Unity - Gravity Whores [Demo] [World of Lewds]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great little demo, although there are very few pictures and content. However, it looks like the foundations are all there, interesting mechanics, an interesting story and hot women. Could well be worth supporting in the future once there are more hc scenes. One worth watching.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprising for the quality of art style, animations and dialogues. Despite still being in development, the game shows a lot of potential and loyalty to many elements of the series universe. A fun and creative demo worth checking out.

    Sugestion: I hope that in addition to the harem option that it obviously has, we have the possibility of corruption and mind control. If you want to include some BDSM elements I won't complain. I wish success, soon I intend to patron this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game art is really nice, rare masterpiece, considering its no-ai 2dcg!
    The choice of fandom is exciting.
    Game mechanics like photo hunt are promising, yet thetre is a field for QoL upgrades/
    And laast, but not least, its surprisingly stable for Demo.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    [Made as of the release demo]

    What's here is really good! Recently, I've been on a search for some simpler games in general (not just lewd ones) that aren't as grindy as all of these open world games currently out there, and this is absolutely one of the games that scratch that itch!

    In terms of graphics, my only hope is that the art stays consistent. I'm not someone who particularly cares if a game has good graphics or not (I mean, i've played Cruelty Squad and want Rule of Waves 3 eventually), and while this type of art style isn't totally my jam it is absolutely praiseworthy that all of the art currently in the game is consistent and I hope it stays that way. The environments, the characters, and even something simple like the dialogue box and text all just fits so well.

    I am making this review after finishing all the currently available content, and the only complaint I really have right now is that some of these runes are really hidden. I personally hope that the runes in the future are either hidden like the one in the police station (which did feel a little obvious, but it certainly made me feel smart), or there is a way to get an idea that the rune is in the vicinity at all. Maybe B-amera has a slight glow when a rune is present or Bill just pops in to quip about the area as an introduction before hinting that he can feel something in the area or whatnot. I'm also not sure if some text partially popping in anytime the dialogue box occurs is a known bug, and unknown bug, or just something finnicky with Unity.

    9/10 - Obviously as it is just a demo right now, there's not much to rate. But for what is there, this is a super promising project. Definitely recommend if you don't mind perverting a favorite childhood cartoon like me. I'll just be patiently waiting for the Pacifica content to drop in my little corner until then. :)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Demo
    It's a fairly good start, but needs some work.

    Obviously, this is a demo, but the story so far is pretty non existant. There seems to be some foreshadowing of stuff so i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this will be added.

    It's fine so far. The dialogue with Wendy doesn't feel particularly accurate, but close enough.

    The art overall seems pretty good. The backgrounds are solid and everything is clearly recognizable. The character art is pretty good as well, but it could be a little more like the source material.

    This is my first significant issue. The idea of searching for secrets with the camera is kinda fun, but some of these fuckers are way too small. Just this demo I had to spend a few minutes just repeatedly scanning the backgrounds to progress.

    Some of them are really unexpected too. You have to go to the forest, except nothing leads to the forest. Turns out you have to find the secret route with your camera at a random location that isn't hinted at. Fun...

    Overall the game works well enough, but the dialogue has some problems. It seems slow and laggy, which gives the whole game this clunky annoying feeling.

    Overall the game has a lot of potential. The setting is popular, the idea is a little weird but could work. It has some problems to fix but it mostly needs more content.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the CG art style of characters. That's the star it gets.

    Rest is a buggy mess, with no clear direction.
    I could go into details with every aspect, but i'll just stick to the main things that piss me off.

    Supporter and patreon editions.. This is a demo, but it's already locking content behind paywalls. This bodes for a milking project that'll be years in the making. until revenue stops or the dev loses interest.

    It has all the typical Unity engine issues that beginners struggle with. Going fullscreen only while only supporting 16:9. Dialogue that can't be skipped and improperly pacing text speed, causing visual glitches. Hot-spots that gives off no clue to where they are. Interaction with slow scrollbars, and the camera that sometimes gives off a glow or plain doesn't work.

    This is not an enjoyable game. And i have every doubt that it ever will be, supporter edition or not.

    Might be good for "Extract CGs", but that's it.

    But i'm critical of things that i know could be better, so if you're fine with it, then enjoy it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The world looks great, the colors follow the show and the H art has quality to it.

    If there's something that I would say is that the gameplay is pretty raw. Right now you can only go through the game as if it was a raw japanese one because nothing gets explained.

    In theory you need to look for secret rituals with the camera. The idea is good. The problem is that in practice you literally waste all your time moving a small circle all over the screen trying to see if something gets revealed. There are no hints or anything. Personally I would make it a mix between a clue game and the camera thing. With each clue getting you closer to the invisible ritual. As it is, right now everything is pretty damn boring.

    Another thing is to improve the H scenes. Right now we only have a simple picture with some text. Add small variations (moving hands, expressions, less clothes, etc) and add more images to each scene to make it feel more like a moving (as in organic, not animated) scene and less like a standing picture.

    Also instead of something that it has from the start I would give the camera the ability to see through clothes later into the game. Maybe even add more stuff to it like being able to see some "next level" rituals hidden by other means, making the scan area bigger, etc...

    Either way I'm gonna give it 5 stars because it looks like it has future.

    Maybe we will get another good game after these few months of trashy AI games.