It's exceptional, but it's not perfect, and what's worse.... it seems to go a bit... peculiar.
When playing you can taste the effort put in. The renders are spectacular. Reminds me a bit of another game I won't mention here but they're better than that because at least these characters look less perfect, if that makes sense. It's not characters who look like they've been cloned from all the best bits of DNA from the cast of Beverley Hills 90210. It looks like the Dev's taken the time to make them appealing but not to the point they look unbelievable.
The issues I have, if they can really be called that are to do with other areas. The MC.. seems like a dick. It's hard to say for sure but I definitely get that feeling about him. This could simply be due to the other issue however and that's the lack of real explanation around why everyone is the way they are. There's also little in the way of an explanation as to who the people are. Could come later but if so then it's being fleshed out very slowly. It feels almost like the Dev trusts in their ability to draw the player in so much they don't feel they need to dump exposition on them so soon into the game and it's entirely plausible, but personally I'd like a bit more.
"Hard to Love" seems almost like a joke in itself because it could be talking about the MC (who has a ton of issues and comes off as a dick) or the women he interacts with (who universally also all have issues). The Overview in the original post establishes more than the game does as to what's going on, which in storytelling is a cardinal sin. Show don't tell.
What happened to the MC? Seems he got done in but never explained why. He has flashbacks to a girl, but never really explained who. He's got a daughter, who we know nothing about. A sister who has stuff going on, but not sure what. A mom who's been relegated to a trophy wife who has no issues flaunting herself in front of her family, but it's never explained why. Funnily enough the person who makes the most sense is the dad who seems to hate the MC but from what little I know of the story I can at least get why. There's very little there needing to be explained but all the other characters are a mystery. It also suffers from that frustrating trope of having all the characters KNOW there's something there but refusing to explain it. So you get a lot of dialogue like
Character: blah blah blah. You'd think she'd be better at hiding it
MC: wut?
Character: you know how she....... you know what, never mind... it doesn't matter
No, not never mind, explain the damn story please.
It kind of gets worse as it goes on. There's a whole flashback scene that.... I don't care about with characters I care less about. It's told in a way to suggest it's trying to explain why the MC is a dick but really it just reinforces the fact that he's a dick. And not like a normal dick, I'm talking the level where the story doesn't make sense cause there's no way he'd be allowed by his work to continue being that way. There's also head scratching moments with where the game's set, it seems to be in Japan for some reason despite the cast being white and really the flashback took so long I started to just skip the dialogue. The whole thing didn't interest me and I'm sure it's well written but at it's foundation it's such an abrupt turn from the story that was shown previously it almost feels like a different game.