I'm Just stopping by to introduce myself.
First, let me tell you how I came upon your lovely site. One Day I was browsing Pornhub like any other day when a particular video caught my eye. Now you must be wondering what that has to do with my discovery of f95zone or even how its related at all.
Well Simply put the video was for a game that I later learned was pretty popular among Sex games of its type. Can you guess what it is, dear reader? The Game was Summertime Saga.
Now it was not my first Text or novel type game as I had played a few of the Sakura ones on steam. but I must say it certainly peaked my interest and had me looking for more.
I wasn't really sure what to search for when I wanted to look up more games so I simply put Games like Summertime Saga, Which did lead me to a list of quite a few games. I can't really remember if there was a link to here there or if I just searched for a walkthrough for one of the games. I think the latter. Oops, I did not intend to type so much. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all be friends.
First, let me tell you how I came upon your lovely site. One Day I was browsing Pornhub like any other day when a particular video caught my eye. Now you must be wondering what that has to do with my discovery of f95zone or even how its related at all.
Well Simply put the video was for a game that I later learned was pretty popular among Sex games of its type. Can you guess what it is, dear reader? The Game was Summertime Saga.
Now it was not my first Text or novel type game as I had played a few of the Sakura ones on steam. but I must say it certainly peaked my interest and had me looking for more.
I wasn't really sure what to search for when I wanted to look up more games so I simply put Games like Summertime Saga, Which did lead me to a list of quite a few games. I can't really remember if there was a link to here there or if I just searched for a walkthrough for one of the games. I think the latter. Oops, I did not intend to type so much. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all be friends.