamila are all going to be asking themselves if they've been wrong the whole time.
Amy will ask if she's been too resistant, too rigid. Being able to compare herself to her sister and niece, and how far gone they are will allow her to slowly start at the beginning with being more and more clothing optional and more open to the kissing.
Nana and Jamila will ask themselves if they've been too flexible and lenient. They'll start to pull back. Not as bad as Amy has been, but not a good as they've been recently either.