Tool Others GSAutoTile Decrypter


New Member
Sep 12, 2024
Some games, including "The Muscle Bunny Girls Caught Me Cheatin’!!!" Or "Sophia Halloween" use a rare engine.
Even i don't know its real name, the files would always include "ENGINE.js", "SCRIPTS.js", "RESOURCES.json.js", and "SUMMARIES.json.js" in "data" folder.
The encryption is quite simple - it just XOR files, with almost 10 bytes the pad. After finding this, i wrote the Node.js script which would try to extract XOR pad and de-XOR the images, or accept a XOR from user who manually find the key in ENGINE.js.

GSAutotile engine would encrypt almost all files inside "data", except "ENGINE.js", "SCRIPTS.js" and the files inside "data/lib".
So if you want to translate the game using this engine, you would have to decrypt "data" and "resource/Graphics".

To use the attachment:
Install node.js, or download a single "node.exe" from node.js website.
Then place the file inside the folder which you want to decrypt, such as "data/resources/Graphics".
And open a command prompt or bash, and "node [Attachment Filename]", such as "node GSAutotileDecrypter.nodejs.txt".
After it completed, decypted files would go inside "Decrypt" folder.

I could not expect the engine keeping its XOR pad length as always the 10 bytes.
Theoretically, within 16 bytes and an encrypted PNG file, the decrypt method would be still usable.
Anyone rewriting/merging the method described in attachement into its own tools, would be greatly welcomed - you don't need to even mention me in your tool.