Seeking Hardcore harem games where you can get sluts / sex slaves who live to worship your cock (typically mind control and/or corruption)


May 4, 2022
I'm looking for hardcore harem games with a male protagonist where you can get, as I crudely stated in the title, "sluts / sex slaves who live to worship your cock". All games I've found with this fetish fall in the corruption and/or mind control genres, though in principle some could exist outside those. Ideally, some of the sluts live with you and service you in the morning and whenever else you call on them. Please give as many recommendations as you know, with the caveat that I am looking ideally for good games, not just any games with the kink.
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May 4, 2022
I think the only games I've played which really have this fetish are A Spell for All (which I thought had some hot points but was highly flawed), Isis: The Fall (which I thought was great but with some problems) and Corruption (which I thought was pretty bad all around). I played College Daze, which does have a slave path, but in my experience it was the worst path, and there certainly isn't a good walkthrough for it. I'll be playing Valdana: The Fall soon, but I was looking for more.
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