Amazing job my friend, I'm so excited! You just climbed on the top-level femdom genre creators in my eyes, definitively.
I don't know if it sounds exaggeration, its all subjective ofc, but i think you made a high jump from the very very good with great potential to the almost perfect with this update(0.6.2), in every level i believe. The scenes, the dialogs in scenes, the plot course, it's so good, the unexpected turns, the even bigger now suspense about the future, the unique but very realistic style of your stunning models/renders, the strong thriller atmosphere witch adding a lot on the player experience, I don't know, so fucking well balanced, directed, presented, paced etc. etc. etc.
I strongly rate it as a gem of the genre, deserves support, I'm so impatient for the future parts.
God bless you my friend and Thank you so much for what you give us!