VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.17.2] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best adult game there is. Models are beautiful, story is easy to follow and characters are quite cute, what else do you need... And the best thing - the animation, it's so well made and smooth, looks unlike anyhing out there on offer at the moment. Would recommend to anyone.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuckin love this game <3. The characters are all nice and lovable, they all have their own unique qualities that make them shine. The animation is quite nice and very smooth. I would like to see cum animation added I think that would be nice as well, but I still think this game is top notch :).
    Likes: Runey
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You may not like the CG models at first glances since they do look more on the "CGI anime" but do not let that stop you from playing this master-nut piece. The girls are varied in both shape and personality so there's one for every pervert out there. The polygamy is extremely well-written and believable (more so than most ecchi anime anyway). You will not be disappointed.
    Likes: Runey
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fantastic.

    The models are great, the writing is top-tier, and Runey (the Dev) is actively involved.

    There's actually a world being built here in terms of story, it's not just a simple "skip through - fap" type of game. I mean, you could, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice.

    Well worth a look, and, if you're so inclined, support.
    Likes: Runey
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game

    lot of content

    Beautiful woman

    No grind

    Good renders

    Great story

    One of the best game on the site

    Really great animation

    Easy to play witouth the walktrough

    Great game if you love fantasy
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN that I played. I love this game. The scenes and the background are great. Each girl have their own style, and all styles are funny and nice. This game is perfect to people that like VN, if you don't want one girl, you don't need do her route. Because of many styles, some girl could have the fetish that you like
    Likes: Runey
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel is one of the best games, if not the best game to come to this website. I have played many many games in certain genre categories on here which brings at least a little weight to the statement. This is also the first game out of all of them to drive me to actually write a review, which, in itself is big in its own way.

    In the current version I have most likely put over 30 hours into the game and I have still not gotten everything I want yet in terms of secondary goals/traits. It has not been boring or tedious in any way either.

    Even in this current version, I will have to say that it contains more content than I ever expected and had more lasting appeal than I could have anticipated.

    When it comes to desires, there are always more and always something you would like to see that is not there. There are still older scenes that can be touched up (to the quality of the rest) just like the other ones were, but it wasn't to a quality that took too much away either. Even with me desiring more of certain scenes or certain content, this game has more than anyone could ever dream of. It is maybe the second game I have played that made me wish I could be a patron, just to see more of what I want.

    I very much look forward to more that is coming to this game and give it the highest of praise that I possibly can.

    Harem Hotel is a game in both quality and features that every game on this site should strive to be.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my two favorite 3DCG games.

    First of all, as far as I've seen this game is at the pinnacle of Honey Select graphics. If other games turned you off Honey Select, I still recommend you give this one a shot.

    Second, there are a lot of girls, and for once I like all of them. Each of the main girls has a story of their own that's better told and more meaningful than the entire story of most other h-games, and each of them has a unique personality.

    Finally, the developer is probably the most active and communicative dev I've seen in the h-games scene. He's really active both here, and on the HH discord server.

    Harem Hotel is as popular as it is for good reason, and deserves to be even more widely known.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great porn game that doesn't disappoint on the story. All characters are likeable, the animations are great, and it really delivers on the harem genre.
    The dev is also very helpful with the community in here and updates the game consistently.

    And Android is best girl.
    Likes: Runey
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best pure example of what games here want to be. It is fantasy sex, perfectly rendered and animated, with 3 dimensional characters but no overt weight given to thinking. It is just what people (at least males) want from this site. The fact it is not the top of every list feels political to me, because nothing else in the top echelon of NSFW games comes close to capturing what this game has streamlined so perfectly. If you are on this site and you have not played this, you are doing it wrong.
    Likes: Runey
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely FANTASTIC game. Excellent story, perfect, cute characters - it's all literally captivating. Forget the porn aspect of this, I'm attached to these characters and I want to see their story grow. Please keep scheduled updates coming Runey! You've done an amazing job!
    Likes: Runey
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I admire the dedication of the author on this game. The game story made me fall in love with it. The game will be better with more interactions between girls which make the game more lively. If this game could be sold on Steam, i'm definitely gonna buy it.
    Likes: Runey
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta give this one 5 stars on the amount of content alone. Man, does this game have a variety of characters with surprisingly lengthy 'questlines'. Hits a lot of personality/appearance preferences too, included but not limited to a yandere loli with a serious pregnancy fetish (with the best content imo) as well as a slutty asian cheerleader or even a naive slave elf that can be corrupted into a competitive sex maniac. Tons of h-scenes in this game, and for that reason alone I can't help but give it 5 stars for really delivering on the longevity/depth that a game like this often promises but fails to deliver on. Solid job, overall.
    Likes: Runey
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much of a story but the characters make up for that. Loved the animation and the characters worth checking out if you are a fan of the art style. I can't wait for the full game to be finished. It is on my top Five favorite list along with DeLuca Family.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel [v06.2] is an interesting visual novel. There isn't much of "game play" as you can use one hand to play this (I think we all know why). The premise like most dating visual novels is to date women and get to third base. Some characters are easier to get to this goal than others.

    Character models are pretty good but some body types seem copied and pasted. Take Jin and Ann for example, they both have a very similar "busty" type of body. The only difference is that Jin has piercings and Ann has darker skin color. Though this is a minor gripe as the face of the characters are much different. The animations are good but are simplistic with that rolling animation that loops over and over. Some animations aren't as well made like the rest. Lin's shower scene is not as smooth as her missionary or anal scene. Some animations have different camera angles during the scene and some don't. One major downside to these animations is the lack of sound to them. The only sound playing is the music in the background. I think some sound to these scenes would really benefit them. The stories of the characters are alright as of right now and whether or not it they improve will be seen in the future. I do feel that the characters such as Kali, Ashley, Maria, and Felicity/Emma all have the same base for their story. That being they didn't feel loved by their parents in the past (except for Maria who didn't have any) and that the Main character somehow fills that gap of not feeling loved or appreciated. They do differ per character like how Ashley's parents were abusive and how Kali's father cares more about work then his kids. The overall options in whether are not you like them can be boiled down to " Do you love me Y/N?" Last thing to note was the laundry room and Pool/Spa areas. I feel like these could be expanded on in the end game and could share the same mechanic as the shower. Where a random npc is in there and you can talk to them/have sex with them. They serve their purpose in the stories but die off at the end of them.

    Overall the "game" has a lot of potential and i'm curious what Runey has in store for the future.
    Likes: Runey
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel is plain and simply a fun game, no matter what else.

    It has great sim/training aspects, and as Runey continues the story, you develop more of an attachment to each of the girls (at least I do). In the beginning, Lin was one girl I felt was most important, as she came with the hotel, so you are responsible for her - and she's terribly sweet. Ashley was entertaining, but I didn't really care for her all that much... until we saw more of her story; now I feel about her much as I feel about Lin. Similarly, the more story we get for each girl, the more emotionally invested I become with each of them.

    The play structure is great, and this has a wonderfully open ended story at this point that should allow it continue for quite some time, with many possibilities for where that story will lead.

    This is not only the sort of game I absolutely suggest, it is a game that can be used as an inspirational example for others who wish to make dating sim/trainer games.
    Likes: Runey
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Wise Naga

    I didn't really like the screenshots of the game so I didn't play it until today and oh boy was I missing out. I don't wanna repeat anyone so I'd just say one thing - Harem Hotel is like Honey Select, except fun. Absolute joy to play.
    Likes: Runey
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a number of well-written reviews here, so I'm going to tackle this in a slightly different way:

    What it is:
    A fun, immersive virtual novel that is more like an interactive fantasy with sex than a typical "how do I get into her panties" game . And is has Elves!

    What it isn't:
    A grindy, soulless click-fest that makes you perform rote actions just to hit an arbitrary threshold like a lot of games.

    You'll like it if:
    - You're a Tolkien/fantasy nerd AND a porn fan
    - You like the idea have having a group of hot girls that you get to be with, after certain events occur, pretty much at-will
    - You like a wide variety of girls
    - You're looking for a game that evokes feels of real romance

    You might not like it if:
    - You want a lot of girl/girl or girl/girl at-will

    Favorite moment:
    - A scene that develops the relationship with the character "Kali" at a critical point, the dialog of which would shame most print novels.

    Good cadence and mucho content additions. There a several subplots that could, in my opinion, keep the game going for year or even turn into a franchise.

    I'm relatively new to these games but this is, out of about 30 that I've tried, my hands-down favorite and worth a try by damned-near everyone.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i came to this game because i noticed that you can have slave in it, so i could fulfill my deep dark fantasy of having a female slave and providing her with care and love so she can be happy and forget about horryfying things from the past. And of course wanted lewd stuff. At first i was thinking only about unlocking lewd scenes, but thank god if any exist i am a man who is following story in porn. And the story... I dont know many games that made me cry and wake so many emotions. I really felt bad for characters, was sad when i was hearing their stories and wanted to care about them. At some point when i started romances with multiple girls and one of them asked me if i will marry her in future, i really didn't knew how to respond, i felt that i will feel bad no matter what choice i will make and was thinking how to solve this whole situation.
    I recommend this to everyone. The story and plot are masterpiece, and joined with hot af and good quality lewd scenes makes this game one of best lewd games that exist.
    *sniff* Okay tear, today you can leave the eye. These will be manly tears.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing and following the development of this game from the very beginning. This is without a doubt my favorite game at the moment and I wanted to share why.

    For starters, Runey has a clear vision of his characters and cares deeply for each of them, which is evident in everything from their personalities, their backstories, and their appearances, right down to their eye colors and the significance of them. I know how much it agonized him to change Ashley’s outfit, which is a testament to how important his characters are to him.

    The storytelling is top-notch. The characters are fleshed out so well that even though they have some of the typical character arch-types, they are still nuanced and through getting to know the characters by learning their backstories you understand completely what makes them tick. You end up caring deeply for each one of them and wanting to love and protect them just as much as you want to have kinky sex with them.

    The lore of the world Runey has created isn’t fully known to the player unless they frequent the discussion thread (or maybe the Discord, but I am not on there) but everything that happens in the game is driven by it, which makes it a cohesive story. Everything that happens just seems to make sense based off of what is known of their world.

    The gameplay is straightforward, not overly grindy, and always interesting. The achievements are fun to accomplish and have real relevance to the characters and gameplay once achieved.

    The sex scenes (this is a porn game after all) are really well done. There is great variety in positions, places, and kinks. And somehow, the girls preferences seem to be on-character for them as well. It’s amazing.

    Honestly, this game has been wonderful to play, follow and watch the development of. Runey has been transparent and honest throughout his extensive involvement here. He doesn’t have to interact with and take the input of those who aren’t donors, but he does and he does it freely and with the patience of a damn saint.

    This is my first review, and I plan on contributing more to the conversation here going forward. Thanks Runey for a masterpiece of a game.