Unity - Completed - Happy Numbers [Final] [Happy Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Game play: Finally a puzzle game with actual puzzles instead of just randomly clicking things
    Art: Quite, nice. 10 girls with 5 increasingly naughty states each. Animated and voiced.

    So... sounds like the perfect game? No. Sadly not. Somehow the devs forgot to combine game play and art.
    The puzzles and the art are nearly completely separated.
    You need two *hearts* to unlock each girl in the gallery, and every solved puzzle gives you one.
    Now you just play the first 20 (of 75) puzzles without seeing anything of the girls.
    Then go to the gallery and unlock everything at once :/
    I mean, they could have at least required the 5 stages to be unlocked individually (maybe with increasing cost).

    TLDR; There is no progression. The gallery can be unlocked in 5 minutes.