Identify Green Hair Boy/Alien jerks off to charge up his mind control cumshot? Flash game?


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
I remember this was kind of an old game.
Essentially you were some green haired boy/alien who was sent to earth to have sex with different 'tiers' of women. You had to jerk off to charge up your mind control thing I believe.
You could affect 'lower tier' women at first but get upgrades later to affect 'higher tier' women as well.

It was a side scroller, platformer, and if you jerked off infront of the women, they would call the "Police Women" on you who would beat you and damage your health.
You get some pills? and your mind control cumshot could later affect "higher tier" women, and even Police women later on.

There was also one point where you had to cum on a plant to give rise to an alurane.

Some tags would be : platformer, mind control?
Oh it also had a kind of funky music the whole game. It was really good I remember.

Please help me out guys.. I really need my nostalgia boner!!