It is true that there is not much content at the moment, I am however giving this a 4/5 at the moment as what is there is well done.
The plot starts interesting enough and while there is a supernatural element that is not very original, it works well as a way to "justify" the corruption and seduction of the other characters.
The english is well written and there are no obvious mistakes or grammar issues.
The menus are well done and so is the overall structure and readability of the game. In many HTML games it is kind of a mess and sometimes hard to even read, however in here each phrase is on its own purple box, this makes it feel organized and helps with readability.
Overall, again, even though there is not much content, it is clear that there has been effort put into the game and there is care and attention. Also the characters I have met so far I have liked, they seem well written and I can see interesting storylines developping with each of them.
I think if this quality of production remains and the amount of content is increased, this can easily become a 5/5 game, I hope the dev sticks with it.