
Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
Excuse my lack of knowledge, but could someone tell me if some scenes were removed, I played a version of this game before where Ashley gave a blowjob in front of her mother and there were scenes of Felicity and Emma in high school, but when playing this version 16.2 I didn't get these cutscenes, I did something wrong or they are no longer in the game, sorry for my bad english
I know that for the blowjob I was a bit confused too, but it turned out I was remembering the wrong event. You meet Ashley's mom on two separate events, the blowjob happens on the second one.

I haven't progressed Felicity and Emma too much yet, so I can't confirm that one.

Well that aged like milk. Here's hoping Ashram's recovering from whatever put him in the hospital and just hasn't been able to fill us in for whatever reason, and not... well I won't say it, it's too awful. :(
Dang, man... that hits hard now.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
View attachment 2282055
Dev Diary #2

Hello everyone! Thanks for all of the comments in Dev Diary #1. I hope you enjoyed the holiday season. I'm beginning to get back into planning and development for v0.17 so I have some more to share with you all.

The below four concepts are all tied together in many ways.

Interactive Mobile Phone:
Here are more of my plans for this concept:
  • The pause menu could be replaced with a mobile phone. Each option in the pause menu can be an app.
  • You can now be informed when some events are ready through text, such as Kate asking you to go somewhere, and you can decide to start the event now or later.
  • The phone can be used in immersive ways and wouldn't simply be a different way to chat.
  • Interactive phones can also play a role in the story. Adds opportunities for facetiming, nudes, and cams on-the-go.

And more, but I don't want to bore everyone with details that aren't set in stone yet.

Objectives are sort of like quests except you only have one at a time and it is meant to guide you so you never get lost or confused, and encourage the player to advance all main characters.

An example of Objective #1 would be:
[X] Lin's level to 5
[X] Gain $100
[X] Fully Explore the hotel
[X] Travel to Caliber City
An example of Objective #2 would be:
[X] Get Kali's level to 10
[X] Gain $500
[X] Visit The Slums
Other examples of Objects could be:
[X] Build the Bar
[X] Build the Sanctuary
[X] Build the Second Floor
[X] Complete a Holiday Event
[X] Complete a Birthday Event

But Harem Hotel is fairly easy as it is, guiding you through the game isn't the main reason I want to include this. This ties into the next two concepts on my list...

Weekly Events:
  • Every week, once all objectives for the prior week have been checked off, a "Weekly Event" can occur.
  • For the first four weeks, each event will focus on one of the first four main characters.
  • Each weekly event will involve thoughts on the events each main character has just experienced, and will be an opportunity to share their experiences and bond with the other main characters.
  • This dialogue can be highly variable to include things you did or did not do.
  • For the fifth week onward, group weekly events will occur. This can involve things like group vacations, group events, group dates, group sex, etc. Story outside of the main story, low stakes.
  • A new room could be built in the hotel, a Lounge Room, where many of these events would start, and be a good place to host games and orgies. This would also necessitate a new non-residential floor.

The Calendar:
I think this mechanic has a lot of potential to be very fun and I've been spending last week thinking on this more.
The Calendar system is planned to be 7 days a week, 28 days per month 336 days per year. This keeps things simple mechanically.
  • Weekly Events would be available on the calendar. The goal would be to start these events every Saturday or something, but in case you miss that deadline, you won't have to wait until next Saturday.
  • Holidays have a lot of potential for fun I think. My goal is to have at least one holiday per month, twelve per year at the minimum. This goal doesn't include holidays like Midlari or the High Elf moon holiday, but they are holidays.
  • Birthdays would also be visible on the Calendar app. Birthday events could be fun events where there is a strong romantic element including some impactful choices. Such as needing to know a main character to give them a present they would like. Do everything right and maybe you could get a unique sex scene!
  • A calendar could provide other useful information such as which characters are currently busy, and why, all in one app.

Let me know what you think about these linked concepts.
To be clear this isn't a goal for v0.17, these are just thoughts I'm writing in a public diary. The Development Announcement post will state my plans for for v0.17 and mark the beginning of development.

Well my first gutt reaction when reading this was : Feature Bloat. BUT after reading other reactions and thinking a bit more about it, it feels more like what every players wants, including me. A hotel that feels more alive. And we already have weekly events in the showers and people visiting the hot spring on specific days so adding some would be a win in the long run I think.

One small worry that I have with weekly events, holydays and birthdays, is that it might interfer with how players want to play the game. For example someone who wants to "max out" stats as soon as they are available might feel presured to do something else to meet weekly objectives rather than do what they want i.e. max a stat. there are games built upon the tension a player feels when they have to make a decision. I don't feel Harem Hotel is one of them. ( I might be wrong)
Or an other player might not care to much about a character and feel presured in interacting with said character to meet weekly objectives.

As for birthday and holydays, a completionist might want to see every variation, and skiping 336 days is a lot of skip button press. One might worry about skiping over a variation. for example Ashley or Autumn might have vastly different birthdays depending on if you are in the early or late game.

Well my wories center more around player experiance than the technical side of things. Runey has already poven us that he can do it flawlessly each update. Particularly the last one with the exploration of Caliber city. And if my wories center "only" around player experiance rather than anything else I'll take that as a win and a compliment to Runey's thecnical skill and the fact that someone might want to see every variation of a sceen might be a tribute to his righting skills. So... good problem to have?


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Using the phone as the UI is... well, I want to say overdone, but that doesn't necessarily mean I think it's a bad thing. I like interactive interfaces that fit with the style of the game as opposed to generic game menus and a smart phone for modern settings is just an easy go-to. I also do like the idea of being notified for events via text. That could leave it so you always know who/what's available just by checking the menu without having to go look individually at each door or whatnot, so it's just a nice little quality of life thing, and then it'd be nice too to postpone some events for later instead of them just auto-triggering when available (I'm looking at you, Kate. Ruining my story flow like that). That way if you want them to trigger later, you just trigger them through your phone, kind of like the mission replay thing from GTA IV is what I'm imagining.
I could implement every feature a smartphone has into the game without an actual phone, or I could just add a phone. It's actually too convenient when you think about it. (I already use texting and calling, but,)

Checking the time of day,
Weather App,
Knowing when events are ready through text,
Settings App
Gallery App
Map App
Contacts App (for stats)

etc etc. I currently do most of this stuff already, but just not from one immersive location.

I imagine the idea with the objectives list is to help maintain a sort of story flow for all characters so there isn't some kind of disconnect (like blazing through Kali's story only to hit a wall and have to wait to construct the 2nd floor and then go through Android's story, for example), and I do love the idea of the weekly events thing... Only problem I can see is that it sounds like a lot of work to pile on, but if you think you can pull it off, I certainly won't complain.
Story flow is a part of it. The objectives are totally optional and delayable but it should nudge new players in the right direction. The 5th weekly event would involve all first floor characters so it would require all of them to be a minimum level.

I just hope it doesn't end up like the Sunday event on Mythic Manor, where you have a day dedicated to this event, only to have a small number of events, and have to just skip the day every week, when there is nothing to do (which is most of the time).
It doesn't sound similar.

I think the goal for any player would be to get the weekly events on time, but they can be delayed. A part of the goal of weekly events is to nudge the player in the right direction by getting them to level all characters and buy the correct things, and your reward for progressing normally would be extra content on a weekly basis that you can ignore or put off. Holidays and Birthdays wouldn't work the same though.

In my opinion. If the MC has an 'Harem Hotel'.
The sex scenes are the objective of the game, through one wonderful story, but not a 'Romance Hotel'.
Everybody's free to follow them own path. Mine is the lewd path.
I guess I should have went the Japanese route and called HH "A story where you inherit a hotel, meet beautiful girls, and make the world a better place!"

ASWYIAHMBGAMTWABP just rolls off the tongue, goodbye HH.

Well my first gutt reaction when reading this was : Feature Bloat. BUT after reading other reactions and thinking a bit more about it, it feels more like what every players wants, including me. A hotel that feels more alive. And we already have weekly events in the showers and people visiting the hot spring on specific days so adding some would be a win in the long run I think.

One small worry that I have with weekly events, holydays and birthdays, is that it might interfer with how players want to play the game. For example someone who wants to "max out" stats as soon as they are available might feel presured to do something else to meet weekly objectives rather than do what they want i.e. max a stat. there are games built upon the tension a player feels when they have to make a decision. I don't feel Harem Hotel is one of them. ( I might be wrong)
Or an other player might not care to much about a character and feel presured in interacting with said character to meet weekly objectives.

As for birthday and holydays, a completionist might want to see every variation, and skiping 336 days is a lot of skip button press. One might worry about skiping over a variation. for example Ashley or Autumn might have vastly different birthdays depending on if you are in the early or late game.

Well my wories center more around player experiance than the technical side of things. Runey has already poven us that he can do it flawlessly each update. Particularly the last one with the exploration of Caliber city. And if my wories center "only" around player experiance rather than anything else I'll take that as a win and a compliment to Runey's thecnical skill and the fact that someone might want to see every variation of a sceen might be a tribute to his righting skills. So... good problem to have?
It's all optional and delayable, so you get to choose what you prioritize. Objectives shouldn't be on a veteran player's mind because they would know how to play.

I'm not sure what you mean by "A completionist might want to see every variation". There are no other versions of Harem Hotel's story. There will be as many birthdays and holidays as the story goes on for. Right now I think most players are in the 2nd year? 400 - 700 days? I would imagine that's normal. So that would require me to make 2 - 3 birthday events per character.
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Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
alguem poderia mi explica como instalar a traducao?
no pc tem que pegar a pasta game (tradução) e subistituir a pasta game (jogo) se pedi pra substituir os arquivos e so aceita


on the pc you have to get the game folder (translation) and replace the game folder (game) if I asked to replace the files and it only accepts
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2019
no pc tem que pegar a pasta game (tradução) e subistituir a pasta game (jogo) se pedi pra substituir os arquivos e so aceita


on the pc you have to get the game folder (translation) and replace the game folder (game) if I asked to replace the files and it only accepts
Grande Brasil!
There is some translation of "Harem Hotel" to Portuguese?



Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
I could implement every feature a smartphone has into the game without an actual phone, or I could just add a phone. It's actually too convenient when you think about it. (I already use texting and calling, but,)

Checking the time of day,
Weather App,
Knowing when events are ready through text,
Settings App
Gallery App
Map App
Contacts App (for stats)

etc etc. I currently do most of this stuff already, but just not from one immersive location.

Story flow is a part of it. The objectives are totally optional and delayable but it should nudge new players in the right direction. The 5th weekly event would involve all first floor characters so it would require all of them to be a minimum level.

It doesn't sound similar.

I think the goal for any player would be to get the weekly events on time, but they can be delayed. A part of the goal of weekly events is to nudge the player in the right direction by getting them to level all characters and buy the correct things, and your reward for progressing normally would be extra content on a weekly basis that you can ignore or put off. Holidays and Birthdays wouldn't work the same though.

I guess I should have went the Japanese route and called HH "A story where you inherit a hotel, meet beautiful girls, and make the world a better place!"

ASWYIAHMBGAMTWABP just rolls off the tongue, goodbye HH.

It's all optional and delayable, so you get to choose what you prioritize. Objectives shouldn't be on a veteran player's mind because they would know how to play.

I'm not sure what you mean by "A completionist might want to see every variation". There are no other versions of Harem Hotel's story. There will be as many birthdays and holidays as the story goes on for. Right now I think most players are in the 2nd year? 400 - 700 days? I would imagine that's normal. So that would require me to make 2 - 3 birthday events per character.
What I mean is if birthdays event hapen based on the calendar independantly of friendship level but have variation based on it someone might want to see a birthday event with a low friendship and a hi friendship. Your characters go through a lot of growth through their story so it seams logic that their birthdays get variation based on it. It seams logical that someone who is a completionist will try to see variations of the events depending on their construction. Same for holydays.
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Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I could implement every feature a smartphone has into the game without an actual phone, or I could just add a phone. It's actually too convenient when you think about it. (I already use texting and calling, but,)

Checking the time of day,
Weather App,
Knowing when events are ready through text,
Settings App
Gallery App
Map App
Contacts App (for stats)

etc etc. I currently do most of this stuff already, but just not from one immersive location.
The concept is really good, there is a reason it is used so often. It is a very immersive way to do things.

My only concerns are the UI (don't want things like the map or info page to lose too much screen space due to a potentially bulky extra bit), and requiring more clicks to open the info page (one click away). My right arm is disabled, and the more clicking I have to do, the more my arm hurts. I know another disabled person, who can't play anything that can't be played with the keyboard as well (an issue I have to work on myself).

Over all, I think it's a good idea, and as always, just let me know if I can help, just let me know what style you want.
It doesn't sound similar.

I think the goal for any player would be to get the weekly events on time, but they can be delayed. A part of the goal of weekly events is to nudge the player in the right direction by getting them to level all characters and buy the correct things, and your reward for progressing normally would be extra content on a weekly basis that you can ignore or put off. Holidays and Birthdays wouldn't work the same though.
Yeah, sorry I didn't say it last time, (I almost went back to edit the post, but went to sleep instead), I do trust that you won't do the same restrictive style that they used (it totally blocks off the whole day, even when there is no event, unless you added a new day), what I would suggest, is that they happen in the afternoon or evening (depending on who), as far too many things happen in the morning. ;)


Apr 19, 2022
I guess I should have went the Japanese route and called HH "A story where you inherit a hotel, meet beautiful girls, and make the world a better place!"

ASWYIAHMBGAMTWABP just rolls off the tongue, goodbye HH.
It seems that I don't explain myself well... it doesn't matter.
But 'A hotel for a better world!' is a great name for your story. I hope it is told to a happy end.


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
I didn't know it until it got me hospitalized a few weeks ago but I have been battling with cancer for almost half of 2022 and almost a month ago I had spent an enormous amount of time in the hospital over it. Due to this all my projects are going to take some time for me to get caught up once I have the energy to do so and this will include the times I'll have to pause due to chemo. If everything goes well I should be back to full speed by May with June the latest.

I wish I had better news but life is what it is.
Can some kind souls repost this to the other projects I do so people won't think I just up and fled.
Your health is more important than anything else, we will still be here when you are ready.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
This is an interesting conflict, in that I generally refuse to play games once the dev's announced that they'll have fresh backdated content, yet they often end up being my favorite games. (In case you're wondering, Love of Magic is the other primary candidate here.) That said, I do refuse to play games with days/weeks of gameplay that promise to redo everything I just...did. So I'll step aside for a while (probably a few years; Runey releases massive updates on an extended schedule) and let all these enhancements develop. With other devs I'd insist that this is a clear warning sign that they'll never finish the game, but I don't worry about that here. He'll finish the game. It's just going to take a while.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Runey I just had an interesting idea for the phone thing.
Maybe it could be vertical while looking at the screen with the apps, and then when you open an app, like for the map, the relationship status, or whatever, then it can turn sideways. Could even have a sprite that you turn and zoom in on for effect.

This way, you have the familar phone look that most people are used to, and can still save screen space when you need it.


Apr 1, 2022
is the incest in this game just between twins? and is they relative to MC?
Using the incest cheat turns Felicity and Emma from clones into twins and unlocks content with Kali's sister, but none of them are related to MC. There might be a case made that Android could be related to the character in a somewhat bizarre way. :sneaky:
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New Member
May 6, 2020
I still have the bug where Nia's harddrive doesn't appear as "sold out" on the computer and yet it tells me I've already bought it. And of course when I talk to her, she asks to gather all her supplies, which I cannot give to her. Is there something I can do?
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