Greetings, everyone


Oct 31, 2020
I might not work on games, but I do have some ideas and am good for brainstorming if you need someone to bounce ideas off of. PM if you want, I'll try to help out with bouncing ideas and concepts around. Feel free to use whatever ideas come from me, but please contact me if you want more details or to just say you have a playable version (even it's just a demo) and would like to let me know.

When it comes to fetishes, I'm a boob man (within reason, I'm of the opinion that if a character has big or huge breasts then they should have something about their anatomy to justify it, usually, or there's some explanation as to why they have massive tits but aren't bothered too much by moving around wth them), but I'm also a bit of a furry fan and like to see games and stories with magic in them, I also like to try looking into mind control and brainwashing games and stories when I can.

Some ideas that have been bouncing around in my head that could work as a story or game are the following, might add more or just start a whole new thread regarding game ideas for anyone looking for inspiration:

FHF, Find His/Her Fetish: A gameshow style setup where you have a set of 3 to 5 people playing a Jeopardy-like game while the person they are trying to get a kinky date with runs around a Japanese gameshow floor themed to their particular fetish (just one fetish per show, but players can come back for a different one of their fetishes if they want to play with multiple fetishes), they contestants answering questions have any idea what's going on with the other half of game. The show itself only airs during adult entertainment hours for about a half-hour as close to midnight, without actually being midnight, as the network will allow.
If it does well enough maybe a follow-up version where it's an interactive stream could be done, but the base idea to start this off is more of an erotic parody of classic game shows from the 1960s through the 1990s and the weird stuff you see in Japanese gameshows.

Island of Fantasy: A choose your adventure style story where the main character is a guy who wakes up on an island where he has no idea how he got there and travels around meeting ladies that fall under a variety of fetishes, all the ladies on the island are frantically devoted to him. It starts with him waking up in a lavish bed, completely naked, with twin maids (one in a German maid outfit and the other in a Japanese maid outfit) and doesn't know that he's on an island until he goes on a walk outside the manor he woke up in. The island seems to be tropical, going by the jungle a few minutes away from the manor that has a few hot animal chicks. As he explores the island he meets a whole bunch of ladies that fall under different fetishes and can decide whether to just talk to them or fuck them or something else entirely, depending on where he and the lady are and what's available.

The Strange Case of Meeting Herself: In this, the main character is Melony Summer, she is not your average College student, she’s a massive nerd with amazing knowledge of engineering, computer programming, biology, and nutrition. She’s an even greater oddity in that she’s an exceptionally well-endowed woman (seeing as she has a wonderful pair of E-Cup breasts) but for some reason, she has always been lacking in terms of being popular. Due to circumstances that were mostly a result of how she chose to deal with things (and the financial situation she grew up in) she managed to get an academic scholarship to a really good university; since the scholarship takes care of all the academic costs she works part-time to earn a bit of spending money and have what she needs for her day to day activities. One day for a college project she college an accident happens with her project and she suddenly has alternate versions of her all in the facility she's using, an old garage she managed to find and buy really cheap her first year at the university (turns out the school actually rewards students with monetary compensations when they meet certain goals the school gives them and Melony took a lot of them as challenges to meet head-on.

Mystic Markings, Rise of the New Dark Master: In a world where magic is plentiful, a place with fairies and dragons, there exists a magical practice that is considered incredibly difficult, to the point only a select few of the sentient monsters and races have the knowledge of how to even perform it, and among those, there is a small handful those are actually effective with it. This magic is commonly just referred to as Tattoo Magic or Ink Arts. These mystic tattoos can be placed via magic or mundane means but all of them hold some kind of mystic property. Some of the tattoos are pretty simple with only slightly augmenting physical or mental attributes of the one marked by the tattoo, while others have complex magical properties that can literally alter multiple aspects of the one that was marked at the same time. Among these powerful markings there are what are known as the “Dark Crests,” tattoos with the power to give the tattooer control over the tattooed in some way. The main character is a student at the most prestigious magic school in the world but he spends almost all his time focused on academics, he has a particular interest in ancient and less used magics (bonus points if he's a race that's usually looked down upon). One day he awakens to the power of Mark Magic, but he doesn't know it at first. He accidentally marks the busty dark elf that's always been bullying him with the Mark of Subjugation (it takes a while to take effect, so the effect isn't immediate), it goes unnoticed because the mark itself is akin to a pubic tattoo, it isn't until a few days later that she shows up in his room (which is actually a pocket dimension with several rooms contained in crystal), completely naked, calling him her master and begging for his orders. Shortly after, the Headmistress of the school (a sexy fox woman with K-Cup size breasts) calls him to her office and lets him know she knows exactly what's happening with him, and willingly offers her up to him sexually, and tells him he's basically meant to be the next Dark Lord and that she has been a secret Dark Lord this entire time. The thing about the headmistress is that she was part of the last party of heroes to slay the previous Dark Lord, she explains he was getting too reckless and needed to be taken out. While fucking the headmistress she's marked with the Mark of Submission on her pubic region, this mark is as dominating as the mark on the dark elf. She explains to him just how powerful the Subjugation mark really is, it basically allows him to alter the anatomy and mind of whoever it is on however he wants. She also drops a bombshell on him, the dark elf was a spy for her house in the school to try and find a way to take control of the school without drawing too much suspicion. This is where our MC starts to go wild and interrogates the elf before rigging up her mind to keep all her memories but completely have everything else change as he turns her into his literal bitch (he wants to basically feed her now former house false info until it's too late), she becomes a black-furred wolf girl loyally devoted to him and then that's when he starts to go wild in the school, which the headmistress is all on board with (even making a few suggestions unprompted).
It's basically the story of someone becoming the main antagonist of a different story and the story of how they got all the minions and resources that they did.

Slime Hunters: This centers around a team of all-female adventures in a classical fantasy setting on a quest to destroy every slime/ooze they can, and they are now on the hunt for the mythical Queen Slime because they think they have an idea of where one is. Queen Slimes are a kind of ooze/slime that can produce almost any other kind of ooze/slime. Our "heroines" are all known by monikers because nobody outside their group even knows their names, they're careful to not say each other's names in public. The main characters are The Sentinel, a warrior that specializes in Defense of others and themself, she also carries a menagerie of offensive and defensive items that are proven to be highly effective against most kinds of slime; The Huntress, a hunter who has put almost all her talents into specializing in the hunting of oozes and slimes; The Marauder, a thief who is more combat-oriented than most other kinds of thieves; The Elementalist, a Wizard who specializes in elemental spells, her particular specialties are wind, water, and ice-based spells because of how vulnerable most oozes are to those particular elements; and the Druid, a nature priestess who is as effective in using the forces of nature for healing as she is for using them to fight. Each of these 5 has different reasons for why they hunt Slimes and Oozes with such immense conviction but they all have learned to work well together. Just because they take the time to actively hunt slimes and oozes doesn’t mean they’re above fighting other kinds of monsters. Things start for the player, or players (could make for an interesting online multiplayer with up to 5 players), choosing which of the ladies they want to be in command of then the story starts for them in the typical fashion of clearing out a dungeon and getting loot.

And that's all the story/game ideas I have immediately at hand. As I said, I might update here with new ideas or just start a thread with game ideas for anyone that's interested, where would the best place for that sort of thread belong, in your opinion?
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Oct 31, 2020
And now, some more game suggestions. I kind of wish there was a thread for this on the forums, but the closet it gets is Game Requests and that's not quite right. I tried posting these suggestions over there and a few minutes later I got a response that said what I have wasn't what the thread was for.

More Suggestions:

Fun and Tails: An explorer (the player character) on a colonized world in our far future finds himself in the ruins of a long-lost civilization that apparently used to live on the planet but died out long before it was settled where he is the only male and there are dozens of women, and they're all different kinds of animal girls. One of the women overlooking him is a Zebra girl with a noticeably large bosom while the other appears to be a lizard girl with a flat chest but a noticeably bigger rear than expected. He notices that he has transformed into a humanoid tiger man with a considerably large cock. After getting his bearings, he's taken to their leader, a lion woman with huge breasts that goes by the moniker Matriarch, and they have a discussion before, and during, sex. Matriarch leads him to a large chamber where a huge dragon woman, with equally as large breasts that still compliment her size, who is desperate for some sexual intercourse. They find out that mating with him unlocks a few special abilities, the dragoness (who goes by the moniker of Consort) discovers she now has the ability to alter her size, and her bosom changes size with her but is never so big as to be defined as hyper big. After this, he does a little exploring of the ruins (having to call on some of the other women, and they all want to have sex with him in exchange) and finds a steampunk cryo-pod with a blue tigress almost his size in height who also happens to be well-endowed. And that's as much of a summary for the story as I have so far.

Buxom Villainous War: In the megacity of Bustopolis there exist 5 forces, all of whom don’t seem to like each other, there are many rivalries between all involved. The 5 forces are the local government, who use law enforcement officers to keep civil order; Private Heroes, superheroes and superheroines that are usually self-funded; Corporate Heroes, superheroes and superheroines that are funded by various companies and usually have better access to the resources of those companies; Public Technologies, public technology organizations that provide various resources to the populace and occasionally have “heroes” to display their wares; and the Supervillains, the superpowered forces that have gained complete control of the criminal elements of the city and get involved in conflicts with each other on regular basis. 2 of the biggest, in quite a few ways, supervillains are Lactoria, the super busty milk-themed supervillainess, and Madame Mod, the supervillainess known for modifying the bodies of herself and others (especially her lackeys and prisoners) in turns for the various forms of erotic. Recently, the two supervillainesses have been involved in turf wars, made all the more problematic for Lactoria when she discovered that Madame Mod has gained access to the ability to modify minds as well as bodies. Madame Mod’s brainwashing technique is faster and more resilient than any other technique before. Due to how the 2 villainesses disguise themselves when not taking part in acts of villainy, no one has been able to discover their civilian identities, assuming they have any anymore.

Altering Outfits:

A brilliant, but clearly crazed, outfit designer finally has managed to create his greatest achievement, in his mind anyway. The achievement in question is outfits that actually alter the physical and mental properties of the one wears them. His assistant, a beanpole of a woman that has a college girl who absolutely adores the technical aspects of visual entertainment, is skeptical of this achievement, and actually is hoping this project actually works so she can administer revenge on a number of people that mocked her. That is until he has her try on a “busty maid” outfit, complete with the obvious fake accessories to sell the whole thing for those not physically able to loosely fill the outfit if needed, and suddenly finds herself actually acting and sounding like a slutty, but not quite bimbo, maid after a few minutes then takes off the outfit and makes a comment about having some ideas for “field testing” some of the outfits, this is why the designer has kept her around, his assistant is almost as brilliant and depraved as him and was actually instrumental in the development of the outfits. Unknown to most, this assistant is actually from a pretty loaded, but not quite influential, family and it was her resources and family connections that made the project possible. Now it’s time for the designer and assistant to play some subtle revenge on some people. Their first targets are the designers lying, scheming excuse of a former employer that almost professionally screwed him over because they tried taking credit for all the work the designer had done under their employment and the “popular” girls from the assistant’s old high school, they’ve both been keeping tabs on both as much as possible and it was easier than anticipated due to their sizeable social media presences and narcissistic tendencies. Each outfit sent to these individuals as a “gift” is intended to be a sort of ironic punishment/revenge. The former employer as a slutty, bimbo maid who can’t turn down a single request no matter how unreasonable (reflective of her own demanding and demeaning requests that were known for being extremely unreasonable); the leader of the assistant’s former tormenters being forced to wear an outfit that basically turns her into a flatchested, horny she-wolf (reflective of her outright bitch personality when not in the presence of school staff and taunting with a rather large bustline); and the others getting equally ironic outfits.

The twist to all these “gifted” outfits is they are keyed up to the individuals they are intended for and will lock them into the outfits for days, possibly weeks or months, before force marching the wearers to a facility owned by the designer and assistant so they can “study the effects of longterm use of the outfits,” officially. Also, officially, all the targets of their revenge are willing participants because there’s no evidence of them being coerced into wearing the outfits. After the “female trials” are concluded, the two move on to doing the same with males that have wronged them but the law and rules did nothing to fix.

Demonic Changes: A woman accidentally transforms herself into a Succubus, the story centers around her experiences, and events where she corrupts and transforms some other women.

The Mythos Crystal: In an apocalyptic future where a mysterious virus has turned untold numbers of people into dragons, a blacksmith named Randal finds a crystal that gives him the power to possibly cure the afflicted and those that could become afflicted (almost everyone seems to be carrying a dormant version of the virus), but what that entails and how are a bit kinkier than anticipated. So now, traditional-style western dragons are basically wreaking havoc on the world and one guy stumbled upon a solution cooked up by the people of the past before civilization completely collapsed and restructured itself to a more medieval state.

The Tomes: This is intended as a series, the first of these revolves around a young acolyte that had just recently ascended to being a Journeyman priest who discovers he has the ability to channel the power of unique magic tomes that are kept in special temples in one of the 3 great nations of his world. There are 3 temples for each nation. It starts in one of the 3 temples the main character has been going around to.

Mistress Milf: Marian Mills was your typical hot mom that is content with her lot in life. A loving husband, 4 beautiful children (3 girls and 1 boy), a stable job she can do from home, and a few innovations around the house to make life a bit easier. But that all came crashing down around her when she found her husband was cheating on her with the 2 most popular superheroines of the year, her son is the minion of a supervillain that has a “professional” rivalry with one of her daughters, who is her own supervillain, and her other two daughters have basically been working for companies that profit off of all the superhero and supervillain clashes. Seeing that her happy life was just an elaborate lie, Marian snaps and goes full-blown supervillain herself, her first act as the erotic supervillainess Mistress MILF is to administer her own brand of justice and punishment on her soon-to-be-ex-husband by kidnapping him and his lovers during a moment vulnerability, she literally kidnaps them while they’re in the middle of sex, and hooks them up to a sophisticated machine that administers painful shocks every time they lie, or she thinks they are lying, and records the whole thing, afterwords she drops off the three, and a copy of her little video, at the local police station. Next on the revenge train is her son. While on her move for revenge on her son, his ex-girlfriend discovers her secret and goes all in as an accomplice (mostly because she wants to enact her own revenge on the idiot who dumped her because his boss told him to, but also because she’s bisexual and sees Mistress MILF’s actions as really hot), and after the revenge is enforced on the son plans move on to the daughters, one of whom repents of her own volition because she’s always wanted to get with her brother’s ex but didn’t because some social hangups her school “friends” left lingering in her head while the other has no regrets and boldly to everyone’s face says she plans to take things further because she’s a backstabbing corporate bitch that would willingly sell out her own family for a promotion. The unrepentant daughter gets placed in a device that is the brainchild of her mother, the Super Punishment Enforcement Apparatus, and is basically stuck in a loop where the pain part of her brain keeps getting stimulated and stops every few minutes, it only takes a week to break her into an obedient little bitch, much to the delight of her sister and brother’s ex-girlfriend. Before long, Mistress MILF, and her minions, are declared one of the major powers in the city. Even though she didn’t make much use of it in her regular life, Marian was a genius in mechanical and chemical engineering, she just chose to not make use of her degrees because of the good money the rest of her family was pulling in. But now that she’s gone full-on supervillain, the only fucks she has to give are the ones she gives to other people when she feels like it (FYI, she totally has revenge sex with her son’s ex-girlfriend).


Oct 31, 2020
And here are a few more idea to play with:

Demonic Experiences:

A man named Darren Bones Hellraiser discovers his destiny to become one of the most powerful demons in all of Hell, after accidentally summoning and binding 3 of the most powerful succubi when he was just trying to summon and bind an imp.

A Blank Place: Your character awakens to find themself completely featureless,
to the point of having literally nothing to identify them by gender or ethnicity, and soon finds themself in an entire complex of people in the same situation. The first part of the game is moving around and discovering your avatar is literally blank, not even any eyes or ears or a nose or mouth or hair are on your head and face. After getting a feel for the movement you find yourself drawn to a chamber of some strange design, with an alien machine that has controls for setting how someone can look, this is where you can customize your character however you want.

Mistress MILF:

Marian Mills was your typical hot mom that is content with her lot in life. A loving husband, 4 beautiful children (3 girls and 1 boy), a stable job she can do from home, and a few innovations around the house to make life a bit easier. But that all came crashing down around her when she found her husband was cheating on her with the 2 most popular superheroines of the year, her son is the minion of a supervillain that has a “professional” rivalry with one of her daughters, who is her own supervillain, and her other two daughters have basically been working for companies that profit off of all the superhero and supervillain clashes. See that her happy life was just an elaborate lie, Marian snaps and goes full-blown supervillain herself, her first act as the erotic supervillainess Mistress MILF is to administer her own brand of justice and punishment on her soon-to-be-ex-husband by kidnapping him and his lovers during a moment vulnerability, she literally kidnaps them while they’re in the middle of sex, and hook them up to a sophisticated machine that administers painful shocks every time they lie, or she thinks they are lying, and records the whole thing, afterwords she drops off the three, and a copy of her little video, at the local police station. Next on the revenge train is her son.

While on her move for revenge on her son, his ex-girlfriend discovers her secret and goes all in as an accomplice (mostly because she wants to enact her own revenge on the idiot who dumped her because his boss told him to, but also because she’s bisexual and sees Mistress MILF’s actions as really hot), and after her revenge is enforced on the son, plans move on to the daughters, one of whom repents of her own volition because she’s always wanted to get with her brother’s ex but didn’t because some social hangups her school “friends” left lingering in her head while the other has no regrets and boldly to everyone’s face says she plans to take things further because she’s a backstabbing corporate bitch that would willingly sell out her own family for a promotion. The unrepentant daughter gets placed in a device that is the brainchild of her mother, the Super Punishment Enforcement Apparatus, and is basically stuck in a loop where the pain part of her brain keeps getting stimulated and stops every few minutes, it only takes a week to break her into an obedient little bitch, much to the delight of her sister and brother’s ex-girlfriend.

Before long, Mistress MILF, and her minions, are declared one of the major powers in the city. Even though she didn’t make much use of it in her regular life, Marian was a genius in mechanical and chemical engineering, she just chose to not make use of her degrees because of the good money the rest of her family was pulling in. But now that she’s gone full-on supervillain, the only fucks she has to give are the ones she gives to other people when she feels like it (FYI, she totally has revenge sex with her son’s ex-girlfriend). But quickly rising in ranks among the, admittedly very erotic, supervillains has its own risks, especially when she professionally and emotionally destroyed her son’s boss. She also finds herself in a sort of rivalry with one of the superheroines, Ms. Mint (a superheroine with mint-based powers who also happens to have been a close friend of one of the superheroines Marian found cheating with her husband). Ms. Mint has mixed feeling for Mistress MILF, on one hand, the new supervillainess exposed her now-former friend for the cheating bitch she is, but on the other hand, Mistress MILF has decided the whole city needs to be punished for what should be her personal problems. Will Ms. Mint continue to be a hero? Or will the conflicts that allow her to learn more about Mistress MILF lead her to turn towards the path of being a villainous underling of Mistress MILF?

What does the superhero community think of her? What does the supervillain community think of her? Why do the outfits of her and her minions have to be so erotic?

From One Kind of Bitch to Another Kind of Bitch:

Albert Beltas never had the best experiences, in school or his career, from high school, through college, and every job ever worked Albert had to deal with one kind of person, the Alpha Bitch, the names might have changed but the attitude and treatment of him really didn’t. Albert had always been a Chemistry Nerd, he even did an in-depth study of Alchemy for several academic reports throughout high school and college, and Majored in Chemical Engineering. To make matters worse, Albert found his career employer is also an Alpha Bitch, he figures it’s his lot in life and just keeps his head down and does what he’s told. That is until he finds a lost alchemical formula that promises to turn anyone he uses it on into a literal submissive bitch. Albert works on the project in secret at home, with resources he bought with the very generous paycheck he gets, mostly so if he is found out he can prove he didn’t use company resources, and when it’s finished he tests it on his bitchy neighbor, who also happens to be one of his tormentors from high school (so bonus) and within the span of a few minutes see her transform, both physically and mentally, into an anthro dog woman with assets similar to her human state. And to top it off, she’s submissively obedient to him from the get-go. He notices the kind of canine she is just so happens to be the same kind of dog he often likened her to, a rottweiler. You see, while his neighbor had been a bitch she hadn’t been an alpha bitch, just the alpha bitch’s attack dog.

Honestly, Albert didn’t think it would work all that much, maybe just make the one he gave it to more open to suggestion for a few minutes so he could improve his conditions with who he gave it to in the short run. But now, with his first test, he has a literal bitch loyally submissive to him. He spends time playing with his new bitch, in more ways than one, before sending her back to her own house under the cover of darkness since he wasn’t sure how the transformative properties would last. The next day his neighbor is overly friendly sweet, like a rottweiler that was well-cared for. Albert is taken aback by this interaction, he thought the mental effects would be as temporary as the physical ones. Regardless, he invites her over for some private time and jokingly says how she’s become his bitch now, only to see her physically transform into her canine form again, he quickly starts trying different phrases before finds the trigger phrase to turn her back to normal, for the most part, seems the transformation pumped up her bustline and ass a bit. Albert then realizes he still has the notes from when he made the batch that first transformed her and quickly runs down to his personal lab and adds a few notes about transformations and trigger phrases. He then realizes this is his chance to get back at all the bitches that are still lacking remorse for how they have treated him and get a harem of literal sexy bitches at the same time. Seems Albert is about to use Corruption to his own ends, instead of the other way around.

Just what kind of dogs will the rest turn into? How will he get enough space for the rest of the bitches? Why is this turning him on more than he thought?

So, I thought it would be fun to see a revenge tale with a twist

The Futa Curse:

Harvey Dickson claims to love the ladies, but he has almost no respect for them outside the stereotypes he’s basically built his life around. One day he makes a passing comment about how a woman he was passing by would be far more fuckable if she actually had a proper figure and prettier face, this would prove to be a bad move on his part. Turns out that woman was a witch, she could practically see and feel the toxic masculinity writhing about Harvey long before she got in close proximity. She wanted to know just how bad things were going with him, before disappearing without a trace she points a finger at Dickson and tells him from that moment onward every female he encounters will take on the mental and physical traits he respects most until he genuinely learns to respect women for their own merits. And when she says encounters, she doesn’t just means meets in person, she means meets under any circumstance, which includes supposedly anonymous internet interactions. Harvey doesn’t think much of it at the time, until two hours later his waitress goes from the sweet professional thing he was contemplating sharing a bed with for the night to talking like his closet friends (a.k.a. his “bros”) and he suddenly finds her with a dick almost a big as his own. The waitress, for the most part, is oblivious to her changes until she finishes passing Harvey’s order over to the kitchen staff.

Now every woman Harvey meets, regardless of where or why, is taking on traits of the people he respects most in his day to day life, things get very unnerving when his female superiors at work (whom he has been pretending to acknowledge and only has 3 of) start taking on aspects of his father (including growing nearly identically sized cocks). Things start to get further unnerving when his exes all start wringing him up one day with barely an hour between calls. Now he has to worry about lady dicks when he’s out and about, Harvey honestly doesn’t know what to feel.
In an act of inspiration, Harvey goes looking for the witch, only to find a clowder of over a dozen black cats in a few different parts of the city, to see if she has some means of lessening his curse if it can’t be lifted. Harvey was never paying attention to anything about her, so he only has himself to blame for his lack of attention.

How long will this go on? Just how many unintentional futas will Harvey make? What lessons will Harvey learn from this? Just who was that witch? Why does she have a vested interest in Harvey learning to respect women? why is she watching from afar like some voyeuristic perv? Just who is the witch?
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