Harry Potter Themed Game mixing Akabur's concept and Bayushi's work


Aug 27, 2017
So... I realy love Akabur's games and I think bayushi's arts (and stories) are crazy...
So I want to create a game with the corruption concept of akabur but withmore plot.

Hary is "teleported" through the Veil of the Dead to an alternate universe during the battle of the Departement of Mysteries.
In this one, he's a 13-year-old girl, her mother is alive, and Bellatrix is Sirius Doppleganger.

I want for the player to choose if he prefer played a male or a female Harry (in this case the "side-Harry" will be a 13-yo boy)
(NO SELFSEX between Harrys before 14-15yo !)
Possibilities of bisexual sex, furry sex and more....

For the moment I focus on what I call the "first years"of Harry's arrival.

Here my art for the moment : https://f95zone.to/threads/your-opi...harry-potter-game-project.68865/#post-6014816

What do you think guys ?


May 22, 2018
I've never been a fan of gender-bending stuff. If I'm playing a HP game(or any parody) I want the characters to be as close as possible to their book/movie/game counterpart. However if you can choose to play as male harry and the gender-bender variant becomes a side character I would definitely give it a try. I'd still prefer it to not be set in an alternate universe, but it's not a deal breaker by any means.

As for your art, it's not my preferred art-style or anything but if I saw your game pop-up in the latest updates I wouldn't hesitate to download it either.

Also, are characters even allowed to be 13-15 year on F95?


Aug 27, 2017
I've never been a fan of gender-bending stuff. If I'm playing a HP game(or any parody) I want the characters to be as close as possible to their book/movie/game counterpart. However if you can choose to play as male harry and the gender-bender variant becomes a side character I would definitely give it a try. I'd still prefer it to not be set in an alternate universe, but it's not a deal breaker by any means.
At start I wanted Harry to be the main character but a friend tel me it could be cool if player could choose the gender of MC. And as I said the plot is inspired by from Bayushi so it's why there is a Dimensional Travel (and so I can change whatever I want for all characters ^^)

As for your art, it's not my preferred art-style or anything but if I saw your game pop-up in the latest updates I wouldn't hesitate to download it either.
Thank you ^^... this is not my "normal" artstyle, it's something between Akabur style (that I don't really like) and the art of Bayushi that I think more apropriate for my game.

Also, are characters even allowed to be 13-15 year on F95?
I don't know for the rule of age on f95 but characters from Akabur's HP game are in this age because it is before the Ball during Triwizard Tourmament. So Hermione is 14, Cho 15, Luna 13 and Astoria 12-13... so I think I would not mention their age and it should be fine x).
And I think slavery and lolicon are not really legal but there is many game for this so why my game should have issues if I respect this rule... IDK will see ^^

Edit :
I don't want to erase what I said. But I have to admit that I've changed my mind since then. It was easy to consider that my characters would respect the cannon age when I was 17-18, it's still wrong and morally dubious but that was my age range.
Now that I'm older I think it's important that I don't promote that kind of idea. The characters will therefore be over 18.
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