VN - Unity - Completed - Happiness Double Room [Final] [Connection]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, played a long time ago but still remember it.
    Good arts, storyis kinda ok (?) but the endings are a bit meh.
    still recommended if you are looking for some clicking sim to play.

    also im not a fan of NTR so i justtry to avoid every options that lead to those ending. good thing is that NTR is avoidable :v
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're willing to understand the dialogue and motivations behind each character's choices and actions, this game is easily a 10/10.

    From a story standpoint, it feels very real and soul-soothing (or soul-crushing). The plot is okay, but the emotional depth is what carried it HARD. Every choice you make matters, and each action taken by the characters feels weighty and reasonable. The only exception to this is the dumb options leading to netorare. While they're very easy to avoid, once you go down that route, everything that happens becomes quite illogical, and the storyline quickly falls apart.

    As for the sexual content, it gets kind of repetitive, especially since the game basically requires you to check off and do everything to get the better endings. However, because of this, the game effectively builds up tension, trauma, and angst before each scene, gradually intensifying these feelings until the very ending(s) itself. In other words, every encounter felt well worth it in the end, and not rushed or empty at all.

    Honestly, this is one of those games where you’ll jork it once, continue playing while in a state of post-nut clarity, only to be hit with intense self-reflection and questioning of your morals by the end. The kind where you just... stare blankly as the credits roll.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 8302079

    this hits home. it's hard to describe this game in words, but i'll try... it’s raw, emotional, and incredibly human. every choice felt like it mattered, and i saw pieces of myself in the characters. it left me thinking long after it ended. if you’re looking for something real and unforgettable, this is it
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    X Death

    These kind of game always hits your emotion, the point of the game is for healing or such, so if you dont like that its normal for you to not like it or to find it grindy. the ending all messed up and there's no single one is smooth sailing but its all great. also i think the game not so grindy as other developer like playmew, their game always more grindy, the art and voide not as good as this. either way to sum it up :
    + Good story
    +Not too grindy
    +Good art
    +good voice actor
    +Healing type game

    -Maybe a bit grindy for some people.

    You should play it if you like healing and relationship type of game, not only that this game has good story, art, animation and voice. the ending will makes you tear up for sure.

    also if you want another similar game, i recommend
    1Room - Runaway Girl
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing this game made me learn to be kinder, to value others more, and to try a bit harder. (includes masturbation)

    It's okay to be sad, to feel vulnerable, and to cry when you feel like crying.

    This VN made me a better person.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has so many good things, but has downsides as well.

    Art, CGs, story, plot is amazing, really unique take and really interesting to delve yourself into! The problem is the gameplay and incredible grind for stats to end up on one or another ending. Once the player completes the game, you will have to grind all over again with different stats or different selection in the beginning of the game when the player considers if he wants to give away the phone, which is not clearly described, but basically is one of the most important choices.

    Overall enjoyed the story and art, but hated to grind through multiple playthroughs to see different endings, with not a lot more to see when finishing the game once already.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an pretty average VN. I would rate it like 2,5

    - nice animations
    - average story
    - "gameplay" is like 4 buttons, talk, sex, shower, sleep...
    - little content
    - no real prograssion, you start with bj and sex... then you can unlock 5 new positions via farming happiness (talk, sex, wich is repetitive)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Big sisters are underrated. This game has great music and the heroine art is very beautiful. I love her backstory, but it's kind of easy to predict the ending given how much hints the dev gives. The endings gets worse and worse starting with ending 1 being the best and if you like ntr ending 4 is better than ending 5. Overall its a great game and made me wish that I had a older sister like her.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly cute and sweet cohabitation game. The NTR is entirely and very easily avoidible which is nice, so don't be put off by the tag, you just have to refuse to give the bullies her phone number.
    The art is very well done, and the scenes are nice. I especially love the attention to sound detail that they have for the scenes. While there are only a few scenes, they are very hot. It's all very vanilla, which is a nice change of pace.
    I like the unique spin the game takes by having you get kidnapped rather than the girl, but I feel like they didn't play into it enough. The guy kind of just accepts his situation, and the chain around his leg is only joked about a couple of times. I'd at least expect some more teasing and/or restraint put on the MC.
    The plot twist and ending were extremely sad in a bittwersweet way. I got the first ending, but even then, it gave me katawa dick. I still love the game, and the ending feels fitting for a game like this considering its themes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I went through this game for the first three endings, I would like to say that I liked the game very much!

    Firstly, very nice graphics, Minami is drawn just amazing!

    Secondly, the plot is very good, if you skip all the dialogues, then of course it’s not fucking clear what’s going on in general, and the idea of kidnapping to restore the normal life of GG is even very good, in my opinion.

    Thirdly, 5 endings are cool, seriously, 2 are terrible and I can say that only crazy people can like them, 2 bad ones that made me upset, and the 2nd ending even made me cry a little ... but the 1st ending warmed my soul, although I would like to see a piece of the future, maybe even their children, to close this game with peace of mind, and not just 4 additional poses.

    In conclusion, I want to say that I would recommend this game to those who are looking for more than just PORN in porn games.

    Everything I wrote is just my opinion, you may of course disagree.
    I don't know English well, so I translated it in Google translator.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was absolutely amazing. From the plot line to the art to the music choices to even the background sound, everything was amazing. The inclusion of adding hints to get various endings were also a nice touch, but most of the endings I managed to reach without fulfilling all of the requirements so there needs to be more detail added. In the end, I did not manage to get ending 1 (it's my fault mostly cuz I wasn't efficient with the way I managed the sex scenes and always ended with one scene not completed on day 18). I got a save file in the ending and ending 1 was incredibly worth it as compared to the bittersweet ending 2 and 3.
    On the topic of endings, one issue that keeps popping up is the inclusion of NTR. It was a completely unnecessary and uninteresting addition and they felt like they were tacked on last minute with half-assed scenes and storyline. Its only purpose I think was to create a sense of urgency and safety regarding Minami, because it seemed as if the protagonist was unwilling to go to extremes for her. In any case, the game would've been completely fine without the NTR routes and those routes seemed detached from the main story so that's a plus. I, however, did not play through those endings so I will not comment much more. There also seems to be a true ending after getting 999 points in free mode so I will be looking forward to that.
    In hindsight, this is a great game with an incredible art style and a very attractive story which you should definitely give a go. Yandere older sister FTW.
    Edit: Managed to get 999 points in free mode to get the true happy ending. And it really was the True Happy Ending. Completely worth the grind. Fuck the NTR endings. This is the real shit.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game with intense sexual scenes through the dynamic versions. It makes a VN go from flat to immersive really quick. The story is unique and the voice acting is done well. A good one to play, not sure if it's worth completing though
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Lol. This game is some kind of loser's wet fever dream.

    Story 5/10

    You're a loser. Your life is horrible. You're bullied by both literal bullies and your teacher as well. Your mom is trying but she's kind of given up. Your brother gets secondhand bullying and is now a shut in.

    In comes Minami, a girl you used to be friends with 4 years ago who went to college. And... you both have shit lives so you decide to commit suicide together. But you're both losers and you fail even that. So Minami decides to kidnap you, imprisons you, and rapes you. Fucking lol.

    You get all lovely dovey and you eventually break free and see the truth: Minami's killed her parents and she plans to kill your bullies (and teacher for good measure). Through the power of love you convince her to not. She turns herself in and gets 10 years in prison. Since non-family members can't see each other in prison you wait 10 years and see her to ask her out on a date.

    The story is hilarious. I know it's not supposed to be but it's so dumb it's funny.

    Gameplay 3/10

    You have 20-ish days of being confined. The gameplay loop consists of Chatting, Flirting, Showering, Sexing, and finally Sleeping. There's some little bits and pieces of gameplay here and there but that's basically it.

    Is it fun? Not really. The chatting/flirting and vigilance/happiness is kind of lame as a gameplay aspect. Like I see why it's there, but it's not very entertaining. Also not great for an h-game.

    There's like a mystery aspect of, "Why is Minami's secret?" thing going on. But it's not a really big secret.

    Art 7/10

    Minami is cute. Her art's pretty nice. There's two styles for her art that you can select in options, which is weird.

    There's about 8 scenes or so, which is quite low for an h-game. The art is animated with live2d. It's okay.

    It's weird that she wears her clothes for basically every single scene with no option to take it off. I know you have to pay the artist extra for that but come on. This is an h-game. I want her to be naked. The only nipples I saw in this game is when she gets naked for showering (and if you select the shower h-scene she puts on a bathing suit).

    One thing I want to note is... why are artists so bad at drawing anatomically correct sex organs? Minami has no pee hole. If you look at the art, the penis sits right below the clit with no room for a urethra.

    Overall 5/10

    This game tries to be a love-sim. The dialogue is cute and Minami's slice-of-life lines are endearing. But the entire setting is so ridiculous I can't suspend my disbelief to fall into the story.

    But, credit where credit is due, there is a story. And it's unique-ish. Can't say that about a lot of games.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a lot of story but what is there is very well told.
    The art is cute and the animations are incredible.
    Not very long either so definitely give it a shot if you are still on the fence (also for those afraid of the NTR: it is very easily avoidable)

    Looking forward to seeing their new project!
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5579550

    A wholesome game. The NTR is avoidable however, I feel there is no need for it as it was clearly added for fan service reasons. Though the game does get quite repulsive at times, it still has good H scenes.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I found the game dull and boring tbh, the writing is just so bad, this game is nothing more than a nice nukige. Its really sad since the art and voice acting are absolute stella and the animations are a nice touch even though its kinda weird that the scenes are at first static when you unlock them.

    After the prologue of 30min of pain all you do everyday is flirt, talk and have sex with the heroine, thats it. Dialogue repeats itself pretty fast and the bad translation doesn't help. The writing reads like it is hastily made to create some porn. Set up a ridiculous premise so spinless mc gets 20 days of sex with hot sister. Same with the ntr ending, its like the 100th cuckold hentai you have read with the typically braindead heroine just to get some porn.

    Its a game to fap so I dont expect anything grand qua story, hell I dont mind a bad story when the action is good. Its just theres so lil to do here and the story gets heavily empathized which makes it harder to ignore. The music, art and voice acting are superb though.

    Overall great visuals that are drawn back by the lazy ass writing
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Nukige with great art and above-average animated vanilla H scenes that is letdown by its okay-to-meh writing.

    Visuals (5/5)
    +Clean and good art overall
    +Well-designed heroine, bonus points for being able to choose between two slightly different sprites in the VN portions
    +Good and well drawn H scenes with above-average animations for all but two of them (not your usual "Gimp transformation tool"-tier animation)

    Audio (3/5)
    +Main heroine is fully voiced and she does her job well enough as your long-lost nee-san
    ~The BGM and SFX aren't something that I'll be remembering weeks from now; they're inoffensive enough not to be bad but they're not great either

    Writing (1/5)
    +The H scenes were written at just the right length and the dialogue during it was good
    ~Conversations between you and the main heroine gets old after doing them for the nth time
    -Prologue is pretty weak with forced drama as the main driving force
    -The plot itself isn't all that interesting and the only points of worth story wise are the start and ending; the rest is fluffing
    -Some aspects in the plot were implemented in a pretty forced way and felt like they were there for the shock factor (i.e suicide, murder)
    -Two of the endings are NTR (would've been fine if they were good) but they were poorly written and tacked on

    Gameplay (3/5)
    +Haven't encountered any bugs or errors
    +Requirements for the endings are clear and concise and the game tells you what stat thresholds you need to reach them (meaning you don't need a walkthrough)
    +Interactive, albeit simple, H scenes; you can choose the speed of the act and shift around the clothes of the main heroine (e.g choose between fully clothed, partially clothed w/ lingerie, partially clothed w/o lingerie, fully naked, fully naked save for the bra, and more)
    ~VN and stat-building aspects of the game are fine but they don't really add anything fun to the game
    -Replaying the animated H scenes in the end-game is such a chore because you're limited to doing it twice per day (really big downer)
    -Lame requirement to 100% the gallery; you need to max out the main heroine's love for you which is possible but very tedious (you could see it as just a bonus, so I could see other people not being bothered by it)

    Would I recommend it?
    Yep, just go in with the proper mindset that it's a nukige and not some Shakespearean masterpiece and you won't be disappointed. The good art and animation really pull up the game. The audio's meh and the writing's ugh but at least the game's short enough that you won't have to dwell with the negatives for too long.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Good points
    -EXCELLENT ANIMATIONS,I cannot reiterate how good is the art in this game,moreover the artist had a great understanding of what makes a good H-scene,variety of positions,angles and dialogue.

    -The game knows where it shines,so there is good selection of sex scenes, ranging from several positions.

    -With that being said,I don’t think the VA is anything remarkable,it’s oke and does their job.The same thing goes for the dialogue and plot,’’Not great, not terrible’’

    -Clean gameplay,the sex scenes are well implemented,you can control your speed,the amount of clothing that she wears and a automatic mode.

    -Aside from that,the dating sim?(I guess you could call it that) it’s well done, the requirements for the scenes are pretty easy to achieve,just a little bit crypt,but nothing too crazy,plus the game has a lotta of leeway if you miss something,so no need to min-max everything. When you have to take a major decision,the game let you know very clearly when it’s gonna happen,allowing you to save and encouraging you to do so.

    -There is 5 endings,ranging from beeg sadge,to ok,to very poorly implemented(I’m looking at you NTR route,more on that later)

    -It’s super short,around 3-4 hours,and if you are smart you can get 3 endings from 1 one save,by achievement different requirements and resetting.

    -The bgm is nice,but the highlight would be the main vocal theme,which is kinda rare for a porn game,like evenicle or lance series.

    Bad points

    -Some of the requirements can be a little bit tricky,like the 2 BJ or the final scenes

    -The NTR feels like they implemented last minute,there is no clever use of this trope,and instead you get 2 shitty endings.There is a timeline,where you can hear her having seggs in the other room,but you cannot interact with her,so you are left alone in the room,hearing the love of your life taking a pounding by your bully,and you cannot do anything about it.Slowing watching her getting distant to you, and changing her demeanor.Maybe when you go shower,the game gives a option to listen to her moans and fap,just like that classic ‘’other side of the wall’’ panels.This is not a problem with NTR,but instead devs that take the easy and lazy option and don’t take the time to make interesting game design choices.

    -Cementing more this point,it’s the NTR scene are non interactable ,you cannot even see in H-scenes,but by accessing the endings,at least you can save before the scene,for easy access I guess.

    -The after content is bleh,it does have more scenes,but they feel very weak compared to the main game,which is this high detailed animated segment,while the aftercontent is this weird full body,flash game looking thing.There is a final scene,locked behind 999 affection,but dear god it’s gonna takeyou a lot of faps,or time.

    Overall,superb art direction,kinda weak in other departments,specially NTR.Check out my guide for more info about the game
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Wait a second! WAIT! This misery-porn plot is a ripoff! I never thought I'd have occasion to reference that manga I found randomly linked on twitter all those years ago...
    Anyway the gameplay is repetitive, the character-building is shallow, the h-scenes are generic, and the ntr is weak. The animation (or pseudo-animation, whatever you'd call it) is well-done and the art quality is up there.
    It isn't a total hackjob but if you want my advice save yourself the trouble.
  20. 5.00 star(s)



    I actually think it's the best game I've ever played.

    The story is VERY moving, I LITERALLY cried in two endings

    And the message that this game sends is something surreal

    And now I have the best and my favorite Waifu I've ever known

    I HIGHLY recommend this game if you're reading this comment and haven't played it, PLAY


    (And I REFUSE to NTR this game, at least for a long time.

    I don't want to spoil the message this game sent)