HTML - Completed - Haven's Port [Build 24 Final] [Novus]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    This game feels very mediocre. It has plenty of options and plenty of good sex scenes, but it lacks weight to all of it. The characters are nothing more but a cut out with a few lines of dialogue, the choices you make dont really have that much of an impact and in turn, you dont really feel fulfilled when you get one of the endings. The gameplay is a joke, even though its technically there. Nothing here has any real strong impact. Although i had a few fun hours, i cant really define why i had enjoy this game, it was simply ok.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: This project is, sadly, pretty mediocre. :whistle::coffee:
    Played build 19 from top to bottom and was mostly bored out of my mind.

    Everything is rather sterile, playing this game feels like doing those fetch quests you often find in those boring mmos.
    *Go to island1 do some boring jobs there to unlock island2.
    *Go to island2 do more boring jobs there to unlock island3..
    *Go to island3 do even more boring jobs there to unlock island4... etc.

    There is no challenge, no danger, no combat, no intrigue... nothing except naked/half naked homo sapiens fornicating everywhere. And there is nothing to do but fornicate just like the rest of them, like a mindless npc.

    Also pretty much everything is consensual, so you can't even be a proper pervert here. :cautious::coffee:
    I do admit though, it takes skill to make even exhibitionism boring but this dev managed it.
    Why? Because nobody is really impressed by nakedness here, everyone finds it normal....

    This is basically a picture slider simulator.
    You click on a button, get your pictures and... die from boredom, because the mediocre writing that accompanies those pictures is not really impressive either. :whistle::coffee:

    Have fun if you can find it here i guess. :giggle::coffee:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, this one is getting a 5-star from me just for the sheer SCALE. The game does have a few issues, the biggest one being that the earlier content is clearly lower quality than more recent builds. The farther you get into the game, generally the better the graphics quality is. Which, looking at how long this thing has been in active production, makes a lot of sense.

    Despite that one major issue...the sheer amount of content, not to mention the variety of that content, more than makes up for it. An extremely diverse set of kink types and characters to explore. A genuinely interesting and much larger-than-expected world. Solid writing, bordering on outright exceptional at times. And enough scenes in the game that, even after several days, I'm pretty sure I haven't actually found everything.

    Of particular note. It's also that rarest of rare birds, a female protagonist game that doesn't focus on rape/humiliation/degradation. Given that I've been looking specifically for some decent female protagonist games and coming up pretty empty on ones that weren't disturbing as heck, this turned into out to be an excellent find.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is the epitome of a 3.5 star rating as of version 0.17, but since F95zone only allows rounded review scores, and upon reflecting upon all the content I've witnessed so far, i'm inclined to round up rather than down.

    The plot is simple and to-the-point:

    You are a female protagonist who starts as a captive on an imperial ship, on your way to get sold by evil people in evil places, but immediately a band of pirates attack the ship, and free you. The pirate captain then goes on to explain that they are bringing you to a pirate port where people play fast and loose with sexuality, pleasure, and lewd and lovey-dovey interactions in general.

    Call me easy to please but personally I've always liked settings like these for a text-based erotic game. The idea of a Caribbean island where you can start fresh and freely express yourself through intimacy is pretty great. The atmosphere reminds me a little bit of those pirate tv-shows of the mid 2010's but with more sexytime and )more likeable characters.

    The gameplay, such as it is, consists of just clicking on the blue words, say yes to the inevitable sexy offers and then you get to read well-written smut spiced up by a few DAZ renders for each scene.

    The writing matches the setting well in that it drips with the same kind of laid-back easygoing 'we are here for a consensual good time' vibe as the atmosphere of the game does, and occasionally the game plays it too safe when you are explicitly warned 3 times by one character that an NPC MIGHT make a few advances on you in the near future that you cannot turn down and that you have to think really hard about committing to it. (It's on the Nympho path btw so if you walk down that path, you literally sign up for that imo)

    The renders in this game are serviceable, but I found that often times the renders are a little too zoomed out, or the scene gets shown from a weird side angle that doesn't actually allow me to see the lewd act being described properly.

    Also, the game does not offer much variety in the way of writing. Yes, there are multiple different fetishes andF/F and F/M and F/F/M content to choose from, but it all sort of bleeds together if you try to binge this game. like I have, There is no threat in the narrative, no conflict that drives the protagonist forwatd, it's just..."on the island, we do it island style"loving. All day long.

    And yeah...I kinda dig it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So...I really wish we could give half stars, as I'd give this one a 4.5. Given that a couple of the previous reviews seem to have trashed it for...questionable reasons...I'm going to go ahead and round up instead of down in this case.

    The Good:
    - Holy shit this game is HUGE. I'm pretty sure, despite putting in quite a few hours on it, that there's still quite a few scenes I haven't found.
    - The writing quality is excellent, helped along by a pretty interesting setting.
    - Wow, a game that isn't super violent and rapey? And sex is treated as a positive thing? Sign me up, twice.
    - LOTS of different kinks. I originally found this game looking for some less common stuff like Petplay and Chastity Play. Did not disappoint.

    The Okay
    - The graphics are...mixed? A Daz3d game, obviously. The graphics are never bad. But it's obvious that this game has been in development long enough for the dev to improve a lot. Early graphics are decent but a bit rough. The farther you get into the game though, the better they are, to the point that the more recent graphics are a huge step up from the early game stuff.

    The Bad
    - Honestly, the only real compliant I have here is that the setting is almost TOO interesting. As in, I wish it would get explored in a bit more depth. Which is a kind of weird thing to wish for in an adult game. The datable characters are a good example. They provide way more depth than the rest of the content, hinting at so much MORE to the setting. But the game rarely dives deep enough like that. Ultimately, a fairly minor issue.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    After giving it some thought & due to the interactions with the Dev I have decided to rate this game even though it isn't finished yet, and from what I have seen might not be too close to getting finished as well.

    Keep in mind, please, that this review might change further down the road and also that I am writing this partially because I agree with the Dev that the early reviews of the game actually pull down the score, even though they don't really refer to what the game is at this point in time (build 16 with fix). The Dev also is very open to discussion & tries to make it so that the game can be enjoyed by different people, even some as "intolerant" (I plain out refuse to even click through content that I deeply dislike, no matter if 99% of the rest would be to my liking) and picky as myself.

    Therefore I have decided to give this game a rating right now instead of closer to/after the finish, and just to be upfront I fully intend to give this game a good rating to help a little. That doesn't mean though that I will give it a free pass or just throw 5 stars as it.

    All this being said, let me actually get into the rating and why I think 4 stars are well deserved here:

    The first thing I enjoyed was the fact that the game does not start with an overly dramatic, depressing intro or some forced sex stuff, despite the premise (your character ended up as a slave) could have easily invited such a thing. Instead it serves as a small glimpse at the setting, before swiftly transporting the protagonist into the actual game world, which is (overly simplified) a Port Royal but with a lot less dirt and gore, some fantasy elements and, of course, lots of openly displayed sexuality.

    At it's core the game is a sandbox where the player navigates the protagonist around a cast of colourful characters and into basically whatever lewd situation they wanna explore.
    There is a bit of a story (or, rather, progress for the protagonist in regards to how many of the islands they can visit, which things they are allowed to do etc.) but it's never forcing the player to follow it. I don't recommend it but in theory one could just stick to the starting zone (first port, basically a refugee, very limited interaction with the other characters) and it would probably be an okay experience for about half to an hour, depending on how fast one reads.

    I've been surprised by the amount of additional content that gets unlocked by actually going through the drill and making the protagonist become a useful member of the little island society, leading to far more and higher quality lewd scenes, as well as some more intricate relationship stuff with some of the more important npcs.

    To me it is important to at least have some option to advance in the game without being forced to go through lewd scenes I dislike, so I can only emphasize how great it is that the Dev is keeping an eye on that and try to make it so that there are no "hard locks" tied to those things, meaning that one might miss out on (quite) a bunch of specific content and story lines by sticking to 1 thing, but not end up being unable to finish the game.
    This is obviously an active process, so there will be moments between builds that will not yet have alternative scenes to progress, but they come in time.

    Visually the game isn't groundbreaking, but it is appealing. The writing is pretty good, without apparent, general flaws & also overall pretty free of spelling or grammar mistakes, as far as I can tell.

    I am looking forward to see where the game goes & really excited for the (probably next) release that will address the current lack of an alternative to unlock the rest of the isles.

    If you like pirate stuff, a solid mix of soft and a bit harder BDSM, Futas, temporal Transformations & like reading a bit instead of having only visuals I highly recommend you give this game a chance, and maybe leave a review if you had a good time with it. If you enjoy M/F scenes this has even more to offer, and more paths to take, so I do recommend to give it a try for sure.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    There's a part of me that wants to five star this game just because the current rating of two and a half is criminally low, but I just can't do it in good conscience. The game isn't perfect and still has a long way to go before it could be even close.

    However, what the game has is a good writer. I genuinely enjoyed both the sex scenes and the story line behind Haven's Port. Unfortunately, the writer seems too bogged down in delivering a wide variety of sex content that's all a thimble deep. I wish the writer would write what he (or she, hell if I know) wants rather than trying to deliver a different fetish in every scene.

    Better yet, give me a story. Haven's Port is freakin' cool. Give me a pirate story line where the main character joins a pirate crew and acts against the empire that tried to enslave her. Let me learn about a Haven's Port pirate crew; who they are, how they got here and what they like. Introduce a wicked empire captain trying to raise a force large enough to sack Haven's Port if she can just show that the pirates can be beaten. Your writing is good, but it's criminally wasted writing a handful of repeat-a-scene one shots with a different fetish per image.

    Honestly, every location in the game would benefit from the same treatment. Rather than the glory-hole and haven of the rose being repeatable jobs for money, have them be a path into corruption. Have each visit drag our main character deeper into the freedom and debauchery that is Haven's Port. Have her shyly sitting on the sidelines at the haven of the rose, only to be pleasantly dragged into the fun by Mother Gloria, who recognizes a kindred spirit. Have the introduction be a dance from Mother Gloria herself and introduce the Haven of the Rose as she dances. The story that exists is too good to sit in separate un-sexy conversations.

    The glory hole can be the same. Have the MC shocked and mildly appauled that a glory hole is so frequented and normal at Haven's Port. Introduce a girl to show her that what they're doing isn't some sort of immoral evil, but an honest and enjoyable job. Have the MC leave from embarassment, but return to apologize and give it a whirl. Show her slow descent from shy prude to proud cumslut.

    Anyway, I apologize if this rant is taken poorly. I don't write multiple paragraphs of loose suggestions and what's hopefully taken as encouragement for a game I think sucks. I write it for a game that could be amazing. Right now, Haven's Port is adequate. The sex scenes are well written, but basically a step away from porn as they're mostly one-and-done unrelated snapshots. The truly amazing part of the game, a pirate haven of love, lewdity and freedom, is criminally underexplored. The game needs characters integral to a story and a slow corruption of the main character from her empire-enforced morals. I feel like the game could be incredible with these things.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Venefica Malefica

    I liked this game on the start of playing because of the many fetishes in the game and also that you can play different path's in this game. But after you can see paths in this game don't make any difference does not matter what path u take game will not be any different. After 30 minutes of playing it become very boring and tedious u will have a feeling that you are going in to circles basically doing nothing with out any progressing.

    There are few downsides of this game

    1. Money comes too easy and in my opinion, needs to be nerfed so the player is forced to work different jobs to make progress through the game slower and harder.

    2. Money become useless after some time of playing this game.

    3. U must do what u really don't want to do just to make small progression in the game

    4. A lots of content is hidden and with out the walkthrough it is very hard to see that content.

    What a shame it start to be good game but ended up to be boring and very grindy. I did not wanted to give it 1 star only cause of few good things on the start of playing this game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The 3D is well done the characters are well cared for and the settings as well, it's just a pity that there is too much to read and in that format the reading is even more boring and this is a shame because there is a considerable variety of settings and fetish certainly if the format was that of the visual novel would be more interesting as a game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty short but decent game. Curvy Female Protagonist with ample assets are always welcomed. Since I liked the game I might as well leave a few suggestions

    1. Actions feel a little too straight forward, like the events in the bar/tavern. You only get to choose from three options and then everything is over in one page. I feel it will be better if there are more renders for groping/touching and you get to choose whether to allow it or stop it, something like that will be more interactive. Adding interactions with characters in bar apart form layana would be nice.
    2. Cool outfits, loved them, but apart from stat additions they don't have much of an effect on the game. It would be awsome if they bring about more reactions from other characters. ( well there were like only 5 characters in the game so nvm, hopefully a lot of npcs will be added in the game later on)
    3. I think she goes to the glory holes too quickly, it would be better if it has some corruption requirement or something like how she can't go out naked in the beginning.

    This game will be worth it if there is a lot of content (about the same content as 2x "Good girl Gone Bad" or more). Right now you can finish the game in about like 15 mins. Has a lot of potential ,hope it doesn't get abandoned like all others.