Comics - Hannah's Corruption [1-16] [3diddly]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The GOAT of the NTR genre. I remember reading this and the perfectly constructed depravity of it, made my challenge my views on sex and sexuality.

    While it's primarily an NTR comic, it's actually just as great (if completely different) from a female perspective. There's so many nuances to it. Seriously, if you are an NTR fan or interested in sub/dom dynamics or humiliation, this is something you need to have read.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good and solid NTR story. Definitely recommend if you are into that theme. Only serious con: some of the renders are TOO grainy (I think that's because they were made about 5 years ago or so, decent video cards became much more available since then).

    I know that author continues making games, with huge NTR focus. And though Katie's Corruption was a pretty good one, Sugar Baby Galore didn't hit much. If I were the authour - I would definitely make this one into a game. It would definitely require quite some rerendering and maybe "branching" a story a bit (or just vary some situations), but it could be an NTR hit here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really felt that gut-wrenching feeling that is inteded for the readers (Thank you 3Diddly for creating this masterpiece ♥ )

    One thing I am really confused about is why are people here saying that Hannah has turned into a bimbo and betrayed Mark?
    Until the very end, Hannah is still loyal to Mark and caring for her own child.

    The deleted footage in chapter 16 clearly showed that Orlov wanted to take revenge on Mark/Hannah for plotting against him by using Walter. Therefore, 4 days after Hannah's first delivery:
    -Orlov blackmailed/ordered Hannah to marry him and become his sex slave permanently, otherwise he will kill Hannah's daughter (Alexis).
    -But instead of having the marriage done quickly, Orlov wants Mark to suffer first, by forcing Hannah to go back to Mark to show that she does not love him anymore (SHE IS PRETENDING IF YOU GUYS DIDNT ALREADY REALIZE THIS, SHE STILL LOVES MARK UNTIL THE VERY END).
    -This plan causes Mark to misunderstand his wife as a slut who has lost her mind.
    -Ultimately Mark leaves by his own will, thinking that he has truly lost Hannah.
    -Orlov's sadistic desires are finally sated.

    Truth is, Hannah is BLACKMAILED and is FORCED to trick Mark so that Mark accepts defeat and leaves by his own.
    Which is why I really feel bad for both of them. From this, we can clearly tell that at least Mark can walk out of there and start a new life.

    But as for Hannah, her future is doomed, she is destined to become Orlov's sex slave permanently for the rest of her life, and her daughter will be raised to be a ruthless dictator too, which she has ZERO control over on how to raise her own daughter. The only way forward for her is to ACCEPT her place as Orlov's sex slave and live the rest of her life as a whore/bimbo, knowing that she will never be able to escape the nightmare/abuse as she has to stay married to Orlov willingly to protect her daugther.

    Hence why you never see Hannah with her normal/sane personality anymore after marrying Orlov:
    -She does not has the chance to, she has no contact with anyone that isn't Orlov's contact, who knows her as Orlov's whore/bimbo. (that is why she's always acting dumb)
    -Gradually, she will become used to acting dumb and tragically, it would seem like this is the best way she can continue living.
    -Even in the alternate ending, I would like to think that Hannah pretends to not recognize Mark, even though she still remembers Mark and it breaks her heart to see him again.
    -Even if Hannah decided to ask Mark for help, there is no way of convincing Mark to beliveve in her again, after what happened during Hannah's forced betrayal.

    All in all, this is truly a fucked up and gut-wrenching experience for any sane-minded person to go through, viewing from Mark/Hannah's perspective. I believe this is the experience that the author/developer wanted the readers to experience when they read the comic.
    I can proudly say that this is one of the best if not the best, psychologically tormenting, comic/game that i've ever played.
    And I have also finished Atonia Blues too (Short game with the same 10/10 quality). 3Diddly is truly an expert in this genre!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the writing and art! High quality and worth a run through. I really enjoyed watching the transformation of Hannah over the course of the comic. Lots of sizzle there. Not the strongest ending but doesn't take too much away from anything.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    This is the best corruption story I have ever read. Nuanced psychology, clever, deep. It's all around awesome. It's slow and gradual, but it moved forward in a very smart fashion. It's a contest that in the end is decided by the ability to control one's emotions.

    I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously awesome comic. During the first couple chapters the pics are a little grainy and the text can be hard to read, but the author cleans it up and makes it much better and easier to read. There's a pretty good amount of content here, only wish there was more because i liked it so much.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    my Rating of Hannah's Corruption:

    -One of the Best Netorare Comics I know
    -Almost all Aspects of Sex are in this Comic
    -One of the few Comics I would love to see a Game done from.

    -never Released as a Game
    -Some Pages have a Grainy look to them.

    Worth the Download
    a Classic Netorare Comic