VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.18.2] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel has the distinction of being the game that brought me into contact with modern AVNs. So there's a lot to be said here. I'll freely admit that I came into the game fairly disinterested, but the depth Runey put into characters changed that.

    I'm a story-first player. I prefer character-first story telling. So there's a lot to like and dislike about Harem Hotel.

    At its core, this game is good at it, and bad at it. The good part is where characters are fleshed out, and they have had a chance to show why we should care about them (e.g. the arcs of Ashley and Maria). The bad part is that new characters are often underdescribed, incomplete, and feel like they're just thrown in there for sex/kinks. The bad part is mostly illusory, and a result of Runey not having had enough time to get them into the loop. Those characters tend to get fleshed out, and, once the prerequisites are met in the playthrough, fill out nicely.

    Somewhere in the middle of this is the obvious problem of the sandbox. It makes replaying the game a little annoying, and it makes certain aspects opaque. When things can be done, and why, aren't always well described. Some events have been known to be blocked without it being explained. But like a lot of good older games, you can't get stuck.

    The game is fairly replayable, even if some parts are tedious. If you really hate sandbox play, there are plenty of ways to cheat for money, bypassing it. But the sandbox isn't that bad, and due to all of the other events you need to do, it's probably worth just letting it carry on in the background. (e.g. visiting the city will often leave you with a single action point, so you can do a delivery run to generate some income.)

    One potential downside to the story is that Runey's characters are both shallow and deep. Many aspects of the characters are left up to the imagination of the player, resulting in 'bickering' both here, and on other boards. The head-cannon problem is far from unique to this game, but the level of fleshing out Runey does in some aspects of a character's life is often offset with an insufficient amount elsewhere, leading to people inserting themselves, or their experiences, which leads to the usual problems. But if you can avoid that, or at least keep it in your head, ready to be surprised when the reveal about them comes, you'll have a better experience, and avoid the pitfall.

    The main story arc is setting the pacing for the side stories, as much as the side stories block main story progression. The fleshing out of the characters are obviously then paced against that, with a meshmash/overlap of who needs to do what first. This leads to an incredible storyline, and characters being fleshed out (subjectively a little too late to prevent opinions forming).

    Art quality is more than sufficient if you're here for the story. If you're looking for H scenes, they're there, but if they're not important, you'll likely enjoy the story more.

    Story quality is amazing, with every gripe being that we're missing the next step, and that time doesn't move fast enough in the real world for us to experience it on demand.

    Character quality is what makes this game shine.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Lin best girl (though Ashley is a close 2nd).

    - The characters are well written and engaging
    - There's a myriad of sex scenes appealing to a wide variety of fetishes including (but not limited to) feet, toys, punishments, orgasm denial, etc.
    - Several sex scenes involving one or more of your harem (thanks Maria)
    - Multiple different outfits (or in Android's case, forms) for each girl
    - Dramatic scenes serve the characters' development and increase player engagement, rather than feeling like a waste of time

    - Updates take a while to come out, but are usually rather substantial
    - There's a LOT of worldbuilding, which may be a pro or con depending on personal taste
    - Not an infinite amount of Lin scenes (or scenes with Kali and her sister!)

    I've been following this game since close to it's initial upload on here, and I eagerly await and play every update.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A Beautifully Immersive Yet Frustrating Experience

    After sinking countless hours into this, I can confidently say that it’s one of the most immersive and well-crafted Ren’Py game out there. The characters are genuinely lovable, their development is engaging, and the overall narrative does a fantastic job of making you feel connected to them.
    I found myself emotionally invested in their stories.

    However, despite how much I enjoyed the game, I ran into some frustrating design choices that took away from my experience.

    What I Loved
    The Characters & Writing – Each girl feels unique, with their own personality, struggles, and depth. I never felt like I was just clicking through generic dialogue; instead, I was invested in their journeys.
    The Immersion – The game does an excellent job of making you feel like you belong in this world. The slice-of-life interactions, humor, and emotional moments are well-balanced.
    The Content & Progression – There’s a ton of content, and the slow burn with certain characters makes the payoffs feel rewarding.

    What Frustrated Me
    Lack of Agency in Key Moments – As much as I loved the game, I felt like a mere spectator in some of the later arcs, especially with Kali, Lin, and the Android. The choices were non-existent, and I often felt like I was being dragged along. This was incredibly frustrating, as these were some of my favorite characters.

    Unsettling Story Moments – Some parts of the game genuinely creeped me out or made me uncomfortable, but what bothered me most was not being able to react to them. I wish the MC had more opportunities to voice opinions or push back in situations that felt off.

    Maria’s Arc & Forced Choices
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    Jin’s Storyline Killed My Interest – Jin was already a side character, but I was interested in her because of her sinful nature. Then, almost immediately, the game strips that away from her. Losing what made her unique so early, without the MC having any say in it, made me refuse to continue her route altogether. It felt like a wasted opportunity.

    Final Thoughts
    Despite my frustrations, Harem Hotel is still one of the best adult VNs out there. The sheer amount of content, the well-developed characters, and the immersive storytelling make it absolutely worth playing. I just wish it gave the player more choices in some of the crucial story moments—especially when it came to Kali, Lin, the Android, Maria, and Jin.

    If you love deep character-driven stories and don’t mind occasionally being railroaded, you’ll have a great time. But if you’re someone who values player agency above all else, be prepared for some frustrating moments.

    Final Rating: 4/5 – A fantastic game with a few glaring flaws that hold it back from perfection.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, wish there were more out there like this one. I wasn't a fan of the animation at first but it grew on me. sometimes the grind got a little long for me but over all one of the best games i've played.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    You would not suspect it at first, but this game has wonderful, extensive world building which is almost like the answer to the question: What will Middle Earth be like once it reaches the modern era? The setting is a continent-wide country that was colonized by humans who are now keeping the indigenous Elves as slaves. The main character immigrates because he inherited a hotel complete with a female manager, an Elf slave (and, as it turns out after a while, a sentient sexbot). Soon he starts accumulating girlfriends in his hotel and becomes involved in the fight against slavery. What started almost as an idyll becomes a thriller.

    The problem with this game is that it uses sandbox mechanisms for what should be implemented as a straightforward visual novel. It's way too grindy, and since there are next to no guardrails it's too easy for the various story threads to get blatantly out of sync. This can result in serious continuity errors and, at the end, in the kind of situation where you have nothing to do but repeating repeatable actions and advancing a single thread that keeps making you wait for days.

    If it wasn't for the money cheat and Lain's Mod, I would give this game only 2 or 3 games. The money cheat makes the grind barely(!) tolerable while (it seams) increasing the likelihood of continuity errors. With some care and Lain's Mod, one can probably prevent this.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Orbiting Heart Dev

    One of my favorite Harem games. Unlike a lot of games with similar premises, the characters in this game are actually endearing, cute, and interesting. The animations are great and I love the ability to change their outfits. It's one of those porn games that also actually feels like a game without the shoehorned puzzles and immense grinding. Great stuff.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and who would have thought an H game was a pretty good medium for societal critique?!?
    I certainly didn't - but here we are.
    There's a whole host of characters, all with different perspectives and experiences with the world, and all serve to tell the story...and the MC.

    Can't wait to see Lin overthrow a manifestly evil government!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Sorry to say but this game gets a solid 3/5 from me. I'd give it 3 and a half stars if I could but no more than that. It’s… Alright if you turn your brain off and are not a story person, but if you are actually looking for a coherent and meaningful story then this is not it. There are so many illogicalities right out of the gate, but the game suffers most from 2 major issues. One being Maria, and the other being the player character himself.

    Let’s start with the lesser of two evils, Maria. She isn’t so much a determent to the game as much as she is just a personal pet peeve of mine. I honestly hate this character. To be fair though, I usually hate the ultra slutty characters in games like this because their role is always to be as slutty as possible and talk about how they want to bed the player and everyone around the player constantly, and always pushing everyone else to bed the player by any means necessary and always trying to involve themselves in every scene they can just to make it so that more chances at three ways can exist.

    That in itself is always annoying because there is never a good way to write such behavior into a story without making the character just straight up the group prostitute, but Maria just took it a few steps too far for my tastes. (Spoiler Warning) At one point in her arc, she goes on about being bored after quitting whatever is equivalent to Only Fans in this world streaming and then says she wants to break up because she’s gotten her heart broken too many times, only for her to come running back like right after saying that she misses the PC and that she was wrong.

    Like, what? What was even the point of breaking up in the first place if she was going to run right back to the PC and act like none of that attempt at garnering sympathy from the reader never happened? Her character arc is the worst out of everyone in the game and I can’t bring myself to feel bad for her or her sob story. Just overall very poor execution and with feel good moments that felt so forced only for it all to be yanked away immediately so she can go back to being the group slut. Just horrible.

    However, even that pales in comparison to the actual Player Character himself. He is undoubtedly the worst part of this whole game by far and I honestly believe the developers just didn’t care to give him any kind of personality or character development at all and just chose to focus on the women. But you are stuck with this character because you ARE him. Just an absolute bland and generic waste of potential. If the game was a car, the PC would be the key that gets it going. But that is all he is, a key. It is the car that does all the heavy lifting. It is the car that carries you the reader from start to finish. Once the key has been used to start the car, it is forgotten. That’s the PC in a nutshell. That type of narrative might work for some, but it doesn't really do it for myself.

    He gets handed a hotel from a passed away family member, doesn’t do much to run it because there is already someone there doing everything so he just owns it, then girls slowly trickle into the hotel and end up living there even though it is supposed to be a hotel (might as well call the game Harem Apartment), and even though he just regurgitates the most bland and generic responses that the girl wants to hear at that very moment throughout all of his interactions with everyone they all drop their panties for him eventually.

    Everyone has to just be okay with all this because it’s the protagonist’s privilege after all and his excuse is that he is polygamous. Even when someone actually resists it, he kind of comes off as a douchebag about it due to his lifeless responses to everything around him. Also yes, I know this is a game and it doesn’t have to follow the common sense of real-life relationships, but that still doesn’t give them an excuse not to give the PC any kind of personality or character development. Honestly, he doesn’t even come off as a person who even cares about the people he is supposed to be bedding even though they are constantly throwing themselves at him and telling him that they love him. He says that he cares sure, but his overall attitude and tone towards everyone and everything is so bland and generic that it comes off as uncaring, making his dialogue just an insufferable slog to get through. You could just have a floating dick as the protagonist of this game and get the same effect. Honestly that would have made for a much more interesting and hilarious time than this waste of potential.

    So yes. It is clear this game had a story to tell, multiple actually. Some of them were actually quite interesting and it has some really good character development from some of the other women in the game, and I thought the whole idea with elves being enslaved by humans was a very interesting one. I also have to complement on the sheer amount of content that this game has. They were not kidding when they mentioned so many stills and animations. It has A LOT of content for a 3D rendered visual novel and that is always a big bonus in any game. My original reason for reading this was because the tags said it had a Yandere in it and Yandere tropes in games are one of my favorites (and it does have a Yandere in it even though she loses her dere tendencies as her arc goes on), but it is all interwoven together by one of the blandest protagonists ever written. You can’t have a great game with such an uninteresting PC at the helm because they will just hold the entire game back from being as good as it could have been. I really think they should have considered giving the PC more personality and more motivations for doing what he is doing aside from just inheriting a hotel, making it run and being a walking penis.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel—a name that gives off little sense of depth at first glance, appearing like just another run-of-the-mill R18 game. Six years have passed, and it's fair to say the character models and scenes now seem somewhat dated, limited by the early technical constraints. Of course, you could argue they're still serviceable.

    But the real charm of this game absolutely isn't about those overused intimate scenes typical of the genre. Odd as that may sound for an R18 title. Perhaps it's like that old joke: we often seek risqué content in ordinary games, but delve deeply into the storylines of adult games. Undeniably, the storyline of Harem Hotel is nothing short of top-tier.

    Maybe my perspective is shaped by the current trends among big companies, obsessed with DEI initiatives and various forms of shallow political correctness. They bend over backward to gloss over the cracks in our decaying world, yet can't even tell a proper fairy tale anymore.

    Back to Harem Hotel, the tenants—along with the protagonist—are all brought together by their respective struggles and disillusionments. Some may seem glamorous on the surface, while others carry heartbreakingly heavy burdens. Yet in one way or another, they are individuals rejected by their previous environments, and in a broader sense, outcasts from society itself.

    Why do people become society's outcasts? It’s because we love using labels to divide ourselves, to prove our superiority and righteousness. By doing so, we trample on others, standing on their shoulders—or even enslaving them—to elevate ourselves. In the world of this game, humans refuse to tolerate beings different from themselves, reject the eccentricity of geniuses, fail to protect the precious innocence of childhood, deny shelter to those who seek independence, avoid teaching privileged youths to understand and love the world, disregard the altruistic efforts from some of the religious, and certainly won’t accept challenges to their dominance from anything new.

    But how different is reality from this game’s world? Perhaps it’s even worse. After all, people today are merely not called slaves anymore. Naturally, it’s in the obscure corners of the internet, through R18 games like this, that we can finally find some sharp critiques of our twisted reality.

    Sure, the plotlines or characters' methods of resistance in such games may occasionally seem naive or simplistic. But I’m still comforted by the fact that there are ordinary people out there whose hearts carry seeds of idealism.

    On the other hand, it’s been a long time since I’ve encountered works willing to sharply critique topics often avoided in real life—be it monopolistic capitalism, selfish interpretations of free speech, or even the commercialization and superficiality of gift-giving and love. And there are so many more enlightening lines to find. Outside of the works of past greats, I’d never imagined I could find such resonance in an R18 game.

    And that, precisely, is the charm of Harem Hotel.

    May a pure and beautiful world forever have a place in people’s hearts.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    By far my favorite game I've played on here. Absolutely fantastic, can't wait to see where it goes. So much content already and it feels like there's still plenty to come. The characters were all interesting and engaging, and it feels as though you can play at your own pace, while also still feeling like there's stakes when story events happen. Keep up the amazing work, can't wait to see what the future has in store.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorites, and it's one of the best I've ever played, and I've played a lot of them. The characters are beautiful and charismatic, you easily get attached to them. The scenes are very good and the game doesn't lag, preventing progress.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel is a fantastic game.. if you've never played any rendition of a dating sim/visual novel in your life.

    First of all, to suggest that this game is bad would be inherently dishonest. It isn’t. I've given it 4 stars (it's closer to 3.6ish than 4) because I do genuinely like a fair few parts of it. Many of the elements within this game jell quite well with each other. A fair few of the stories presented are actually quite compelling and offer interesting insight into topics that aren’t frequently used in visual novels. The development between the characters is very varied and have unique pacing, meanwhile, there’s a large enough ensemble within the cast that you’re bound to like someone. Even a character that you initially disliked, may later become someone who genuinely grows on you.

    But that’s the thing, this game is like a spring. It shoots out quickly, with great force, leaving you with a “wow!”. But then, as time passes, and the spring lands on the ground, it crashes loudly and starts becoming so interwoven by the force of its springs hitting the ground that it becomes just a jumbled piece of scrap.

    That’s how I feel about this game.

    The overwhelming majority of my enjoyment factor of this game comes in the early parts of it. The longer it goes, the more messy the main story becomes, the more characters there are who feel like they’re just added to fill in some sort of gap.

    Here's an example.

    Have you heard of the Harem Hotel? We have the nymphomaniac, we have the daddy problems girl, we have the goodie-two-shoes girl, we have the regular girl, we have the.. robot girl? Eh, why not. We have sisters who are twins, is that weird? No problem! Hare you go, we have sisters who aren’t twins. We have the big titty elf, we have the small titty elf, we have the medium titty elf, we have the edgy elf.

    Uhh, what are we missing? That’s right, we have the autistic girl, we have the “awkward friend” girl, we have-..

    I think you get the point.

    When all you’re doing is filling in the quota, what you’re effectively building upon is less so an organic world, but more so a puzzle that you’re trying to complete. It might be fun to do as a writer, but it’s less so enjoyable when it comes to actually going through a story. Now, taking a step back, it’s not as though you can’t write compelling stories by setting up a bizarre cast of characters. People are different, that’s true, but if you talk to enough people, you come to notice how much overlap there is between each and every one of our problems. While the character might differ, we have overwhelmingly similar likes, wants and needs in life.

    Fundamentally, people are often more similar than they are different. It’s the reason why even with strange characters, you find yourself drawn in by their stories. If you disregard their demeanour, if you truly listen to what they’re saying, you can almost hear the same words leave your own lips.

    Here’s an example. Let’s take Ashley, who I consider pretty much the only properly explored character in this entire game. Her story arc caught me completely off guard. While I was initially going through this game, years back, with my dick in hand, it actually made me stop furiously grappling the hog. Now, as a late teen-gooner myself, this was a shocking revelation. A porn game.. that can make me feel things?
    Can this be? Is this a new world, is this the greatest game ever made?

    Naturally, however, none of the character stories actually appealed even remotely as much to me as Ashley’s did. I was like a druggie chasing that first high I got, all those years back, coming back to my drug dealer, hopefully and naively hoping to relive something. And yet it never came.

    As dramatic as that personal anecdote of a tale I gave you was, the rest of the “main” character stories do not suck. Some of them are good. Some are even almost great. But they are not the majority of this game’s plot. There is no other way to describe the main story of this game other than “compulsive reading”. Like the book that you pretended to read back in 8th grade for your literature class, I pretend that I’m reading something of value.

    I’ll keep the “main story segment” short. It’s fine enough to not fall asleep to, but you won’t derive any special meaning from anything that it’s trying to say. Parts of it come off as very preachy, parts of it are extremely random, and some parts are fairly good. However, it’s never consistent. It’s a mish-mash of ideas. I wouldn’t mind a story that’s trying to do either of these three elements, as long as they were done well, but what’s presented here seems like something I’d write in my journal on a late night after a drink.

    Ultimately, focus on fewer girls, enrich their stories further, instead of introducing new ones that are “completely different and unique” from everything beforehand. It’ll come off as more organic, more enjoyable to read, and you’ll be more drawn into the world that the story is trying to present. If I cared more about the characters, I might pay more attention to the story itself (if it wasn’t obvious, the only truly good parts about this game are the characters and their internal stories).

    The gameplay. Oh god, how much it sucks flaccid cock. The waiters in McDonalds have to go through less menus in a day than you do when playing this game for five minutes. If you’ve ever experienced the grueling and grating feeling of opening doors in resident evil, this game will finally put the final bullet into your carpal tunnel ridden body.

    Want to interact with a girl? Sure. Let’s go to her room. Click upstairs, click upstairs again, click on the door, click to select an option. Woops, she’s not here. Click downstairs, click downstairs again, is she in the living room? No? Let’s check the kitchen, click on the kitchen, click on the side room of the kitchen, nothing here. Okay. Let’s check the bath, click out of the kitchen, click onto the bath part of the house, open the bath, woops, wrong girl.
    Let’s try going outside, - ah, shit, now we’ve initiated a new quest for a completely different girl.

    This is MOST of the gameplay that you’ll experience in this game, past a certain point, and it’s genuinely mentally exhausting. It’s like a more autistic version of Where's Waldo.

    Then there’s the way that the “porn” part of the game is done. Let’s get some small details over. This game uses the good ol’ honey select models. They don’t exactly look amazing, but when it comes to 3d models/2d art, it’s more so how you utilize the medium you’re given, and less so the fidelity of the given tool. I find the way the characters are presented to be appealing enough to draw eroticism from the situations that your character is thrown in. Moreover, the designs range from good to great, and generally nothing under that.

    So you might think, ah, so the porn game actually does the porn elements well? That’s perfect, that’s just what I wanted-

    A-a-ah! Not so fast. Here’s the kicker. While a lot of the scenes are quite effortful, well framed, and well animated…
    ...They end and start extremely abruptly. They last less than England does in the FIFA world cup, and are never enough to get a proper squeeze out. One moment you’re hit with a sex scene, and you think to yourself, alright, great, let’s start the deed! - aaand it’s over.

    There’s not enough characterizing dialogue in the sex scenes either. There’s too many one liners and not enough characterization being done. I hate the “ah, that feels good oni-chan” dialogue as much as the other coomer, but this is an overcorrection. It feels too piecemeal and is simply just not enough.

    And then, as if there weren’t enough insults to injury with all of that combined, it hits you with some completely tonally different storyline right after almost every other sex scene. The amount of blue balls I’ve gotten playing this game is astounding. Purely porn games are fine, heavy story games with light porn elements are fine. But this isn't either of those. And if it is trying to be either, it hasn’t managed to hit the sweet spot.

    Now, having said all that, let me share something with you. A cat does not have the ability to understand that two doors can lead into the same room. If the room in which their feeding bowl is has multiple doors, the cat will think it has multiple bowls. It will come into the room through door A, see "I have no food", will leave the room through door A and come back through door B to check if the other feeding bowls are also empty.
    This also works with windows and doors. Cats can look through a window/door and see "It's raining", and then go and check another window/door to see if it's raining outside of the other “outside”, too.

    Now, you might be thinking, Hey man, what the fuck did you just make me read? What does that have to do with Harem Hotel? Why should I care about some random cat fact on a website about porn games?

    Well, my dear friend, you just experienced what it’s like reading Harem Hotel.

    Thanks for reading.

    (P.S, Ashley is the only girl that’s worth fighting for. Fuck the harem, become a Based Monogamy Enjoyer, today.)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel, a simple yet complex adventure, it feels like a voyage through heaven without reaching it, it has a complex lore, good character with a good background, the characters feel like almost alive, you can feel the love for the protagonist, this case you, if i had to summarize in a few words they would be, elegant, simple, deep, complex and heart-touching.

    This game combines a good story with beautiful characters, good renders and good animations, a true masterpiece.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.18 review

    Overall this is a very solid game with just a little too much stat and money grinding.

    The plot is pretty basic: You inherit a hotel for women, women move in, you trigger events with them to increase relationship and eventually you're having sex with all of them. And there are so many women. Probably too many women, honestly. Eight main LIs and 10ish "side" LIs but the the only real differences are slightly less content for the side characters and you (thankfully) don't have to work on their stats. The women are pretty stereotypical but everyone is three-dimensional: no one is just a frigid bitch or cock-crazed slut even if they seem to be on first meeting.

    The stats were my main turnoff. Every main character has 8-10 stats that need to be trained 10 times each. Most of this is optional but you'll be playing along and suddenly hit a grayed-out option in a lady's story requiring her to be a BJ expert or Exhibitionist and, unless you don't care about the scene, need to pause progression for a week or two while you train her.

    The money economy is also not great. I tried to treat it as a way of controlling access to content but later on, even with a maxed out bar and a full hotel, you won't be making nearly enough to purchase some of the characters without cheats or heavy grinding.

    Overall I got a bunch of enjoyable hours out of this but eventually hit a point where the grind wasn't worth the payoff and I had to either use a mod or stop playing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This was the first game of this genre that I tried and after trying a few others, this game is still considered the best!
    A roster of different and awesome characters, basic but understandable progression, some minor management gameplay (I like) and damn so much content!
    This game is almost perfect, and I'm only nitpicking when I mention that I would have liked a bit more fleshed out management gameplay of your hotel. You can do nothing wrong by checking this game out.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything about this game, cant wait for more. The characters, story, and sex scenes are all good and lets you tailor your content to your liking very easily. Also there are unique mechanics and stats I haven't seen in other visual novels.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanna play wia other girls ;_; Really like harem theme but whenever ı play harem games im tired of being male. I hope i'll find another game like this. Yersterday i dream about that red hair girl btw ^-^
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't seen such an amazing and compelling story in any VN before this. I don't even know how the story will even continue past the point it is at v0.18 but I expect greatness. I haven't seen such masterful storytelling and gripping scenes before! Runey has surpassed expectation. The graphics, the art, the story, the animation, the world building, the ambition... I hope to see this game complete. While not as replayable as other games, I do not fault it because there is so much to unlock in a single playthrough, more than in multiple playthroughs of other games which lock content behind choices. I have never enjoyed a railroaded game so much in my life (and I mean no hate in the use of the word railroad). In fact, the story is so compelling I kind of wish it was more railroaded. It takes me out when I am too far ahead in one character's path and they show up in another's before all the things I went through, or vice versa. I kind of wish more of the story made me wait. It already does it with some portions, i.e. you should level up more with this character in order to finish the others story. I do love that this game goes full harem. It doesn't lock any content from you or force you to choose one girl (at least yet). I love how much the stories intertwine and I hope Runey can finish the game within the next few years. Amazing stuff. 10/10.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the best lewd game on ichio
    there is no real gameplay (welcome to renpy)
    but you at least don't have to get 10 blowjobs to unlock sex...

    1 thing i dislike is that you need to advance relationship with girl B to progress with girl A...its a bit unnecessary, many of the sex scenes can't be repeated and economic aspect of the game start ugly and need cheat just to end with passive stacks of cash per day and nothing to use it on

    best aspect might be ability to change what girl wear not just for sex, but daily (even if most clothes/costumes are just for 1 scene)
    you can also train a girl in specific kink-related aspects
    give the best girls pet-name for roleplay and dominate them in restricted manner

    majority of the lifting in my review does the is BIG
    Character design is nice, its not great, but its not lazy 3d models
    game also have music, but no sound effects or voice
    i don't mind no voice when game is long, but sound effects would do solid work for sex scenes
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Dios mio que adictivo es el jueguito, ya que le agarras el ritmo es muy dificil dejar de jugarlo, aunque tiene muchos errores en la programacion que hace que me salte a cada rato una pantalla de error, pero como esta no afecta en la progresion y se quita de repente no es muy molesta, se siente mas como esos anuncios emergentes de google, claro que no jugue con la actualizacion que se adjunta en las descargas, pero aun sin esta el juego es muy bueno.