Greetings to all.


Dec 2, 2019
I'm a new member here and just wanted to introduce myself formally. I've played a ton of adult games like most people probably have, and figured I'd check out the forum to share interests and see everybodies opinion on different games. I'm also using this as a tool to help understand what people do and don't enjoy in an adult game. This just recently has been of importance to me because I've started working on my own adult game. It's nothing right now, as Ive been molding the engine and systems into place. As a dev, I'm excited to share ideas and talk about game development, adult games, and everything in-between.

Looking forward to meeting new people, sharing my interests, and belonging to such an established community. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Dec 2, 2019
Thanks guys, I appreciate the welcomes! Hopefully everybody is this nice when it comes to reviewing my game haha. It feels good to be back on a forum, I miss em. Feels like discord wiped them off the face of the internet lol. Glad I found this