VN - Others - Completed - Harem Game [Final] [Sweet Heart]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this one, albeit it's definitely nothing so stellar I'd say it was award worthy or something.

    • Impregnation sex scenes, dialog for sex scenes focuses almost entirely on the fertilization aspect. For people who enjoy this fetish the game is mostly tailored for you.
    • Good CG art, not amazing, but it's better than the horrible mosaics you'll sometimes get with outfits like Norn.
    • Story, the game kind of overstays its welcome a bit with how long it's dragged out. There's also no choice to be made in the story unfortunately.
    • No pregnancy scenes, just lots and lots of impregnation. Might be a pro for people who like impregnation and not so much the pregnancy scenes though.

    If you like impregnation dialog, even if you never really get your pregnant sex scene. I'd definitely check this out for some good faps.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game took 5 hours to complete and I had skip on for most of it. Has god art but it is repeated so often it gets boring. I don't care about the anime bullshit plot if you are using the same fucking cg for the 6th time. This game is not an erotic escape from the tedium of life. rather it is a boring limbo in which leaves you begging for the game to end.

    Also no actual pregnant cg so now I have blue balls too.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    I give the same advice here that I give to anyone looking at a Miel/Norn game. There's a plot, but honestly, the game is just fine looking past it. My biggest nitpick is that some of the dialogue can feel a bit...wonky. However, as long as you focus on the sex of the game instead of the story, it's a damn good fap. And isn't that the real reason we play these obviously unrealistic games?
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The review for this game will contain spoilers. If you do not wanted to be spoiled I suggest that you stop reading this now.

    Let's start this review off on a high note and talk about the positive aspects of this game. First and foremost, I love the character design in this game. Usually a game will have at least one or two characters that I don't find attractive. Not in Haram Game. Also, I enjoy all of the character's personalities from shy, geeky Kana to the sweet maid Ayaka I really enjoyed all of these characters. Also, this is a complete game with at least a dozen hours worth of content. Unlike a lot of games I've seen that are on version 0.7 and maybe an hour's worth a content.
    Now that we've gotten the good stuff out of the way let's talk about the cons of this game. For me, the biggest con is that it's a kinetic novel. There are no choices to be made. There are no routes. You just go through the story.Which leads me to the next con: the story. The basic jist of the story is that the main character finds a magic harem game that increases his stats in the "real" world as they increase in the game. In theory this should be a great idea for story but in the end I find all the references to Harem Games to be a little too meta. In a lot of games like this at some point a character while say something like "this isn't a porn game we can't just do ____" as a little wink wink moment to the audience. I find those moments irritating but bareable because it only happens once or twice in a game at the most. Having your whole game basically be a wink to the audience gets tiring and makes me less immersed in the game. Also, there's a point in the game where Kana (the girl that made the magical harem game) is giving an exposition dump on a train and I found that I just didn't care. I had already mentally checked out of the story by that point. Also, the English translation is okay but there are times when it has some obvious mistakes. Lastly, the H scenes are censored which is a huge, gigantic con in my opinion.
    Overally, I like this game and I like the characters and their personalities. However, the story just brings the game down a lot in my opinion.