I liked the game in general but I think it has some short comings that stop it from being a 5 star for the moment.
The things I liked:
- The FMC is hot, I like that she has a realistic body type and not the usual one we see in these games
- The FMC personality... in general I like that she has a personality, even though this could easily have been a negative as well, at times she is abrasive and too harsh, but, overall, I like her
- Good renders
- Overall good story and a bit different from the usual tropes
What I didn't like:
- As others have stated, an idealized version of porn where everyone is friendly and nice. Maybe it is too early to tell, but it would have been good to see some of the realities of the porn industry.... drugs, male performers that do not care about the female performers,... etc, hell, even the guys she meets in the outside world are all understanding and admiring her... it would be nice if there was a bit more conflict, maybe not everyone admiring her and what she does, treating her poorly every now and again.
- lack of choices. In general, this is very much a kinetic novel, it would be good to see some more choices and, again, if not everyone is nice, how much does the FMC go along with their requests in the interest of a paycheck? (does she accept drugs? does she accept scenes she is not completely comfortable with? a male talent is a bit too rough, does she put it with it or not? how do the director/producer react if she complains?... all of these would add a bit of realism and conflict in what is, at the moment, too fairy-tale)
- the porn scenes themselves are very formulaic (very american if you know what I mean). Blowjob, vaginal, cum on face. All of that with a bit of roleplaying. There is a lot of porn out there with different approaches, again, what if someone proposes anal? what if they ask for creampie? multiple partners with the FMC? urination? face-fucks? does the FMC accept? even if there are no choices, the sex scenes are at times a bit flat.
- The non-porn sex scenes are cut short. This is by far the thing I disliked the most. Twice in the story the FMC gets together with male performers after the shot, and, in both instances, the scene is completely cut short, one is sort of presented and then it ends offscreen without us seeing it, the other one starts and she blueballs the guy. I hated not having a say in these. The porn ones are fake, formulaic, ok, it is a job, but then let me have the real non-porn sex and show a bit more of her personality there, again, does she want to be fucked harder? softer or more romantically? does she accept a creampie? does she swallow?
I think this game has a lot going for it and could, easily, be a 5/5, but, as it is, while I definitely think it deserves to be played, and is interesting enough to keep my attention, it is not a perfect game.