RPGM - Harem Wars [v0.9] [Lightrunner]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [version 0.6]

    Lots of bugs (too many?) to correct, nevertheless the concept, the characters and the H-scenes make the game particularly original.

    After a few patches, and more developed content, the game will be able to acquire a solid reputation.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    too many issues. When i train it goes black screen and doesnt change and after many tries cant seem to make it work so i cant train, some doors don work even if i got in house previously. Map needs mor fixing as cant seem to get in forest or anywhere unless i restart the game many times.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story does have some potential, but it got to boring for me personaly to play the game.

    It is a sandbox game which i normaly like but this one feels to empty and no hint system and even the quest logs are empty so you just have to run around to try to figure out what to do and when doing quests there are 0 markers or anything that shows you where to go or what to click so your pretty much doing it all blind which is just a waste of time.
    Alot of the houses in town doesent have doors and you cant walk into more then a few buildings, and some "door" is just a random placed wall?

    It tells you, you can train but i got no freaking idea how, it said something about a dummy somewhere but i couldent find it, all i see is some scarecrows on a field that does nothing, and running out side to fight it also not an option sinces its just empty land.

    Formation dosent work in town which is annoying since thats where you buy stuff so again you just have to buy stuff blindly and hope its of use to your characters.

    After a fight game freezes up for some time and counting xp up can be slow as fuck, it helps to make window smaller then bigger but its annoying, i tried a few diffrent settings but nothing seems to help with that.

    Game not having animations also lowers the value by alot, it does have some nice LIs but its also just a fuckfest game without any real relationship build up you just click spend a night and wait untill love points is high enough for something to happen, its pretty boring.

    Music is standard background stuff and a bit boring really.

    Maybe it could become a good and fun game so i might try it out later see if it improves at some point, but for now its below average.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is unplayable 2 patches in a row and the developer doesn't seem to care. The game is way too laggy as soon as you reach the battlefield area, you can't move, you can't click on anything. I already mentioned the problem last time but with little effects apparently.

    Edit: It's now playable thanks to patches of the developer. Thank you.

    Edit 2: Another patch (0.6) and it's still laggy laggy laggy. Unplayable.
    Likes: Genis
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has very good plot and potential to be good game with it. I would wish for more dialogue in cg's and more interaction of how they are getting corrupted by succubus/angel/dragon or other race magic with harem lords for little bit slower burn corruption. How many cg's and how will they work when there is so many girls you can give and take. I don't know what plan is for female harem lord, but it would be nice if she could use some magic to become futa not just lesbian sex.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice start! It is obviously still rough around the edges, but I like the idea of NTR as a failure state.

    - The character intros for the girls are still a bit short/not there
    - the mechanics are confusing. Can you even recapture the girls you lost other than the initial try? What happens if they are fully corrupted and you do? I understand the fights all happen on the way out of town, but shouldn't this mechanic be separated from the main story?
    - The scenes seem to be too disconnected from the gameplay. It'd be nice to be able to interact between the MC and the other lord's/captured girls in some way to witness the change.

    But given we are at 0.2, all this will probably change in some way. You are off to a good start!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the idea. And it looks like the developer has a plan for the game (which is already good). I give it 4 stars in advance, because at the moment (0.2) the game has a lot of problems now (mostly related to WIP content and end-of-content bugs).

    • The game doesn't look overcomplicated.
    • Lots of girls.
    • Not bad graphics (but noticeably some portraits are flattened).
    • A rare example of a lesbian NTR (a whole 1/3 of NTR content will be related to this, wow).
    • A rare example of an arena NTR (dunno, what's the right way to call such a genre where player and enemies can steal girls from each other).
    • Lesbian Saboteurs.
    • Avoidable NTR.
    • Bugs.
    • Strange parameters: love (player only) and loyalty (enemies only). Although it would seem, why can't play as a kinda bad guy who doesn't care about the love of most girls and needs loyal slaves in his harem (especially if you consider the point below).
    • I wary there will be no way to romance lesbian harem girls (angel girl looks pretty cool).
    • The developer wrote that in the game, once a girl reaches 100% loyalty or becomes a lesbian, she can't be romanced. I understand if it was mind control or possession or something, but no, it's just sex. Why not just zero out the love stats and impose a penalty to love gain (if the girl became loyal to an enemy lord and/or appreciated the delights of lesbian sex? After all, how is Leo worse than the other lords?
    • There seems to be no way be able to decrease loyalty to an enemy lord.
    • There seems to be game will be linear: first we defeat one lord, then another, then the last. And enemy lords will not fight among themselves. It looks like there won't even be an option to choose which girl from the enemy harem to fight (or even challenge the entire enemy harem at once).
    Likes: Genis
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Games got some good potential, just enough content at the moment to see where its going. Buggy as of 0.1.2. Bit worried that the standard RPG maker content will become tedious. Contains NTR, although it does seem to be avoidable.