The setting had a lot of potential, but the dialogue could definitely use some work. The sentences are structured very weirdly, sometimes not making any sense. And if you decide to skip all the dialogue, good luck, because every line has a fading white screen between each other, so your screen will be flashing white until you stop skipping.
The renders don't look very good either. The main woman (boss's wife) uses the exact same model we've seen hundreds of times in MILF games. Not only that, but the textures, poses, angles and expressions are also very unnatural. There is one sex scene in the entire game and it's not even good.
Some games make you wonder why the dev simply didn't make it in Ren'Py, and this is one of them. You can't change text speed or choose to skip transitions. The use of a different engine brought no benefits whatsoever to the quality of the game.
I'm sorry for sounding too harsh, but I just couldn't find anything arousing in this game. The weird dialogue and unnatural renders just don't come even close to the average standard we've been accustomed to.