To be honest, I liked this game. But I feel like I was doing everything BUT playing match-3. While closer to an idle game with the forced auto-battle, it would fail hard at being one for not having all elements. If I had to say what the game lacks in a word, I would use... identity.
Yeah, it is decent in overall, but to me it seems like the developer did not knew what they wanted to do with their game, as if they just made a mixed bag with puzzles, match-3, idle fights, upgrades, lucky wheel and other stuff. Which would be okay, except they did not succeed at making that well balanced between each other.
So match-3 seems balanced with difficulty progression, but it does not interact well with upgrade system causing it to be almost ridiculous easy after a while. Idle battle is annoying to do, and the rewards doesn't seem all that balanced with the cost of everything else. The lucky wheel basically makes the shop useless. Etc.
In other words, the game does balance well the elements against each other, which make it seem to lack a proper identity and makes for most of the gameplay issues.
The lore was a bit cringe-y, perhaps cliché, but seems to have received attention. I think the lore itself was slightly better than its presentation (dialogues and gameplay). No, worse, I think the lore might have taken damage from the gameplay ("so now you join the guild... Wait, gameplay, lets make this forced test. Okay, now we carry over with the story about the branches").
In the end, I feel like the developer had a nice story to tell, and they're "good" at doing puzzle games, but everything was poorly harmonized and the game ended up without a real identity. At this point, I don't think there's any remedy to it, which is why I give 3 stars. An average game, which sadly could not reach its full potential and failed at making its elements interact well among each other.