[Made as of the release demo]
What's here is really good! Recently, I've been on a search for some simpler games in general (not just lewd ones) that aren't as grindy as all of these open world games currently out there, and this is absolutely one of the games that scratch that itch!
In terms of graphics, my only hope is that the art stays consistent. I'm not someone who particularly cares if a game has good graphics or not (I mean, i've played Cruelty Squad and want Rule of Waves 3 eventually), and while this type of art style isn't totally my jam it is absolutely praiseworthy that all of the art currently in the game is consistent and I hope it stays that way. The environments, the characters, and even something simple like the dialogue box and text all just fits so well.
I am making this review after finishing all the currently available content, and the only complaint I really have right now is that some of these runes are really hidden. I personally hope that the runes in the future are either hidden like the one in the police station (which did feel a little obvious, but it certainly made me feel smart), or there is a way to get an idea that the rune is in the vicinity at all. Maybe B-amera has a slight glow when a rune is present or Bill just pops in to quip about the area as an introduction before hinting that he can feel something in the area or whatnot. I'm also not sure if some text partially popping in anytime the dialogue box occurs is a known bug, and unknown bug, or just something finnicky with Unity.
9/10 - Obviously as it is just a demo right now, there's not much to rate. But for what is there, this is a super promising project. Definitely recommend if you don't mind perverting a favorite childhood cartoon like me. I'll just be patiently waiting for the Pacifica content to drop in my little corner until then.