Hefty amounts of content, high quality renders, decent writing. Definitely an easy visual novel to like if it was implemented as such.
Lots of not even really grinding, but straight up forced playtime to unlock things. My least favorite thing in a game is being asked to spend my limited time on Earth being bored to qualify for actually having fun.
You need to incessantly click around to match the copious quest triggers shown on tooltips and grind stats to progress the story. But max stats are tied to specific quests where you have to guess the specific choices or have to rollback and try again, so you can't really grind on your own terms either. It's all railroaded.
So it's effectively a VN. But with the illusion of a sandbox and a heavily inflated playtime while being drip-fed what could otherwise be a very fun experience. I could not bring myself to keep playing after the "15%" mark
Hefty amounts of content, high quality renders, decent writing. Definitely an easy visual novel to like if it was implemented as such.
Lots of not even really grinding, but straight up forced playtime to unlock things. My least favorite thing in a game is being asked to spend my limited time on Earth being bored to qualify for actually having fun.
You need to incessantly click around to match the copious quest triggers shown on tooltips and grind stats to progress the story. But max stats are tied to specific quests where you have to guess the specific choices or have to rollback and try again, so you can't really grind on your own terms either. It's all railroaded.
So it's effectively a VN. But with the illusion of a sandbox and a heavily inflated playtime while being drip-fed what could otherwise be a very fun experience. I could not bring myself to keep playing after the "15%" mark