Ren'Py - Harem Secrets [v2.0] [Akihiru Harem]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game: Harem Secrets
    Version: V2.0

    - Good character designs, with a variety of large-breasted characters.
    - No grind-heavy gameplay.
    - Includes a wide range of fetishes.

    - Dialogue could use improvement.
    - Character development feels rushed.
  2. 1.00 star(s)



    + really hot girls.
    + big boobs
    + sandbox is done well. no grind, pick any girl you want and go for her, in any order you want.
    - animation is truly godawful and very janky.I literally got a headach just trying to ignore the animation and read the text dialog. horrible clipping, horrible physics bugs, very poor looping causing major jump every 2 seconds or so when the loop resets. low quality settings in honey select. I honestly didn't imagine you could make such a bad animation using honey select.
    - I saw someone mention the stats are fake. So I dug into the code myself and it is true, the stats are fake. your choices don't matter. why even bother with fake stats? not having those fake stats would make the game better, as you would choose the dialog option you want rather than the dialog options that gives more stats (and thus is "better" according to the game). Initially I was picking choices by their stats rather than what I wanted to say.
    - dialog and char development is rushed and rather nonsensical. you meet a girl for the first time, either compliment or flirt 2-3 conversations, then confess eternal love and fuck. With random additions like going on about how strong she is, or weird stuff like randomly catching her posing naked in the classroom after school without explanation.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Women/Girls looks hot, but thanks to low-quality and bad animations it's kind of pointless as a good point.

    Bad Points
    - Sex scene animations are terrible & weird, quality and physics need big improvements along with characters facial expressions, currently, they weirdly stare the screen like robots.
    - MC feels quite generic.
    - The story has nothing special in it, in fact, the characters feel bit too out of place in the story and it's not well-written.
    - HUD/UI can use some changes.

    For The End
    The idea behind the game is good, even tho it's cliche, but the execution is quite poor, wouldn't suggest playing with how it is now.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Basic Honey Select scenes and animations. The game pretends to have systems like lust and trust, but those variables don't actually appear in the code. The game is perfectly linear per character. The choices only slightly change the dialogue and each scene is going to happen.

    Why pretend to have a trust and lust system if you don't? I don't get it. It seems very dishonest, plus every other review uses the exact same writing style and broken English. I'm pretty sure the same person wrote all of them (probably the developer or a friend of them.)

    Anyways, just pass on this game. The women all look similar with huge tits and the story is nonsense. You can get the same thing just by playing Honey Select and watching scenes.